#!/usr/bin/env bash [ -f "$HOME/.weatherkey" ] && source "$HOME/.weatherkey" get_icon() { case $1 in # Icons for weather-icons 01d) icon="" ;; 01n) icon="" ;; 02d) icon="" ;; 02n) icon="" ;; 03*) icon="" ;; 04*) icon="" ;; 09d) icon="" ;; 09n) icon="" ;; 10d) icon="" ;; 10n) icon="" ;; 11d) icon="" ;; 11n) icon="" ;; 13d) icon="" ;; 13n) icon="" ;; 50d) icon="" ;; 50n) icon="" ;; *) icon="" ;; # Icons for Font Awesome 5 Pro # 01d) icon="";; # 01n) icon="";; # 02d) icon="";; # 02n) icon="";; # 03d) icon="";; # 03n) icon="";; # 04*) icon="";; # 09*) icon="";; # 10d) icon="";; # 10n) icon="";; # 11*) icon="";; # 13*) icon="";; # 50*) icon="";; # *) icon=""; esac echo $icon } get_duration() { osname=$(uname -s) case $osname in *BSD) date -r "$1" -u +%H:%M ;; *) date --date="@$1" -u +%H:%M ;; esac } KEY="$OPENWEATHERMAP_KEY" # CITY="Ann Arbor" CITY="Los%20Angeles" UNITS="imperial" SYMBOL="°" API="https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5" if [ -n "$CITY" ]; then if [ "$CITY" -eq "$CITY" ] 2>/dev/null; then CITY_PARAM="id=$CITY" else CITY_PARAM="q=$CITY" fi current=$(curl -sf "$API/weather?appid=$KEY&$CITY_PARAM&units=$UNITS") forecast=$(curl -sf "$API/forecast?appid=$KEY&$CITY_PARAM&units=$UNITS&cnt=1") # echo "$current | $forecast" else location=$(curl -sf https://location.services.mozilla.com/v1/geolocate?key=geoclue) if [ -n "$location" ]; then location_lat="$(echo "$location" | jq '.location.lat')" location_lon="$(echo "$location" | jq '.location.lng')" current=$(curl -sf "$API/weather?appid=$KEY&lat=$location_lat&lon=$location_lon&units=$UNITS") forecast=$(curl -sf "$API/forecast?appid=$KEY&lat=$location_lat&lon=$location_lon&units=$UNITS&cnt=1") fi fi if [ -n "$current" ] && [ -n "$forecast" ]; then current_temp=$(echo "$current" | jq ".main.temp" | cut -d "." -f 1) current_icon=$(echo "$current" | jq -r ".weather[0].icon") forecast_temp=$(echo "$forecast" | jq ".list[].main.temp" | cut -d "." -f 1) forecast_icon=$(echo "$forecast" | jq -r ".list[].weather[0].icon") if [ "$current_temp" -gt "$forecast_temp" ]; then trend="" elif [ "$forecast_temp" -gt "$current_temp" ]; then trend="" else trend="" fi sun_rise=$(echo "$current" | jq ".sys.sunrise") sun_set=$(echo "$current" | jq ".sys.sunset") now=$(date +%s) now2=$(date +%h-%d-%Y) #now2=$(date +%h/%d/%Y) #now2=$(date +%h/%d--%H:%m) now2_symbol="" if [ "$sun_rise" -gt "$now" ]; then daytime=" $(get_duration "$((sun_rise - now))")" elif [ "$sun_set" -gt "$now" ]; then daytime=" $(get_duration "$((sun_set - now))")" else daytime=" $(get_duration "$((sun_rise - now))")" fi # WITH TREND AND DAYTIME # echo "$(get_icon "$current_icon") $current_temp$SYMBOL $trend $(get_icon "$forecast_icon") $forecast_temp$SYMBOL $daytime" # WITH TREND # echo "$(get_icon "$current_icon") $current_temp$SYMBOL $trend $(get_icon "$forecast_icon") $forecast_temp$SYMBOL" # ex color string # "%{F#e5c07b}xyz%{F- }" COLOR="" if [ "$current_temp" -lt 0 ]; then COLOR="%{F#1E90FF}" elif [ "$current_temp" -ge 0 ] && [ "$current_temp" -le 40 ]; then COLOR="%{F#46d9ff}" elif [ "$current_temp" -gt 40 ] && [ "$current_temp" -le 80 ]; then COLOR="%{F#ecbe7b}" elif [ "$current_temp" -gt 80 ] && [ "$current_temp" -le 120 ]; then COLOR="%{F#ff6c6b}" fi # echo "$COLOR$(get_icon "$current_icon") $current_temp$SYMBOL%{F- }" echo "| $COLOR$(get_icon "$current_icon") $current_temp$SYMBOL%{F- }" # echo "$(get_icon "$current_icon") $current_temp$SYMBOL $now2_symbol $now2" # echo "$(get_icon "$current_icon") $current_temp$SYMBOL" fi