local home = os.getenv('HOME') local db = require('dashboard') -- macos -- db.preview_command = 'cat | lolcat -F 0.3' -- linux -- db.preview_command = 'ueberzug' -- db.preview_file_path = home .. '/.config/nvim/static/neovim.cat' -- db.preview_file_height = 11 -- db.preview_file_width = 70 vim.cmd('source $HOME/.config/nvim/static/nvim-dashboard.vim') db.custom_center = { { icon = ' ', desc = 'Recently latest session ', shortcut = 'SPC s l', action = 'SessionLoad' }, { icon = ' ', desc = 'Recently opened files ', action = 'Telescope oldfiles', shortcut = 'SPC f h' }, { desc = 'Find File ', icon = ' ', action = 'Telescope find_files find_command=rg,--hidden,--files', shortcut = 'SPC f f' }, { icon = ' ', desc = 'File Browser ', action = 'Telescope file_browser', shortcut = 'SPC f b' }, { icon = ' ', desc = 'Find word ', action = 'Telescope live_grep', shortcut = 'SPC f w' }, { icon = ' ', desc = 'Open Personal dotfiles ', action = ':e ~/.config/nvim/init.vim', shortcut = 'SPC f d' } } require('dashboard').setup { theme = 'doom', -- theme is doom and hyper default is hyper disable_move = false, -- default is false disable move keymap for hyper shortcut_type = 'number', -- shorcut type 'letter' or 'number' change_to_vcs_root = false, -- default is false,for open file in hyper mru. it will change to the root of vcs config = { header = { "NVIM DASHBOARD" }, -- your header center = { { icon = ' ', icon_hl = 'Title', desc = 'Open Recent', desc_hl = 'String', key = '1', keymap = 'SPC f r', key_hl = 'Number', action = 'lua print(1)' }, { icon = ' ', icon_hl = 'Title', desc = 'Find File', desc_hl = 'String', key = '2', key_hl = 'Number', keymap = 'SPC f f', action = 'lua print(2)' } -- { -- icon = ' ', -- desc = 'Find Dotfiles', -- key = 'f', -- keymap = 'SPC f d', -- action = 'lua print(3)' -- } }, footer = {} -- your footer }, hide = { statusline = true, -- hide statusline default is true tabline = true, -- hide the tabline winbar = true -- hide winbar } -- preview = { -- command = "bat", -- preview command -- file_path -- preview file path -- file_height -- preview file height -- file_width -- preview file width -- }, }