local onedarkpro = require("onedarkpro") onedarkpro.setup({ -- Theme can be overwritten with 'onedark' or 'onelight' as a string! -- theme = function() -- if vim.o.background == "dark" then -- return "onedark" -- else -- return "onelight" -- end -- end, theme = "onedark", colors = {}, -- Override default colors. Can specify colors for "onelight" or "onedark" themes by passing in a table hlgroups = {}, -- Override default highlight groups plugins = { -- Override which plugins highlight groups are loaded native_lsp = true, polygot = true, treesitter = true, -- Others omitted for brevity }, styles = { comments = "italic", functions = "bold", keywords = "bold,italic", strings = "italic", variables = "bold" }, options = { bold = true, -- Use the themes opinionated bold styles? italic = true, -- Use the themes opinionated italic styles? underline = false, -- Use the themes opinionated underline styles? undercurl = false, -- Use the themes opinionated undercurl styles? cursorline = false, -- Use cursorline highlighting? transparency = false, -- Use a transparent background? terminal_colors = true, -- Use the theme's colors for Neovim's :terminal? window_unfocussed_color = false, -- When the window is out of focus, change the normal background? } }) onedarkpro.load()