require("onedarkpro").setup({ colors = {}, -- Override default colors or create your own filetypes = { -- Override which filetype highlight groups are loaded java = true, javascript = true, lua = true, markdown = true, php = true, python = true, ruby = true, rust = true, toml = true, typescript = true, typescriptreact = true, vue = true, yaml = true, }, plugins = { -- Override which plugin highlight groups are loaded aerial = false, barbar = false, copilot = true, dashboard = true, gitsigns = true, hop = false, indentline = false, leap = false, lsp_saga = false, marks = true, neotest = false, neo_tree = true, nvim_cmp = true, nvim_bqf = false, nvim_dap = true, nvim_dap_ui = true, nvim_hlslens = true, nvim_lsp = true, nvim_navic = false, nvim_notify = true, nvim_tree = true, nvim_ts_rainbow = true, op_nvim = false, packer = true, polygot = true, startify = false, telescope = true, toggleterm = true, treesitter = true, trouble = true, vim_ultest = false, which_key = true, }, highlights = {}, -- Override default highlight groups or create your own styles = { -- For example, to apply bold and italic, use "bold,italic" types = "bold", -- Style that is applied to types methods = "NONE", -- Style that is applied to methods numbers = "NONE", -- Style that is applied to numbers strings = "italic", -- Style that is applied to strings comments = "italic", -- Style that is applied to comments keywords = "bold,italic", -- Style that is applied to keywords constants = "bold", -- Style that is applied to constants functions = "bold,italic", -- Style that is applied to functions operators = "NONE", -- Style that is applied to operators variables = "italic", -- Style that is applied to variables parameters = "italic", -- Style that is applied to parameters conditionals = "NONE", -- Style that is applied to conditionals virtual_text = "italic", -- Style that is applied to virtual text }, options = { cursorline = true, -- Use cursorline highlighting? transparency = false, -- Use a transparent background? terminal_colors = true, -- Use the theme's colors for Neovim's :terminal? highlight_inactive_windows = false, -- When the window is out of focus, change the normal background? } })