--[[ This is a module designed to interface with mpv-user-input https://github.com/CogentRedTester/mpv-user-input Loading this script as a module will return a table with two functions to format requests to get and cancel user-input requests. See the README for details. Alternatively, developers can just paste these functions directly into their script, however this is not recommended as there is no guarantee that the formatting of these requests will remain the same for future versions of user-input. ]] local API_VERSION = "0.1.0" local mp = require 'mp' local msg = require "mp.msg" local utils = require 'mp.utils' local mod = {} local name = mp.get_script_name() local counter = 1 local function pack(...) local t = {...} t.n = select("#", ...) return t end local request_mt = {} -- ensures the option tables are correctly formatted based on the input local function format_options(options, response_string) return { response = response_string, version = API_VERSION, id = name..'/'..(options.id or ""), source = name, request_text = ("[%s] %s"):format(options.source or name, options.request_text or options.text or "requesting user input:"), default_input = options.default_input, cursor_pos = tonumber(options.cursor_pos), queueable = options.queueable and true, replace = options.replace and true } end -- cancels the request function request_mt:cancel() assert(self.uid, "request object missing UID") mp.commandv("script-message-to", "user_input", "cancel-user-input/uid", self.uid) end -- updates the options for the request function request_mt:update(options) assert(self.uid, "request object missing UID") options = utils.format_json( format_options(options) ) mp.commandv("script-message-to", "user_input", "update-user-input/uid", self.uid, options) end -- sends a request to ask the user for input using formatted options provided -- creates a script message to recieve the response and call fn function mod.get_user_input(fn, options, ...) options = options or {} local response_string = name.."/__user_input_request/"..counter counter = counter + 1 local request = { uid = response_string, passthrough_args = pack(...), callback = fn, pending = true } -- create a callback for user-input to respond to mp.register_script_message(response_string, function(response) mp.unregister_script_message(response_string) request.pending = false response = utils.parse_json(response) request.callback(response.line, response.err, unpack(request.passthrough_args, 1, request.passthrough_args.n)) end) -- send the input command options = utils.format_json( format_options(options, response_string) ) mp.commandv("script-message-to", "user_input", "request-user-input", options) return setmetatable(request, { __index = request_mt }) end -- runs the request synchronously using coroutines -- takes the option table and an optional coroutine resume function function mod.get_user_input_co(options, co_resume) local co, main = coroutine.running() assert(not main and co, "get_user_input_co must be run from within a coroutine") local uid = {} local request = mod.get_user_input(function(line, err) if co_resume then co_resume(uid, line, err) else local success, er = coroutine.resume(co, uid, line, err) if not success then msg.warn(debug.traceback(co)) msg.error(er) end end end, options) -- if the uid was not sent then the coroutine was resumed by the user. -- we will treat this as a cancellation request local success, line, err = coroutine.yield(request) if success ~= uid then request:cancel() request.callback = function() end return nil, "cancelled" end return line, err end -- sends a request to cancel all input requests with the given id function mod.cancel_user_input(id) id = name .. '/' .. (id or "") mp.commandv("script-message-to", "user_input", "cancel-user-input/id", id) end return mod