import { SymbolProfileService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/symbol-profile.service'; import { DATA_GATHERING_QUEUE, GATHER_HISTORICAL_MARKET_DATA_PROCESS, GATHER_HISTORICAL_MARKET_DATA_PROCESS_OPTIONS, QUEUE_JOB_STATUS_LIST } from '@ghostfolio/common/config'; import { DATE_FORMAT, resetHours } from '@ghostfolio/common/helper'; import { UniqueAsset } from '@ghostfolio/common/interfaces'; import { InjectQueue } from '@nestjs/bull'; import { Inject, Injectable, Logger } from '@nestjs/common'; import { DataSource } from '@prisma/client'; import { JobOptions, Queue } from 'bull'; import { format, subDays } from 'date-fns'; import { DataProviderService } from './data-provider/data-provider.service'; import { DataEnhancerInterface } from './data-provider/interfaces/data-enhancer.interface'; import { ExchangeRateDataService } from './exchange-rate-data.service'; import { IDataGatheringItem } from './interfaces/interfaces'; import { PrismaService } from './prisma.service'; @Injectable() export class DataGatheringService { public constructor( @Inject('DataEnhancers') private readonly dataEnhancers: DataEnhancerInterface[], @InjectQueue(DATA_GATHERING_QUEUE) private readonly dataGatheringQueue: Queue, private readonly dataProviderService: DataProviderService, private readonly exchangeRateDataService: ExchangeRateDataService, private readonly prismaService: PrismaService, private readonly symbolProfileService: SymbolProfileService ) {} public async addJobToQueue(name: string, data: any, options?: JobOptions) { const hasJob = await this.hasJob(name, data); if (hasJob) { Logger.log( `Job ${name} with data ${JSON.stringify(data)} already exists.`, 'DataGatheringService' ); } else { return this.dataGatheringQueue.add(name, data, options); } } public async gather7Days() { const dataGatheringItems = await this.getSymbols7D(); await this.gatherSymbols(dataGatheringItems); } public async gatherMax() { const dataGatheringItems = await this.getSymbolsMax(); await this.gatherSymbols(dataGatheringItems); } public async gatherSymbol({ dataSource, symbol }: UniqueAsset) { const symbols = (await this.getSymbolsMax()).filter((dataGatheringItem) => { return ( dataGatheringItem.dataSource === dataSource && dataGatheringItem.symbol === symbol ); }); await this.gatherSymbols(symbols); } public async gatherSymbolForDate({ dataSource, date, symbol }: { dataSource: DataSource; date: Date; symbol: string; }) { try { const historicalData = await this.dataProviderService.getHistoricalRaw( [{ dataSource, symbol }], date, date ); const marketPrice = historicalData[symbol][format(date, DATE_FORMAT)].marketPrice; if (marketPrice) { return await this.prismaService.marketData.upsert({ create: { dataSource, date, marketPrice, symbol }, update: { marketPrice }, where: { date_symbol: { date, symbol } } }); } } catch (error) { Logger.error(error, 'DataGatheringService'); } finally { return undefined; } } public async gatherAssetProfiles(aUniqueAssets?: UniqueAsset[]) { let uniqueAssets = aUniqueAssets?.filter((dataGatheringItem) => { return dataGatheringItem.dataSource !== 'MANUAL'; }); if (!uniqueAssets) { uniqueAssets = await this.getUniqueAssets(); } const assetProfiles = await this.dataProviderService.getAssetProfiles( uniqueAssets ); const symbolProfiles = await this.symbolProfileService.getSymbolProfilesBySymbols({ symbol }) => { return symbol; }) ); for (const [symbol, assetProfile] of Object.entries(assetProfiles)) { const symbolMapping = symbolProfiles.find((symbolProfile) => { return symbolProfile.symbol === symbol; })?.symbolMapping; for (const dataEnhancer of this.dataEnhancers) { try { assetProfiles[symbol] = await dataEnhancer.enhance({ response: assetProfile, symbol: symbolMapping?.