# this line is here so the file is encoded as UTF−8 # do not delete it unless you know what that means [target name] # Anki profile the target will use # Can be taken from the window title of the main Anki window or from the profile # menu (Ctrl+Shift+P in Anki) profile=sudacode # Anki deck the target will use # Subdecks use the same syntax as in Anki itself # e.g. Root::Subdeck::Subsubdeck deck=Craft # note type the target will use note_type=Lapis # -------------------- # example field definitions # uncomment (remove the #) and change so they fit your note type # Anki field names go between 'field:' and '=', exactly as they are # in Anki, including spaces. # Template variables come after the '=', like in the examples. #field:Front={{sentences}} #field:Back={{definitions}} #field:Word={{words[1]}} #field:Words={{words::: }} #field:Audio={{audio}} #field:Word Audio={{word_audio}} #field:Image={{image}} field:ExpressionAudio={{audio}} field:Picture={{image}} field:MiscInfo={{series_title}} # Everything below this line has default values and is not required. # It is recommended to change image/max_width or image/max_height in order to # reduce file sizes, however. # -------------------- # how export data will be added to existing notes # allowed values: 'append', 'prepend', 'overwrite' # overwrite replaces fields (but cf. template variable {{prev_content}}) add_mode=append # template used for formatting notes within mpv # when selecting which existing note to export to #note_template={{type}}: {{id}} # Anki media dir override, optional and normally derived from system default # Must be an absolute path to the directory that encoded images/audio clips # should be placed in (i.e., to collection.media). #media_directory= # space-separated list of tags that will be added to exported notes #tags=immersive # can be set dynamically using field template variables, e.g.: #tags={{series_id}} # -------------------- # substitutions to apply to the {{sentences}} variable # for more information, see doc/card-export.md #sentence_substitutions=[[ #<(.-%) #<(.-%) #]] # same as sentence_substitutions but for {{definitions}} #definition_substitutions= # -------------------- # audio clip file extension # unrelated to the format used, but should match it (especially on Windows) #audio/extension=mka # audio container format # e.g. 'matroska' (MKV/MKA), 'ogg', 'mp3' #audio/format=matroska # audio codec # e.g. 'libopus' (NOT 'opus'), 'aac', 'vorbis', 'libmp3lame' (MP3) #audio/codec=libopus # audio bitrate # Uses the same syntax as mpv/ffmpeg bitrates. # Sensible values are 32ki-64ki for libopus and 128ki for AAC and MP3. #audio/bitrate=48ki # how many seconds of padding to include before the start of audio clips #audio/pad_start=0.1 # same as above, but after the end of the clip #audio/pad_end=0.1 # -------------------- # image file extension #image/extension=webp # image codec # supported values are 'mjpeg' (JPG), 'libwebp' (WebP), and 'png' # Technically, any codec that works with ffmpeg's image2 format can be used. #image/codec=libwebp # maximum image width/height # If one option is set to a negative value aspect ratio will be preserved. # If both are negative the video's resolution will be used. #image/max_width=-1 #image/max_height=-1 # quality of JPG (mjpeg) images # valid range: 1-69 # lower is better (but files will be larger) # Values above 5-10 result in noticeable artifacting. #image/jpeg/qscale=5 # whether to use lossless compression for WebP #image/webp/lossless=no # libwebp quality factor # valid range: 0-100 # higher is better #image/webp/quality=90 # libwebp compression level # valid range: 0-6 # Higher values result in better compression but take longer to encode. #image/webp/compression=4 # PNG compression level # valid range: 0-9 # higher is better #image/png/compression=9