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synced 2025-03-14 09:09:27 -07:00
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For the latest version of Endeavour OS Bspwm Edition configs, visit our GitHub repository
For a quick start guide, read our wiki page
To share your suggestions, please visit our forum thread
Utility Keyboard Shortcuts
-> Open terminal (xfce4-terminal)
Super + Return
-> App launcher (Rofi)
Super + d
-> Window switcher
Super + Ctrl
-> Show SSH sessions
Super + Shift + d
-> Power Menu
Super + Shift + e
-> Reload Sxhkd (you need to do this after you modify sxhkdrc)
Super + Escape
-> Screen shot full monitor and save in Pictures folder
-> Show screenshot menu
Super + Print
-> Launch Firefox
Super + w
-> Launch Thunar
Super + n
Bspwm Keyboard Shortcuts
-> Restart Bspwm
Super + Alt + r
-> Quit Bspwm
Super + Alt + q
-> Close focused window
Super + Shift + q
-> Switch between tiled and monocle layout
Super + m
-> Swap current and largest window
Super + g
-> Change focus {west, south, north, east}
Super + {h, j, k, l}
It's like vim keys :)
-> Switch to different desktop
Super + <number>
-> Send current node to different desktop
Super + Shift + <number>
-> Expand a window {left, bottom, top, right}
Super + Alt + {h, j, k l}
-> Contract a window {left, bottom, top, right}
Super + Alt + Shift + {h, j, k, l}
-> Move a floating window
Super + {left, down, up, right}
-> Focus the last node
Super + grave
-> Focus the last desktop
Super + Tab
-> Focus older node in focus history
Super + o
-> Focus newer node in focus history
Super + i