return { "neovim/nvim-lspconfig", config = function() local lspconfig = require("lspconfig") vim.notify = require("notify") local servers = { "bashls", "jedi_language_server", "jsonls", -- "yamlls", "vimls", "dotls", "dockerls", "html", "cssls", "lua_ls", "eslint", "ts_ls", "angularls", "ansiblels", "docker_compose_language_service", } for _, lsp in ipairs(servers) do if lsp == "lua_ls" then lspconfig[lsp].setup({ -- on_attach = require("lsp-format").on_attach, on_attach = function() vim.notify("Lua LSP attached", nil, { title = "LSP" }) end, on_init = function(client) if client.workspace_folders then local path = client.workspace_folders[1].name if path ~= vim.fn.stdpath("config") and ( vim.loop.fs_stat(path .. "/.luarc.json") or vim.loop.fs_stat(path .. "/.luarc.jsonc") ) then return end end client.config.settings.Lua = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", client.config.settings.Lua, { runtime = { -- Tell the language server which version of Lua you're using -- (most likely LuaJIT in the case of Neovim) version = "LuaJIT", }, -- Make the server aware of Neovim runtime files workspace = { checkThirdParty = false, library = { vim.env.VIMRUNTIME, -- Depending on the usage, you might want to add additional paths here. -- "${3rd}/luv/library" -- "${3rd}/busted/library", }, -- or pull in all of 'runtimepath'. NOTE: this is a lot slower and will cause issues when working on your own configuration (see -- library = vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file("", true) }, }) end, callSnippet = "Replace", settings = { Lua = {}, }, }) elseif lsp == "docker_compose_language_service" then lspconfig[lsp].setup({ filetypes = { "dockerfile", "docker-compose", "yaml", "yml" }, on_attach = function() vim.notify("Docker Compose LSP attached", nil, { title = "LSP" }) end, }) else lspconfig[lsp].setup({ on_attach = function() vim.notify(lsp .. " LSP attached", nil, { title = "LSP" }) end, }) end end end, }