-- sponsorblock.lua -- -- This script skips sponsored segments of YouTube videos -- using data from https://github.com/ajayyy/SponsorBlock local ON_WINDOWS = package.config:sub(1, 1) ~= "/" local options = { server_address = "https://sponsor.ajay.app", python_path = ON_WINDOWS and "python" or "python3", -- Categories to fetch categories = "sponsor,intro,outro,interaction,selfpromo,filler", -- Categories to skip automatically skip_categories = "sponsor", -- If true, sponsored segments will only be skipped once skip_once = true, -- Note that sponsored segments may ocasionally be inaccurate if this is turned off -- see https://blog.ajay.app/voting-and-pseudo-randomness-or-sponsorblock-or-youtube-sponsorship-segment-blocker local_database = false, -- Update database on first run, does nothing if local_database is false auto_update = true, -- How long to wait between local database updates -- Format: "X[d,h,m]", leave blank to update on every mpv run auto_update_interval = "6h", -- User ID used to submit sponsored segments, leave blank for random user_id = "", -- Name to display on the stats page https://sponsor.ajay.app/stats/ leave blank to keep current name display_name = "", -- Tell the server when a skip happens report_views = true, -- Auto upvote skipped sponsors auto_upvote = false, -- Use sponsor times from server if they're more up to date than our local database server_fallback = true, -- Create chapters at sponsor boundaries for OSC display and manual skipping make_chapters = true, -- Minimum duration for sponsors (in seconds), segments under that threshold will be ignored min_duration = 1, -- Fade audio for smoother transitions audio_fade = false, -- Audio fade step, applied once every 100ms until cap is reached audio_fade_step = 10, -- Audio fade cap audio_fade_cap = 0, -- Fast forward through sponsors instead of skipping fast_forward = false, -- Playback speed modifier when fast forwarding, applied once every second until cap is reached fast_forward_increase = 0.2, -- Playback speed cap fast_forward_cap = 2, -- Length of the sha256 prefix (3-32) when querying server, 0 to disable sha256_length = 4, -- Pattern for video id in local files, ignored if blank -- Recommended value for base youtube-dl is "-([%w-_]+)%.[mw][kpe][v4b]m?$" local_pattern = "", -- Legacy option, use skip_categories instead skip = true, } mp.options = require("mp.options") mp.options.read_options(options, "sponsorblock") local legacy = mp.command_native_async == nil --[[ if legacy then options.local_database = false end --]] options.local_database = false local utils = require("mp.utils") scripts_dir = mp.find_config_file("scripts") local sponsorblock = utils.join_path(scripts_dir, "sponsorblock_shared/sponsorblock.py") local uid_path = utils.join_path(scripts_dir, "sponsorblock_shared/sponsorblock.txt") local database_file = options.local_database and utils.join_path(scripts_dir, "sponsorblock_shared/sponsorblock.db") or "" local youtube_id = nil local ranges = {} local init = false local segment = { a = 0, b = 0, progress = 0, first = true } local retrying = false local last_skip = { uuid = "", dir = nil } local speed_timer = nil local fade_timer = nil local fade_dir = nil local volume_before = mp.get_property_number("volume") local categories = {} local all_categories = { "sponsor", "intro", "outro", "interaction", "selfpromo", "preview", "music_offtopic", "filler" } local chapter_cache = {} for category in string.gmatch(options.skip_categories, "([^,]+)") do categories[category] = true end function file_exists(name) local f = io.open(name, "r") if f ~= nil then io.close(f) return true else return false end end function t_count(t) local count = 0 for _ in pairs(t) do count = count + 1 end return count end function time_sort(a, b) if a.time == b.time then return string.match(a.title, "segment end") end return a.time < b.time end function parse_update_interval() local s = options.auto_update_interval if s == "" then return 0 end -- Interval Disabled local num, mod = s:match("^(%d+)([hdm])$") if num == nil or mod == nil then mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] auto_update_interval " .. s .. " is invalid", 5) return nil end local time_table = { m = 60, h = 60 * 60, d = 60 * 60 * 24, } return num * time_table[mod] end function clean_chapters() local chapters = mp.get_property_native("chapter-list") local new_chapters = {} for _, chapter in pairs(chapters) do if chapter.title ~= "Preview segment start" and chapter.title ~= "Preview segment end" then table.insert(new_chapters, chapter) end end mp.set_property_native("chapter-list", new_chapters) end function