-- mpv-youtube-queue.lua -- -- YouTube 'Add To Queue' for mpv -- -- Copyright (C) 2023 sudacode -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . local mp = require 'mp' mp.options = require 'mp.options' local styleOn = mp.get_property("osd-ass-cc/0") local styleOff = mp.get_property("osd-ass-cc/1") local options = { add_to_queue = "ctrl+a", download_current_video = "ctrl+d", download_selected_video = "ctrl+D", move_video = "ctrl+m", play_next_in_queue = "ctrl+n", open_video_in_browser = "ctrl+o", open_channel_in_browser = "ctrl+O", play_previous_in_queue = "ctrl+p", print_current_video = "ctrl+P", print_queue = "ctrl+q", remove_from_queue = "ctrl+x", move_cursor_up = "ctrl+UP", move_cursor_down = "ctrl+DOWN", play_selected_video = "ctrl+ENTER", browser = "firefox", clipboard_command = "xclip -o", cursor_icon = "➤", display_limit = 6, download_directory = "~/videos/YouTube", download_quality = "720p", downloader = "curl", font_name = "JetBrains Mono", font_size = 12, marked_icon = "⇅", show_errors = true, ytdlp_output_template = "%(uploader)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s" } mp.options.read_options(options, "mpv-youtube-queue") local colors = { error = "676EFF", selected = "F993BD", hover_selected = "FAA9CA", cursor = "FDE98B", header = "8CFAF1", hover = "F2F8F8", text = "BFBFBF", marked = "C679FF" } local notransparent = "\\alpha&H00&" local semitransparent = "\\alpha&H40&" local sortoftransparent = "\\alpha&H59&" local style = { error = "{\\c&" .. colors.error .. "&" .. notransparent .. "}", selected = "{\\c&" .. colors.selected .. "&" .. semitransparent .. "}", hover_selected = "{\\c&" .. colors.hover_selected .. "&\\alpha&H33&}", cursor = "{\\c&" .. colors.cursor .. "&" .. notransparent .. "}", marked = "{\\c&" .. colors.marked .. "&" .. notransparent .. "}", reset = "{\\c&" .. colors.text .. "&" .. sortoftransparent .. "}", header = "{\\fn" .. options.font_name .. "\\fs" .. options.font_size * 1.5 .. "\\u1\\b1\\c&" .. colors.header .. "&" .. notransparent .. "}", hover = "{\\c&" .. colors.hover .. "&" .. semitransparent .. "}", font = "{\\fn" .. options.font_name .. "\\fs" .. options.font_size .. "{" .. sortoftransparent .. "}" } local YouTubeQueue = {} local video_queue = {} local MSG_DURATION = 1.5 local display_limit = options.display_limit local index = 0 local selected_index = 1 local display_offset = 0 local marked_index = nil local current_video = nil -- HELPERS {{{ -- run sleep shell command for n seconds local function sleep(n) os.execute("sleep " .. tonumber(n)) end local function print_osd_message(message, duration, s) if s == style.error and not options.show_errors then return end if s == nil then s = style.font .. "{" .. notransparent .. "}" end if duration == nil then duration = MSG_DURATION end mp.osd_message(styleOn .. s .. message .. style.reset .. styleOff .. "\n", duration) end local function print_current_video() local current = YouTubeQueue.get_current_video() print_osd_message("Playing: " .. current.video_name .. ' by ' .. current.channel_name, 3) end local function expanduser(path) -- remove trailing slash if it exists if string.sub(path, -1) == "/" then path = string.sub(path, 1, -2) end if path:sub(1, 1) == "~" then local home = os.getenv("HOME") if home then return home .. path:sub(2) else return path end else return path end end local function open_url_in_browser(url) local command = options.browser .. " " .. url os.execute(command) end local function open_video_in_browser() open_url_in_browser(YouTubeQueue.get_current_video().video_url) end local function open_channel_in_browser() open_url_in_browser(YouTubeQueue.get_current_video().channel_url) end -- local function is_valid_ytdlp_url(url) -- local command = 'yt-dlp --simulate \'' .. url .. '\' >/dev/null 2>&1' -- local handle = io.popen(command .. "; echo $?") -- if handle == nil then return false end -- local result = handle:read("*a") -- if result == nil then return false end -- handle:close() -- return result:gsub("%s+$", "") == "0" -- end -- }}} -- QUEUE GETTERS AND SETTERS {{{ function YouTubeQueue.size() return #video_queue end function YouTubeQueue.get_current_index() return index end function YouTubeQueue.get_video_queue() return video_queue end function YouTubeQueue.set_current_index(idx) index = idx current_video = video_queue[idx] end function YouTubeQueue.get_current_video() return current_video end function YouTubeQueue.get_video_at(idx) if idx <= 0 or idx > #video_queue then print_osd_message("Invalid video index", MSG_DURATION, style.error) return nil end return video_queue[idx] end -- returns the content of the clipboard function YouTubeQueue.get_clipboard_content() local handle = io.popen(options.clipboard_command) if handle == nil then print_osd_message("Error getting clipboard content", MSG_DURATION, style.error) return nil end local result = handle:read("*a") handle:close() return result end function YouTubeQueue.get_video_info(url) local command = 'yt-dlp --print channel_url --print uploader --print title --playlist-items 1 ' .. url local handle = io.popen(command) if handle == nil then return nil, nil, nil end local result = handle:read("*a") handle:close() -- Split the result into URL, name, and video title local channel_url, channel_name, video_name = result:match( "(.-)\n(.-)\n(.*)") -- Remove trailing whitespace if channel_url ~= nil then channel_url = channel_url:gsub("%s+$", "") end if channel_name ~= nil then channel_name = channel_name:gsub("%s+$", "") end if video_name ~= nil then video_name = video_name:gsub("%s+$", "") end return channel_url, channel_name, video_name end -- }}} -- QUEUE FUNCTIONS {{{ -- Function to get the next video in the queue -- Returns nil if there are no videos in the queue function YouTubeQueue.next_in_queue() if index < #video_queue then index = index + 1 selected_index = index current_video = video_queue[index] return current_video end end function YouTubeQueue.prev_in_queue() if index > 1 then index = index - 1 selected_index = index current_video = video_queue[index] return current_video end end function YouTubeQueue.is_in_queue(url) for _, v in ipairs(video_queue) do if v.video_url == url then return true end end return false end -- Function to find the index of the currently playing video function YouTubeQueue.update_current_index() if #video_queue == 0 then return end local current_url = mp.get_property("path") for i, v in ipairs(video_queue) do if v.video_url == current_url then index = i selected_index = index current_video = YouTubeQueue.get_video_at(index) return end end -- if not found, reset the index index = 0 end function YouTubeQueue.mark_and_move_video() if marked_index == nil and selected_index ~= index then -- Mark the currently selected video for moving marked_index = selected_index else -- Move the previously marked video to the selected position YouTubeQueue.reorder_queue(marked_index, selected_index) -- print_osd_message("Video moved to the selected position.", 1.5) marked_index = nil -- Reset the marked index end -- Refresh the queue display YouTubeQueue.print_queue() end function YouTubeQueue.reorder_queue(from_index, to_index) if from_index == to_index or to_index == index then print_osd_message("No changes made.", 1.5) return end -- Check if the provided indices are within the bounds of the video_queue if from_index > 0 and from_index <= #video_queue and to_index > 0 and to_index <= #video_queue then -- Swap the videos between the two provided indices in the video_queue local temp_video = video_queue[from_index] table.remove(video_queue, from_index) table.insert(video_queue, to_index, temp_video) -- Swap the videos between the two provided indices in the MPV playlist mp.commandv("playlist-move", from_index - 1, to_index - 1) -- Redraw the queue after reordering YouTubeQueue.print_queue() else print_osd_message("Invalid indices for reordering. No changes made.", MSG_DURATION, style.error) end end function YouTubeQueue.print_queue(duration) local current_index = index if duration == nil then duration = 3 end if #video_queue > 0 then local start_index = math.max(1, selected_index - display_limit / 2) local end_index = math.min(#video_queue, start_index + display_limit - 1) display_offset = start_index - 1 local message = styleOn .. style.header .. "MPV-YOUTUBE-QUEUE{\\u0\\b0}" .. style.reset .. style.font .. "\n" for i = start_index, end_index do local prefix = (i == selected_index) and style.cursor .. options.cursor_icon .. " " .. style.reset or " " if i == current_index and i == selected_index then message = message .. prefix .. style.hover_selected .. i .. ". " .. video_queue[i].video_name .. " - (" .. video_queue[i].channel_name .. ")" .. style.reset elseif i == current_index then message = message .. prefix .. style.selected .. i .. ". " .. video_queue[i].video_name .. " - (" .. video_queue[i].channel_name .. ")" .. style.reset elseif i == selected_index then message = message .. prefix .. style.hover .. i .. ". " .. video_queue[i].video_name .. " - (" .. video_queue[i].channel_name .. ")" .. style.reset else message = message .. prefix .. style.reset .. i .. ". " .. video_queue[i].video_name .. " - (" .. video_queue[i].channel_name .. ")" .. style.reset end if i == marked_index then message = message .. " " .. style.marked .. options.marked_icon .. style.reset .. "\n" else message = message .. "\n" end end message = message .. styleOff mp.osd_message(message, duration) else print_osd_message("No videos in the queue or history.", duration, style.error) end end function YouTubeQueue.move_cursor_up() if selected_index > 1 then selected_index = selected_index - 1 if selected_index < display_offset + 1 then display_offset = display_offset - 1 end YouTubeQueue.print_queue(MSG_DURATION) end end function YouTubeQueue.move_cursor_down() if selected_index < YouTubeQueue.size() then selected_index = selected_index + 1 if selected_index > display_offset + display_limit then display_offset = display_offset + 1 end YouTubeQueue.print_queue(MSG_DURATION) end end function YouTubeQueue.play_video_at(idx) local queue = YouTubeQueue.get_video_queue() if idx <= 0 or idx > #queue then print_osd_message("Invalid video index", MSG_DURATION, style.error) return nil end YouTubeQueue.set_current_index(idx) selected_index = index mp.set_property_number("playlist-pos", index - 1) -- zero-based index return current_video end function YouTubeQueue.play_selected_video() -- local current_index = YouTubeQueue.get_current_index() YouTubeQueue.play_video_at(selected_index) YouTubeQueue.print_queue(MSG_DURATION - 0.5) sleep(MSG_DURATION) print_current_video() end -- play the next video in the queue function YouTubeQueue.play_next_in_queue() local next_video = YouTubeQueue.next_in_queue() if next_video == nil then print_osd_message("No more videos in the queue.", MSG_DURATION, style.error) return end local current_index = YouTubeQueue.get_current_index() -- if the current video is not the first in the queue, then play the video -- else, check if the video is playing and if not play the video with replace if YouTubeQueue.size() > 1 then mp.set_property_number("playlist-pos", current_index - 1) else local state = mp.get_property("core-idle") if state == "yes" then mp.commandv("loadfile", next_video.video_url, "replace") end end print_current_video() selected_index = current_index sleep(MSG_DURATION) end -- add the video to the queue from the clipboard function YouTubeQueue.add_to_queue(url) if url == nil or url == "" then url = YouTubeQueue.get_clipboard_content() if url == nil or url == "" then print_osd_message("Nothing found in the clipboard.", MSG_DURATION, style.error) return end end if YouTubeQueue.is_in_queue(url) then print_osd_message("Video already in queue.", MSG_DURATION, style.error) return end local channel_url, channel_name, video_name = YouTubeQueue.get_video_info(url) if (channel_url == nil or channel_name == nil or video_name == nil) or (channel_url == "" or channel_name == "" or video_name == "") then print_osd_message("Error getting video info.", MSG_DURATION, style.error) return end local video = { video_url = url, video_name = video_name, channel_url = channel_url, channel_name = channel_name } table.insert(video_queue, video) -- if the queue was empty, start playing the video -- otherwise, add the video to the playlist if not YouTubeQueue.get_current_video() then YouTubeQueue.play_next_in_queue() else mp.commandv("loadfile", url, "append-play") print_osd_message("Added " .. video_name .. " to queue.", MSG_DURATION) end end -- play the previous video in the queue function YouTubeQueue.play_previous_video() local previous_video = YouTubeQueue.prev_in_queue() if previous_video == nil then print_osd_message("No previous video available.", MSG_DURATION, style.error) return end local current_index = YouTubeQueue.get_current_index() mp.set_property_number("playlist-pos", current_index - 1) selected_index = current_index