#!/bin/bash ## Collect data cache_dir="$HOME/.cache/eww/weather" cache_weather_stat=${cache_dir}/weather-stat cache_weather_degree=${cache_dir}/weather-degree cache_weather_quote=${cache_dir}/weather-quote cache_weather_hex=${cache_dir}/weather-hex cache_weather_icon=${cache_dir}/weather-icon ## Weather data KEY="YOUR_KEY" ID="YOUR_CITY_ID" UNIT="metric" # Available options : 'metric' or 'imperial' ## Make cache dir if [[ ! -d "$cache_dir" ]]; then mkdir -p ${cache_dir} fi ## Get data get_weather_data() { weather=`curl -sf "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?APPID="$KEY"&id="$ID"&units="$UNIT""` echo ${weather} if [ ! -z "$weather" ]; then weather_temp=`echo "$weather" | jq ".main.temp" | cut -d "." -f 1` weather_icon_code=`echo "$weather" | jq -r ".weather[].icon" | head -1` weather_description=`echo "$weather" | jq -r ".weather[].description" | head -1 | sed -e "s/\b\(.\)/\u\1/g"` #Big long if statement of doom if [ "$weather_icon_code" == "50d" ]; then weather_icon=" " weather_quote="Forecast says it's misty \nMake sure you don't get lost on your way..." weather_hex="#84afdb" elif [ "$weather_icon_code" == "50n" ]; then weather_icon=" " weather_quote="Forecast says it's a misty night \nDon't go anywhere tonight or you might get lost..." weather_hex="#84afdb" elif [ "$weather_icon_code" == "01d" ]; then weather_icon=" " weather_quote="It's a sunny day, gonna be fun! \nDon't go wandering all by yourself though..." weather_hex="#ffd86b" elif [ "$weather_icon_code" == "01n" ]; then weather_icon=" " weather_quote="It's a clear night \nYou might want to take a evening stroll to relax..." weather_hex="#fcdcf6" elif [ "$weather_icon_code" == "02d" ]; then weather_icon=" " weather_quote="It's cloudy, sort of gloomy \nYou'd better get a book to read..." weather_hex="#adadff" elif [ "$weather_icon_code" == "02n" ]; then weather_icon=" " weather_quote="It's a cloudy night \nHow about some hot chocolate and a warm bed?" weather_hex="#adadff" elif [ "$weather_icon_code" == "03d" ]; then weather_icon=" " weather_quote="It's cloudy, sort of gloomy \nYou'd better get a book to read..." weather_hex="#adadff" elif [ "$weather_icon_code" == "03n" ]; then weather_icon=" " weather_quote="It's a cloudy night \nHow about some hot chocolate and a warm bed?" weather_hex="#adadff" elif [ "$weather_icon_code" == "04d" ]; then weather_icon=" " weather_quote="It's cloudy, sort of gloomy \nYou'd better get a book to read..." weather_hex="#adadff" elif [ "$weather_icon_code" == "04n" ]; then weather_icon=" " weather_quote="It's a cloudy night \nHow about some hot chocolate and a warm bed?" weather_hex="#adadff" elif [ "$weather_icon_code" == "09d" ]; then weather_icon=" " weather_quote="It's rainy, it's a great day! \nGet some ramen and watch as the rain falls..." weather_hex="#6b95ff" elif [ "$weather_icon_code" == "09n" ]; then weather_icon=" " weather_quote=" It's gonna rain tonight it seems \nMake sure your clothes aren't still outside..." weather_hex="#6b95ff" elif [ "$weather_icon_code" == "10d" ]; then weather_icon=" " weather_quote="It's rainy, it's a great day! \nGet some ramen and watch as the rain falls..." weather_hex="#6b95ff" elif [ "$weather_icon_code" == "10n" ]; then weather_icon=" " weather_quote=" It's gonna rain tonight it seems \nMake sure your clothes aren't still outside..." weather_hex="#6b95ff" elif [ "$weather_icon_code" == "11d" ]; then weather_icon="" weather_quote="There's storm for forecast today \nMake sure you don't get blown away..." weather_hex="#ffeb57" elif [ "$weather_icon_code" == "11n" ]; then weather_icon="" weather_quote="There's gonna be storms tonight \nMake sure you're warm in bed and the windows are shut..." weather_hex="#ffeb57" elif [ "$weather_icon_code" == "13d" ]; then weather_icon=" " weather_quote="It's gonna snow today \nYou'd better wear thick clothes and make a snowman as well!" weather_hex="#e3e6fc" elif [ "$weather_icon_code" == "13n" ]; then weather_icon=" " weather_quote="It's gonna snow tonight \nMake sure you get up early tomorrow to see the sights..." weather_hex="#e3e6fc" elif [ "$weather_icon_code" == "40d" ]; then weather_icon=" " weather_quote="Forecast says it's misty \nMake sure you don't get lost on your way..." weather_hex="#84afdb" elif [ "$weather_icon_code" == "40n" ]; then weather_icon=" " weather_quote="Forecast says it's a misty night \nDon't go anywhere tonight or you might get lost..." weather_hex="#84afdb" else weather_icon=" " weather_quote="Sort of odd, I don't know what to forecast \nMake sure you have a good time!" weather_hex="#adadff" fi echo "$weather_icon" > ${cache_weather_icon} echo "$weather_description" > ${cache_weather_stat} echo "$weather_temp""°C" > ${cache_weather_degree} echo -e "$weather_quote" > ${cache_weather_quote} echo "$weather_hex" > ${cache_weather_hex} else echo "Weather Unavailable" > ${cache_weather_stat} echo " " > ${cache_weather_icon} echo -e "Ah well, no weather huh? \nEven if there's no weather, it's gonna be a great day!" > ${cache_weather_quote} echo "-" > ${cache_weather_degree} echo "#adadff" > ${tcache_weather_hex} fi } ## Execute if [[ "$1" == "--getdata" ]]; then get_weather_data elif [[ "$1" == "--icon" ]]; then cat ${cache_weather_icon} elif [[ "$1" == "--temp" ]]; then cat ${cache_weather_degree} elif [[ "$1" == "--hex" ]]; then cat ${cache_weather_hex} elif [[ "$1" == "--stat" ]]; then cat ${cache_weather_stat} elif [[ "$1" == "--quote" ]]; then cat ${cache_weather_quote} | head -n1 elif [[ "$1" == "--quote2" ]]; then cat ${cache_weather_quote} | tail -n1 fi