create_chapter(chapter_title, chapter_time) local chapters = mp.get_property_native("chapter-list") local duration = mp.get_property_native("duration") table.insert( chapters, { title = chapter_title, time = (duration == nil or duration > chapter_time) and chapter_time or duration - 0.001 } ) table.sort(chapters, time_sort) mp.set_property_native("chapter-list", chapters) end function process(uuid, t, new_ranges) start_time = tonumber(string.match(t, "[^,]+")) end_time = tonumber(string.sub(string.match(t, ",[^,]+"), 2)) for o_uuid, o_t in pairs(ranges) do if (start_time >= o_t.start_time and start_time <= o_t.end_time) or (o_t.start_time >= start_time and o_t.start_time <= end_time) then new_ranges[o_uuid] = o_t return end end category = string.match(t, "[^,]+$") if categories[category] and end_time - start_time >= options.min_duration then new_ranges[uuid] = { start_time = start_time, end_time = end_time, category = category, skipped = false, } end if options.make_chapters and not chapter_cache[uuid] then chapter_cache[uuid] = true local category_title = (category:gsub("^%l", string.upper):gsub("_", " ")) create_chapter(category_title .. " segment start (" .. string.sub(uuid, 1, 6) .. ")", start_time) create_chapter(category_title .. " segment end (" .. string.sub(uuid, 1, 6) .. ")", end_time) end end function getranges(_, exists, db, more) if type(exists) == "table" and exists["status"] == "1" then if options.server_fallback then mp.add_timeout(0, function() getranges(true, true, "") end) else return mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] database update failed, gave up") end end if db ~= "" and db ~= database_file then db = database_file end if exists ~= true and not file_exists(db) then if not retrying then mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] database update failed, retrying...") retrying = true end return update() end if retrying then mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] database update succeeded") retrying = false end local sponsors local args = { options.python_path, sponsorblock, "ranges", db, options.server_address, youtube_id, options.categories, tostring(options.sha256_length), } if not legacy then sponsors = mp.command_native({ name = "subprocess", capture_stdout = true, playback_only = false, args = args }) else sponsors = utils.subprocess({ args = args }) end mp.msg.debug("Got: " .. string.gsub(sponsors.stdout, "[\n\r]", "")) if not string.match(sponsors.stdout, "^%s*(.*%S)") then return end if string.match(sponsors.stdout, "error") then return getranges(true, true) end local new_ranges = {} local r_count = 0 if more then r_count = -1 end for t in string.gmatch(sponsors.stdout, "[^:%s]+") do uuid = string.match(t, "([^,]+),[^,]+$") if ranges[uuid] then new_ranges[uuid] = ranges[uuid] else process(uuid, t, new_ranges) end r_count = r_count + 1 end local c_count = t_count(ranges) if c_count == 0 or r_count >= c_count then ranges = new_ranges end end function fast_forward() if options.fast_forward and options.fast_forward == true then speed_timer = nil mp.set_property("speed", 1) end local last_speed = mp.get_property_number("speed") local new_speed = math.min(last_speed + options.fast_forward_increase, options.fast_forward_cap) if new_speed <= last_speed then return end mp.set_property("speed", new_speed) end function fade_audio(step) local last_volume = mp.get_property_number("volume") local new_volume = math.max(options.audio_fade_cap, math.min(last_volume + step, volume_before)) if new_volume == last_volume then if step >= 0 then fade_dir = nil end if fade_timer ~= nil then fade_timer:kill() end fade_timer = nil return end mp.set_property("volume", new_volume) end function skip_ads(name, pos) if pos == nil then return end local sponsor_ahead = false for uuid, t in pairs(ranges) do if (options.fast_forward == uuid or not options.skip_once or not t.skipped) and t.start_time <= pos and t.end_time > pos then if options.fast_forward == uuid then return end if options.fast_forward == false then mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] " .. t.category .. " skipped") mp.set_property("time-pos", t.end_time) else mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] skipping " .. t.category) end t.skipped = true last_skip = { uuid = uuid, dir = nil } if options.report_views or options.auto_upvote then local args = { options.python_path, sponsorblock, "stats", database_file, options.server_address, youtube_id, uuid, options.report_views and "1" or "", uid_path, options.user_id, options.auto_upvote and "1" or "", } if not legacy then mp.command_native_async({ name = "subprocess", playback_only = false, args = args }, function() end) else utils.subprocess_detached({ args = args }) end end if options.fast_forward ~= false then options.fast_forward = uuid if speed_timer ~= nil then speed_timer:kill() end speed_timer = mp.add_periodic_timer(1, fast_forward) end return elseif (not options.skip_once or not t.skipped) and t.start_time <= pos + 1 and t.end_time > pos + 1 then sponsor_ahead = true end end if options.audio_fade then if sponsor_ahead then if fade_dir ~= false then if fade_dir == nil then volume_before = mp.get_property_number("volume") end if fade_timer ~= nil then fade_timer:kill() end fade_dir = false fade_timer = mp.add_periodic_timer(0.1, function() fade_audio(-options.audio_fade_step) end) end elseif fade_dir == false then fade_dir = true if fade_timer ~= nil then fade_timer:kill() end fade_timer = mp.add_periodic_timer(0.1, function() fade_audio(options.audio_fade_step) end) end end if options.fast_forward and options.fast_forward ~= true then options.fast_forward = true speed_timer:kill() speed_timer = nil mp.set_property("speed", 1) end end function vote(dir) if last_skip.uuid == "" then return mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] no sponsors skipped, can't submit vote") end local updown = dir == "1" and "up" or "down" if last_skip.dir == dir then return mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] " .. updown .. "vote already submitted") end last_skip.dir = dir local args = { options.python_path, sponsorblock, "stats", database_file, options.server_address, youtube_id, last_skip.uuid, "", uid_path, options.user_id, dir, } if not legacy then mp.command_native_async({ name = "subprocess", playback_only = false, args = args }, function() end) else utils.subprocess({ args = args }) end mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] " .. updown .. "vote submitted") end function update() mp.command_native_async( { name = "subprocess", playback_only = false, args = { options.python_path, sponsorblock, "update", database_file, options.server_address, }, }, getranges ) end function file_loaded() local initialized = init ranges = {} segment = { a = 0, b = 0, progress = 0, first = true } last_skip = { uuid = "", dir = nil } chapter_cache = {} local video_path = mp.get_property("path", "") mp.msg.debug("Path: " .. video_path) local video_referer = string.match(mp.get_property("http-header-fields", ""), "Referer:([^,]+)") or "" mp.msg.debug("Referer: " .. video_referer) local urls = { "https?://youtu%.be/([%w-_]+).*", "https?://w?w?w?%.?youtube%.com/v/([%w-_]+).*", "/watch.*[?&]v=([%w-_]+).*", "/embed/([%w-_]+).*", } youtube_id = nil for i, url in ipairs(urls) do youtube_id = youtube_id or string.match(video_path, url) or string.match(video_referer, url) if youtube_id then break end end youtube_id = youtube_id or string.match(video_path, options.local_pattern) if not youtube_id or string.len(youtube_id) < 11 or (local_pattern and string.len(youtube_id) ~= 11) then return end youtube_id = string.sub(youtube_id, 1, 11) mp.msg.debug("Found YouTube ID: " .. youtube_id) init = true if not options.local_database then getranges(true, true) else local exists = file_exists(database_file) if exists and options.server_fallback then getranges(true, true) mp.add_timeout(0, function() getranges(true, true, "", true) end) elseif exists then getranges(true, true) elseif options.server_fallback then mp.add_timeout(0, function() getranges(true, true, "") end) end end if initialized then return end if options.skip then mp.observe_property("time-pos", "native", skip_ads) end if options.display_name ~= "" then local args = { options.python_path, sponsorblock, "username", database_file, options.server_address, youtube_id, "", "", uid_path, options.user_id, options.display_name, } if not legacy then mp.command_native_async({ name = "subprocess", playback_only = false, args = args }, function() end) else utils.subprocess_detached({ args = args }) end end if not options.local_database or (not options.auto_update and file_exists(database_file)) then return end if file_exists(database_file) then local db_info = utils.file_info(database_file) local cur_time = os.time(os.date("*t")) local upd_interval = parse_update_interval() if upd_interval == nil or os.difftime(cur_time, db_info.mtime) < upd_interval then return end end update() end function set_segment() if not youtube_id then return end local pos = mp.get_property_number("time-pos") if pos == nil then return end if segment.progress > 1 then segment.progress = segment.progress - 2 end if segment.progress == 1 then segment.progress = 0 segment.b = pos mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] segment