[dataEnhancer.getName()] ?? symbol }); } catch (error) { Logger.error( `Failed to enhance data for symbol ${symbol} by ${dataEnhancer.getName()}`, error, 'DataGatheringService' ); } } const { assetClass, assetSubClass, countries, currency, dataSource, name, sectors, url } = assetProfiles[symbol]; try { await this.prismaService.symbolProfile.upsert({ create: { assetClass, assetSubClass, countries, currency, dataSource, name, sectors, symbol, url }, update: { assetClass, assetSubClass, countries, currency, name, sectors, url }, where: { dataSource_symbol: { dataSource, symbol } } }); } catch (error) { Logger.error( `${symbol}: ${error?.meta?.cause}`, error, 'DataGatheringService' ); } } Logger.log( `Asset profile data gathering has been completed for ${uniqueAssets .map(({ dataSource, symbol }) => { return `${symbol} (${dataSource})`; }) .join(',')}.`, 'DataGatheringService' ); } public async gatherSymbols(aSymbolsWithStartDate: IDataGatheringItem[]) { for (const { dataSource, date, symbol } of aSymbolsWithStartDate) { if (dataSource === 'MANUAL') { continue; } await this.addJobToQueue( GATHER_HISTORICAL_MARKET_DATA_PROCESS, { dataSource, date, symbol }, GATHER_HISTORICAL_MARKET_DATA_PROCESS_OPTIONS ); } } public async getSymbolsMax(): Promise { const startDate = ( await this.prismaService.order.findFirst({ orderBy: [{ date: 'asc' }] }) )?.date ?? new Date(); const currencyPairsToGather = this.exchangeRateDataService .getCurrencyPairs() .map(({ dataSource, symbol }) => { return { dataSource, symbol, date: startDate }; }); const symbolProfilesToGather = ( await this.prismaService.symbolProfile.findMany({ orderBy: [{ symbol: 'asc' }], select: { dataSource: true, Order: { orderBy: [{ date: 'asc' }], select: { date: true }, take: 1 }, scraperConfiguration: true, symbol: true }, where: { dataSource: { not: 'MANUAL' } } }) ).map((symbolProfile) => { return { ...symbolProfile, date: symbolProfile.Order?.[0]?.date ?? startDate }; }); return [...currencyPairsToGather, ...symbolProfilesToGather]; } public async getUniqueAssets(): Promise { const symbolProfiles = await this.prismaService.symbolProfile.findMany({ orderBy: [{ symbol: 'asc' }] }); return symbolProfiles .filter(({ dataSource }) => { return ( dataSource !== DataSource.GHOSTFOLIO && dataSource !== DataSource.MANUAL && dataSource !== DataSource.RAKUTEN ); }) .map(({ dataSource, symbol }) => { return { dataSource, symbol }; }); } private async getSymbols7D(): Promise { const startDate = subDays(resetHours(new Date()), 7); const symbolProfiles = await this.prismaService.symbolProfile.findMany({ orderBy: [{ symbol: 'asc' }], select: { dataSource: true, scraperConfiguration: true, symbol: true }, where: { dataSource: { not: 'MANUAL' } } }); // Only consider symbols with incomplete market data for the last // 7 days const symbolsNotToGather = ( await this.prismaService.marketData.groupBy({ _count: true, by: ['symbol'], orderBy: [{ symbol: 'asc' }], where: { date: { gt: startDate } } }) ) .filter((group) => { return group._count >= 6; }) .map((group) => { return group.symbol; }); const symbolProfilesToGather = symbolProfiles .filter(({ symbol }) => { return !symbolsNotToGather.includes(symbol); }) .map((symbolProfile) => { return { ...symbolProfile, date: startDate }; }); const currencyPairsToGather = this.exchangeRateDataService .getCurrencyPairs() .filter(({ symbol }) => { return !symbolsNotToGather.includes(symbol); }) .map(({ dataSource, symbol }) => { return { dataSource, symbol, date: startDate }; }); return [...currencyPairsToGather, ...symbolProfilesToGather]; } private async hasJob(name: string, data: any) { const jobs = await this.dataGatheringQueue.getJobs( QUEUE_JOB_STATUS_LIST.filter((status) => { return status !== 'completed'; }) ); return jobs.some((job) => { return ( === name && JSON.stringify( === JSON.stringify(data) ); }); } }