import { TimelineInfoInterface } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/portfolio/interfaces/timeline-info.interface'; import { OrderType } from '@ghostfolio/api/models/order-type'; import { IDataGatheringItem } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/interfaces/interfaces'; import { DATE_FORMAT, parseDate, resetHours } from '@ghostfolio/common/helper'; import { TimelinePosition } from '@ghostfolio/common/interfaces'; import { Logger } from '@nestjs/common'; import Big from 'big.js'; import { addDays, addMonths, addYears, differenceInDays, endOfDay, format, isAfter, isBefore, max, min } from 'date-fns'; import { flatten, isNumber } from 'lodash'; import { CurrentRateService } from './current-rate.service'; import { CurrentPositions } from './interfaces/current-positions.interface'; import { GetValueObject } from './interfaces/get-value-object.interface'; import { PortfolioOrder } from './interfaces/portfolio-order.interface'; import { TimelinePeriod } from './interfaces/timeline-period.interface'; import { Accuracy, TimelineSpecification } from './interfaces/timeline-specification.interface'; import { TransactionPointSymbol } from './interfaces/transaction-point-symbol.interface'; import { TransactionPoint } from './interfaces/transaction-point.interface'; export class PortfolioCalculator { private transactionPoints: TransactionPoint[]; public constructor( private currentRateService: CurrentRateService, private currency: string ) {} public computeTransactionPoints(orders: PortfolioOrder[]) { orders.sort((a, b) =>; this.transactionPoints = []; const symbols: { [symbol: string]: TransactionPointSymbol } = {}; let lastDate: string = null; let lastTransactionPoint: TransactionPoint = null; for (const order of orders) { const currentDate =; let currentTransactionPointItem: TransactionPointSymbol; const oldAccumulatedSymbol = symbols[order.symbol]; const factor = this.getFactor(order.type); const unitPrice = new Big(order.unitPrice); if (oldAccumulatedSymbol) { const newQuantity = order.quantity .mul(factor) .plus(oldAccumulatedSymbol.quantity); currentTransactionPointItem = { currency: order.currency, dataSource: order.dataSource, fee:, firstBuyDate: oldAccumulatedSymbol.firstBuyDate, investment: newQuantity.eq(0) ? new Big(0) : unitPrice .mul(order.quantity) .mul(factor) .add(oldAccumulatedSymbol.investment), quantity: newQuantity, symbol: order.symbol, transactionCount: oldAccumulatedSymbol.transactionCount + 1 }; } else { currentTransactionPointItem = { currency: order.currency, dataSource: order.dataSource, fee: order.fee, firstBuyDate:, investment: unitPrice.mul(order.quantity).mul(factor), quantity: order.quantity.mul(factor), symbol: order.symbol, transactionCount: 1 }; } symbols[order.symbol] = currentTransactionPointItem; const items = lastTransactionPoint?.items ?? []; const newItems = items.filter( (transactionPointItem) => transactionPointItem.symbol !== order.symbol ); newItems.push(currentTransactionPointItem); newItems.sort((a, b) => a.symbol.localeCompare(b.symbol)); if (lastDate !== currentDate || lastTransactionPoint === null) { lastTransactionPoint = { date: currentDate, items: newItems }; this.transactionPoints.push(lastTransactionPoint); } else { lastTransactionPoint.items = newItems; } lastDate = currentDate; } } public getAnnualizedPerformancePercent({ daysInMarket, netPerformancePercent }: { daysInMarket: number; netPerformancePercent: Big; }): Big { if (isNumber(daysInMarket) && daysInMarket > 0) { const exponent = new Big(365).div(daysInMarket).toNumber(); return new Big( Math.pow(, exponent) ).minus(1); } return new Big(0); } public getTransactionPoints(): TransactionPoint[] { return this.transactionPoints; } public setTransactionPoints(transactionPoints: TransactionPoint[]) { this.transactionPoints = transactionPoints; } public async getCurrentPositions(start: Date): Promise { if (!this.transactionPoints?.length) { return { currentValue: new Big(0), hasErrors: false, grossPerformance: new Big(0), grossPerformancePercentage: new Big(0), netAnnualizedPerformance: new Big(0), netPerformance: new Big(0), netPerformancePercentage: new Big(0), positions: [], totalInvestment: new Big(0) }; } const lastTransactionPoint = this.transactionPoints[this.transactionPoints.length - 1]; // use to use the mock for today