vim.notify = require("notify") return { "epwalsh/obsidian.nvim", version = "*", -- recommended, use latest release instead of latest commit lazy = true, ft = "markdown", -- Replace the above line with this if you only want to load obsidian.nvim for markdown files in your vault: -- event = { -- -- If you want to use the home shortcut '~' here you need to call 'vim.fn.expand'. -- -- E.g. "BufReadPre " .. vim.fn.expand "~" .. "/my-vault/*.md" -- -- refer to `:h file-pattern` for more examples -- "BufReadPre path/to/my-vault/*.md", -- "BufNewFile path/to/my-vault/*.md", -- }, dependencies = { -- Required. "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", -- see below for full list of optional dependencies 👇 }, opts = { workspaces = { { name = "vault", path = "~/S/obsidian/Vault", }, -- { -- name = "work", -- path = "~/vaults/work", -- }, }, completion = { -- Set to false to disable completion. nvim_cmp = true, -- Trigger completion at 2 chars. min_chars = 2, }, -- Optional, configure additional syntax highlighting / extmarks. -- This requires you have `conceallevel` set to 1 or 2. See `:help conceallevel` for more details. ui = { enable = true, -- set to false to disable all additional syntax features update_debounce = 200, -- update delay after a text change (in milliseconds) max_file_length = 5000, -- disable UI features for files with more than this many lines -- Define how various check-boxes are displayed checkboxes = { -- NOTE: the 'char' value has to be a single character, and the highlight groups are defined below. [" "] = { char = "󰄱", hl_group = "ObsidianTodo" }, ["x"] = { char = "", hl_group = "ObsidianDone" }, [">"] = { char = "", hl_group = "ObsidianRightArrow" }, ["~"] = { char = "󰰱", hl_group = "ObsidianTilde" }, ["!"] = { char = "", hl_group = "ObsidianImportant" }, -- Replace the above with this if you don't have a patched font: -- [" "] = { char = "☐", hl_group = "ObsidianTodo" }, -- ["x"] = { char = "✔", hl_group = "ObsidianDone" }, -- You can also add more custom ones... }, }, attachments = { -- The default folder to place images in via `:ObsidianPasteImg`. -- If this is a relative path it will be interpreted as relative to the vault root. -- You can always override this per image by passing a full path to the command instead of just a filename. img_folder = "screenshots", -- This is the default -- Optional, customize the default name or prefix when pasting images via `:ObsidianPasteImg`. ---@return string img_name_func = function() -- Prefix image names with timestamp. return string.format("%s-", os.time()) end, -- A function that determines the text to insert in the note when pasting an image. -- It takes two arguments, the `obsidian.Client` and an `obsidian.Path` to the image file. -- This is the default implementation. ---@param client obsidian.Client ---@param path obsidian.Path the absolute path to the image file ---@return string img_text_func = function(client, path) path = client:vault_relative_path(path) or path return string.format("![%s](%s)",, path) end, }, -- Optional, by default when you use `:ObsidianFollowLink` on a link to an external -- URL it will be ignored but you can customize this behavior here. ---@param url string follow_url_func = function(url) -- Open the URL in the default web browser. vim.fn.jobstart({ "open", url }) -- Mac OS -- vim.fn.jobstart({"xdg-open", url}) -- linux -- vim.cmd(':silent exec "!start ' .. url .. '"') -- Windows -- -- need Neovim 0.10.0+ end, -- Optional, by default when you use `:ObsidianFollowLink` on a link to an image -- file it will be ignored but you can customize this behavior here. ---@param img string follow_img_func = function(url) -- vim.fn.jobstart({ "qlmanage", "-p", img }) -- Mac OS quick look preview vim.fn.jobstart({ "xdg-open", url }) -- linux -- vim.cmd(':silent exec "!start ' .. url .. '"') -- Windows end, }, }