import { ConfigurationService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/configuration.service'; import { Controller, Get, HttpException, Param, Req, Res, UseGuards } from '@nestjs/common'; import { AuthGuard } from '@nestjs/passport'; import { StatusCodes, getReasonPhrase } from 'http-status-codes'; import { AuthService } from './auth.service'; @Controller('auth') export class AuthController { public constructor( private readonly authService: AuthService, private readonly configurationService: ConfigurationService ) {} @Get('anonymous/:accessToken') public async accessTokenLogin(@Param('accessToken') accessToken: string) { try { const authToken = await this.authService.validateAnonymousLogin( accessToken ); return { authToken }; } catch { throw new HttpException( getReasonPhrase(StatusCodes.FORBIDDEN), StatusCodes.FORBIDDEN ); } } @Get('google') @UseGuards(AuthGuard('google')) public googleLogin() { // Initiates the Google OAuth2 login flow } @Get('google/callback') @UseGuards(AuthGuard('google')) public googleLoginCallback(@Req() req, @Res() res) { // Handles the Google OAuth2 callback const jwt: string = req.user.jwt; if (jwt) { res.redirect(`${this.configurationService.get('ROOT_URL')}/auth/${jwt}`); } else { res.redirect(`${this.configurationService.get('ROOT_URL')}/auth`); } } }