print_current_video() sleep(MSG_DURATION) end function YouTubeQueue.download_video_at(idx) local o = options local v = video_queue[idx] local q = o.download_quality:sub(1, -2) local dl_dir = expanduser(o.download_directory) local command = 'yt-dlp -f \'bestvideo[height<=' .. q .. ']+bestaudio/best[height<=' .. q .. ']\' -o "' .. dl_dir .. "/" .. options.ytdlp_output_template .. '" --downloader ' .. o.downloader .. ' ' .. v.video_url -- Run the download command local handle = io.popen(command) if handle == nil then print_osd_message("Error starting download.", MSG_DURATION, style.error) return end print_osd_message("Starting download for " .. v.video_name, MSG_DURATION) local result = handle:read("*a") handle:close() if result == nil then print_osd_message("Error starting download.", MSG_DURATION, style.error) return end if result then print_osd_message("Finished downloading " .. v.video_name, MSG_DURATION) else print_osd_message("Error downloading " .. v.video_name, MSG_DURATION, style.error) end end function YouTubeQueue.download_current_video() if current_video ~= nil and current_video ~= "" then YouTubeQueue.download_video_at(index) else print_osd_message("No video to download.", MSG_DURATION, style.error) end end function YouTubeQueue.download_selected_video() if selected_index == 1 and current_video == nil then print_osd_message("No video to download.", MSG_DURATION, style.error) return end YouTubeQueue.download_video_at(selected_index) end function YouTubeQueue.remove_from_queue() if index == selected_index then print_osd_message("Cannot remove current video", MSG_DURATION, style.error) return end table.remove(video_queue, selected_index) mp.commandv("playlist-remove", selected_index - 1) print_osd_message("Deleted " .. current_video.video_name .. " from queue.", MSG_DURATION) if selected_index > 1 then selected_index = selected_index - 1 end index = index - 1 YouTubeQueue.print_queue() end -- }}} -- LISTENERS {{{ -- Function to be called when the end-file event is triggered local function on_end_file(event) if event.reason == "eof" then -- The file ended normally YouTubeQueue.update_current_index() end end -- Function to be called when the track-changed event is triggered local function on_track_changed() YouTubeQueue.update_current_index() end -- Function to be called when the playback-restart event is triggered local function on_playback_restart() local playlist_size = mp.get_property_number("playlist-count", 0) if playlist_size > 1 then YouTubeQueue.update_current_index() elseif current_video == nil then local url = mp.get_property("path") YouTubeQueue.add_to_queue(url) end end -- }}} -- KEY BINDINGS {{{ mp.add_key_binding(options.add_to_queue, "add_to_queue", YouTubeQueue.add_to_queue) mp.add_key_binding(options.play_next_in_queue, "play_next_in_queue", YouTubeQueue.play_next_in_queue) mp.add_key_binding(options.play_previous_in_queue, "play_previous_video", YouTubeQueue.play_previous_video) mp.add_key_binding(options.print_queue, "print_queue", YouTubeQueue.print_queue) mp.add_key_binding(options.move_cursor_up, "move_cursor_up", YouTubeQueue.move_cursor_up) mp.add_key_binding(options.move_cursor_down, "move_cursor_down", YouTubeQueue.move_cursor_down) mp.add_key_binding(options.play_selected_video, "play_selected_video", YouTubeQueue.play_selected_video) mp.add_key_binding(options.open_video_in_browser, "open_video_in_browser", open_video_in_browser) mp.add_key_binding(options.print_current_video, "print_current_video", print_current_video) mp.add_key_binding(options.open_channel_in_browser, "open_channel_in_browser", open_channel_in_browser) mp.add_key_binding(options.download_current_video, "download_current_video", YouTubeQueue.download_current_video) mp.add_key_binding(options.download_selected_video, "download_selected_video", YouTubeQueue.download_selected_video) mp.add_key_binding(options.move_video, "move_video", YouTubeQueue.mark_and_move_video) mp.add_key_binding(options.remove_from_queue, "delete_video", YouTubeQueue.remove_from_queue) mp.register_event("end-file", on_end_file) mp.register_event("track-changed", on_track_changed) mp.register_event("playback-restart", on_playback_restart) mp.register_script_message("add_to_queue", YouTubeQueue.add_to_queue) mp.register_script_message("print_queue", YouTubeQueue.print_queue) -- }}}