const today = new Date(; let firstTransactionPoint: TransactionPoint = null; let firstIndex = this.transactionPoints.length; const dates = []; const dataGatheringItems: IDataGatheringItem[] = []; const currencies: { [symbol: string]: string } = {}; dates.push(resetHours(start)); for (const item of this.transactionPoints[firstIndex - 1].items) { dataGatheringItems.push({ dataSource: item.dataSource, symbol: item.symbol }); currencies[item.symbol] = item.currency; } for (let i = 0; i < this.transactionPoints.length; i++) { if ( !isBefore(parseDate(this.transactionPoints[i].date), start) && firstTransactionPoint === null ) { firstTransactionPoint = this.transactionPoints[i]; firstIndex = i; } if (firstTransactionPoint !== null) { dates.push(resetHours(parseDate(this.transactionPoints[i].date))); } } dates.push(resetHours(today)); const marketSymbols = await this.currentRateService.getValues({ currencies, dataGatheringItems, dateQuery: { in: dates }, userCurrency: this.currency }); const marketSymbolMap: { [date: string]: { [symbol: string]: Big }; } = {}; for (const marketSymbol of marketSymbols) { const date = format(, DATE_FORMAT); if (!marketSymbolMap[date]) { marketSymbolMap[date] = {}; } if (marketSymbol.marketPrice) { marketSymbolMap[date][marketSymbol.symbol] = new Big( marketSymbol.marketPrice ); } } let hasErrors = false; const startString = format(start, DATE_FORMAT); const holdingPeriodReturns: { [symbol: string]: Big } = {}; const netHoldingPeriodReturns: { [symbol: string]: Big } = {}; const grossPerformance: { [symbol: string]: Big } = {}; const netPerformance: { [symbol: string]: Big } = {}; const todayString = format(today, DATE_FORMAT); if (firstIndex > 0) { firstIndex--; } const invalidSymbols = []; const lastInvestments: { [symbol: string]: Big } = {}; const lastQuantities: { [symbol: string]: Big } = {}; const lastFees: { [symbol: string]: Big } = {}; const initialValues: { [symbol: string]: Big } = {}; for (let i = firstIndex; i < this.transactionPoints.length; i++) { const currentDate = i === firstIndex ? startString : this.transactionPoints[i].date; const nextDate = i + 1 < this.transactionPoints.length ? this.transactionPoints[i + 1].date : todayString; const items = this.transactionPoints[i].items; for (const item of items) { if (!marketSymbolMap[nextDate]?.[item.symbol]) { invalidSymbols.push(item.symbol); hasErrors = true; Logger.error( `Missing value for symbol ${item.symbol} at ${nextDate}` ); continue; } let lastInvestment: Big = new Big(0); let lastQuantity: Big = item.quantity; if (lastInvestments[item.symbol] && lastQuantities[item.symbol]) { lastInvestment = item.investment.minus(lastInvestments[item.symbol]); lastQuantity = lastQuantities[item.symbol]; } const itemValue = marketSymbolMap[currentDate]?.[item.symbol]; let initialValue = itemValue?.mul(lastQuantity); let investedValue = itemValue?.mul(item.quantity); const isFirstOrderAndIsStartBeforeCurrentDate = i === firstIndex && isBefore(parseDate(this.transactionPoints[i].date), start); const lastFee: Big = lastFees[item.symbol] ?? new Big(0); const fee = isFirstOrderAndIsStartBeforeCurrentDate ? new Big(0) : item.fee.minus(lastFee); if (!isAfter(parseDate(currentDate), parseDate(item.firstBuyDate))) { initialValue = item.investment; investedValue = item.investment; } if (i === firstIndex || !initialValues[item.symbol]) { initialValues[item.symbol] = initialValue; } if (!item.quantity.eq(0)) { if (!initialValue) { invalidSymbols.push(item.symbol); hasErrors = true; Logger.error( `Missing value for symbol ${item.symbol} at ${currentDate}` ); continue; } const cashFlow = lastInvestment; const endValue = marketSymbolMap[nextDate][item.symbol].mul( item.quantity ); const holdingPeriodReturn = endValue.div(; holdingPeriodReturns[item.symbol] = ( holdingPeriodReturns[item.symbol] ?? new Big(1) ).mul(holdingPeriodReturn); grossPerformance[item.symbol] = ( grossPerformance[item.symbol] ?? new Big(0) ).plus(endValue.minus(investedValue)); const netHoldingPeriodReturn = endValue.div( ); netHoldingPeriodReturns[item.symbol] = ( netHoldingPeriodReturns[item.symbol] ?? new Big(1) ).mul(netHoldingPeriodReturn); netPerformance[item.symbol] = ( netPerformance[item.symbol] ?? new Big(0) ).plus(endValue.minus(investedValue).minus(fee)); } lastInvestments[item.symbol] = item.investment; lastQuantities[item.symbol] = item.quantity; lastFees[item.symbol] = item.fee; } } const positions: TimelinePosition[] = []; for (const item of lastTransactionPoint.items) { const marketValue = marketSymbolMap[todayString]?.