boundary B set, press again for boundary A", 3) else segment.progress = 1 segment.a = pos mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] segment boundary A set, press again for boundary B", 3) end if options.make_chapters and not segment.first then local start_time = math.min(segment.a, segment.b) local end_time = math.max(segment.a, segment.b) if end_time - start_time ~= 0 and end_time ~= 0 then clean_chapters() create_chapter("Preview segment start", start_time) create_chapter("Preview segment end", end_time) end end segment.first = false end function select_category(selected) for category in string.gmatch(options.categories, "([^,]+)") do mp.remove_key_binding("select_category_" .. category) mp.remove_key_binding("kp_select_category_" .. category) end submit_segment(selected) end function submit_segment(category) if not youtube_id then return end local start_time = math.min(segment.a, segment.b) local end_time = math.max(segment.a, segment.b) if end_time - start_time == 0 or end_time == 0 then mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] empty segment, not submitting") elseif segment.progress <= 1 then segment.progress = segment.progress + 2 local category_list = "" for category_id, category in pairs(all_categories) do local category_title = (category:gsub("^%l", string.upper):gsub("_", " ")) category_list = category_list .. category_id .. ": " .. category_title .. "\n" mp.add_forced_key_binding(tostring(category_id), "select_category_" .. category, function() select_category(category) end) mp.add_forced_key_binding("KP" .. tostring(category_id), "kp_select_category_" .. category, function() select_category(category) end) end mp.osd_message( string.format( "[sponsorblock] press a number to select category for segment: %.2d:%.2d:%.2d to %.2d:%.2d:%.2d\n\n" .. category_list .. "\nyou can press Shift+G again for default (Sponsor) or hide this message with g", math.floor(start_time / (60 * 60)), math.floor(start_time / 60 % 60), math.floor(start_time % 60), math.floor(end_time / (60 * 60)), math.floor(end_time / 60 % 60), math.floor(end_time % 60) ), 30 ) else mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] submitting segment...", 30) local submit local args = { options.python_path, sponsorblock, "submit", database_file, options.server_address, youtube_id, tostring(start_time), tostring(end_time), uid_path, options.user_id, category or "sponsor", } if not legacy then submit = mp.command_native({ name = "subprocess", capture_stdout = true, playback_only = false, args = args }) else submit = utils.subprocess({ args = args }) end if string.match(submit.stdout, "success") then segment = { a = 0, b = 0, progress = 0, first = true } mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] segment submitted") if options.make_chapters then clean_chapters() create_chapter("Submitted segment start", start_time) create_chapter("Submitted segment end", end_time) end elseif string.match(submit.stdout, "error") then mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] segment submission failed, server may be down. try again", 5) elseif string.match(submit.stdout, "502") then mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] segment submission failed, server is down. try again", 5) elseif string.match(submit.stdout, "400") then mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] segment submission failed, impossible inputs", 5) segment = { a = 0, b = 0, progress = 0, first = true } elseif string.match(submit.stdout, "429") then mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] segment submission failed, rate limited. try again", 5) elseif string.match(submit.stdout, "409") then mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] segment already submitted", 3) segment = { a = 0, b = 0, progress = 0, first = true } else mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] segment submission failed", 5) end end end mp.register_event("file-loaded", file_loaded) mp.add_key_binding("ctrl+g", "set_segment", set_segment) mp.add_key_binding("ctrl+G", "submit_segment", submit_segment) mp.add_key_binding("ctrl+h", "upvote_segment", function() return vote("1") end) mp.add_key_binding("ctrl+H", "downvote_segment", function() return vote("0") end) -- Bindings below are for backwards compatibility and could be removed at any time mp.add_key_binding(nil, "sponsorblock_set_segment", set_segment) mp.add_key_binding(nil, "sponsorblock_submit_segment", submit_segment) mp.add_key_binding(nil, "sponsorblock_upvote", function() return vote("1") end) mp.add_key_binding(nil, "sponsorblock_downvote", function() return vote("0") end)