[item.symbol]; const isValid = invalidSymbols.indexOf(item.symbol) === -1; positions.push({ averagePrice: item.quantity.eq(0) ? new Big(0) : item.investment.div(item.quantity), currency: item.currency, dataSource: item.dataSource, firstBuyDate: item.firstBuyDate, grossPerformance: isValid ? grossPerformance[item.symbol] ?? null : null, grossPerformancePercentage: isValid && holdingPeriodReturns[item.symbol] ? holdingPeriodReturns[item.symbol].minus(1) : null, investment: item.investment, marketPrice: marketValue?.toNumber() ?? null, netPerformance: isValid ? netPerformance[item.symbol] ?? null : null, netPerformancePercentage: isValid && netHoldingPeriodReturns[item.symbol] ? netHoldingPeriodReturns[item.symbol].minus(1) : null, quantity: item.quantity, symbol: item.symbol, transactionCount: item.transactionCount }); } const overall = this.calculateOverallPerformance(positions, initialValues); return { ...overall, positions, hasErrors: hasErrors || overall.hasErrors }; } public getInvestments(): { date: string; investment: Big }[] { if (this.transactionPoints.length === 0) { return []; } return => { return { date:, investment: transactionPoint.items.reduce( (investment, transactionPointSymbol) => investment.add(transactionPointSymbol.investment), new Big(0) ) }; }); } public async calculateTimeline( timelineSpecification: TimelineSpecification[], endDate: string ): Promise { if (timelineSpecification.length === 0) { return { maxNetPerformance: new Big(0), minNetPerformance: new Big(0), timelinePeriods: [] }; } const startDate = timelineSpecification[0].start; const start = parseDate(startDate); const end = parseDate(endDate); const timelinePeriodPromises: Promise[] = []; let i = 0; let j = -1; for ( let currentDate = start; !isAfter(currentDate, end); currentDate = this.addToDate( currentDate, timelineSpecification[i].accuracy ) ) { if (this.isNextItemActive(timelineSpecification, currentDate, i)) { i++; } while ( j + 1 < this.transactionPoints.length && !isAfter(parseDate(this.transactionPoints[j + 1].date), currentDate) ) { j++; } let periodEndDate = currentDate; if (timelineSpecification[i].accuracy === 'day') { let nextEndDate = end; if (j + 1 < this.transactionPoints.length) { nextEndDate = parseDate(this.transactionPoints[j + 1].date); } periodEndDate = min([ addMonths(currentDate, 3), max([currentDate, nextEndDate]) ]); } const timePeriodForDates = this.getTimePeriodForDate( j, currentDate, endOfDay(periodEndDate) ); currentDate = periodEndDate; if (timePeriodForDates != null) { timelinePeriodPromises.push(timePeriodForDates); } } const timelineInfoInterfaces: TimelineInfoInterface[] = await Promise.all( timelinePeriodPromises ); const minNetPerformance = timelineInfoInterfaces .map((timelineInfo) => timelineInfo.minNetPerformance) .filter((performance) => performance !== null) .reduce((minPerformance, current) => { if ( { return minPerformance; } else { return current; } }); const maxNetPerformance = timelineInfoInterfaces .map((timelineInfo) => timelineInfo.maxNetPerformance) .filter((performance) => performance !== null) .reduce((maxPerformance, current) => { if ( { return maxPerformance; } else { return current; } }); const timelinePeriods = (timelineInfo) => timelineInfo.timelinePeriods ); return { maxNetPerformance, minNetPerformance, timelinePeriods: flatten(timelinePeriods) }; } private calculateOverallPerformance( positions: TimelinePosition[], initialValues: { [p: string]: Big } ) { let hasErrors = false; let currentValue = new Big(0); let totalInvestment = new Big(0); let grossPerformance = new Big(0); let grossPerformancePercentage = new Big(0); let netPerformance = new Big(0); let netPerformancePercentage = new Big(0); let completeInitialValue = new Big(0); let netAnnualizedPerformance = new Big(0); // use to use the mock for today const today = new Date(; for (const currentPosition of positions) { if (currentPosition.marketPrice) { currentValue = currentValue.add( new Big(currentPosition.marketPrice).mul(currentPosition.quantity) ); } else { hasErrors = true; } totalInvestment = totalInvestment.add(currentPosition.investment); if (currentPosition.grossPerformance) { grossPerformance = currentPosition.grossPerformance ); netPerformance =; } else if (!currentPosition.quantity.eq(0)) { hasErrors = true; } if ( currentPosition.grossPerformancePercentage && initialValues[currentPosition.symbol] ) { const currentInitialValue = initialValues[currentPosition.symbol]; completeInitialValue =; grossPerformancePercentage = currentPosition.grossPerformancePercentage.mul(currentInitialValue) ); netAnnualizedPerformance = this.getAnnualizedPerformancePercent({ daysInMarket: differenceInDays( today, parseDate(currentPosition.firstBuyDate) ), netPerformancePercent: currentPosition.netPerformancePercentage }).mul(currentInitialValue) ); netPerformancePercentage = currentPosition.netPerformancePercentage.mul(currentInitialValue) ); } else if (!currentPosition.quantity.eq(0)) { Logger.error( `Initial value is missing for symbol ${currentPosition.symbol}` ); hasErrors = true; } } if (!completeInitialValue.eq(0)) { grossPerformancePercentage = grossPerformancePercentage.div(completeInitialValue); netPerformancePercentage = netPerformancePercentage.div(completeInitialValue); netAnnualizedPerformance = netAnnualizedPerformance.div(completeInitialValue); } return { currentValue, grossPerformance, grossPerformancePercentage, hasErrors, netAnnualizedPerformance, netPerformance, netPerformancePercentage, totalInvestment }; } private async getTimePeriodForDate( j: number, startDate: Date, endDate: Date ): Promise { let investment: Big = new Big(0); let fees: Big = new Big(0); const marketSymbolMap: { [date: string]: { [symbol: string]: Big }; } = {}; if (j >= 0) { const currencies: { [name: string]: string } = {}; const dataGatheringItems: IDataGatheringItem[] = []; for (const item of this.transactionPoints[j].items) { currencies[item.symbol] = item.currency; dataGatheringItems.push({ dataSource: item.dataSource, symbol: item.symbol }); investment = investment.add(item.investment); fees = fees.add(item.fee); } let marketSymbols: GetValueObject[] = []; if (dataGatheringItems.length > 0) { try { marketSymbols = await this.currentRateService.getValues({ currencies, dataGatheringItems, dateQuery: { gte: startDate, lt: endOfDay(endDate) }, userCurrency: this.currency }); } catch (error) { Logger.error( `Failed to fetch info for date ${startDate} with exception`, error ); return null; } } for (const marketSymbol of marketSymbols) { const date = format(, DATE_FORMAT); if (!marketSymbolMap[date]) { marketSymbolMap[date] = {}; } if (marketSymbol.marketPrice) { marketSymbolMap[date][marketSymbol.symbol] = new Big( marketSymbol.marketPrice ); } } } const results: TimelinePeriod[] = []; let maxNetPerformance: Big = null; let minNetPerformance: Big = null; for ( let currentDate = startDate; isBefore(currentDate, endDate); currentDate = addDays(currentDate, 1) ) { let value = new Big(0); const currentDateAsString = format(currentDate, DATE_FORMAT); let invalid = false; if (j >= 0) { for (const item of this.transactionPoints[j].items) { if ( !marketSymbolMap[currentDateAsString]?.hasOwnProperty(item.symbol) ) { invalid = true; break; } value = value.add( item.quantity.mul(marketSymbolMap[currentDateAsString][item.symbol]) ); } } if (!invalid) { const grossPerformance = value.minus(investment); const netPerformance = grossPerformance.minus(fees); if ( minNetPerformance === null || ) { minNetPerformance = netPerformance; } if ( maxNetPerformance === null || ) { maxNetPerformance = netPerformance; } const result = { grossPerformance, investment, netPerformance, value, date: currentDateAsString }; results.push(result); } } return { maxNetPerformance, minNetPerformance, timelinePeriods: results }; } private getFactor(type: OrderType) { let factor: number; switch (type) { case OrderType.Buy: factor = 1; break; case OrderType.Sell: factor = -1; break; default: factor = 0; break; } return factor; } private addToDate(date: Date, accuracy: Accuracy): Date { switch (accuracy) { case 'day': return addDays(date, 1); case 'month': return addMonths(date, 1); case 'year': return addYears(date, 1); } } private isNextItemActive( timelineSpecification: TimelineSpecification[], currentDate: Date, i: number ) { return ( i + 1 < timelineSpecification.length && !isBefore(currentDate, parseDate(timelineSpecification[i + 1].start)) ); } }