import { AccountService } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/account/account.service'; import { CurrentRateService } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/core/current-rate.service'; import { PortfolioOrder } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/core/interfaces/portfolio-order.interface'; import { TimelineSpecification } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/core/interfaces/timeline-specification.interface'; import { PortfolioCalculator } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/core/portfolio-calculator'; import { OrderService } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/order/order.service'; import { RedisCacheService } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/redis-cache/redis-cache.service'; import { UserService } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/user/user.service'; import { OrderType } from '@ghostfolio/api/models/order-type'; import { Portfolio } from '@ghostfolio/api/models/portfolio'; import { DataProviderService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/data-provider.service'; import { ExchangeRateDataService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/exchange-rate-data.service'; import { ImpersonationService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/impersonation.service'; import { IOrder, Type } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/interfaces/interfaces'; import { RulesService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/rules.service'; import { DATE_FORMAT, parseDate } from '@ghostfolio/common/helper'; import { PortfolioItem, PortfolioOverview, PortfolioPerformance, PortfolioPosition, Position, TimelinePosition } from '@ghostfolio/common/interfaces'; import { DateRange, OrderWithAccount, RequestWithUser } from '@ghostfolio/common/types'; import { Inject, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { REQUEST } from '@nestjs/core'; import { DataSource, Currency, Type as TypeOfOrder } from '@prisma/client'; import Big from 'big.js'; import { add, addMonths, endOfToday, format, getDate, getMonth, getYear, isAfter, isBefore, isSameDay, max, parse, parseISO, setDate, setDayOfYear, setMonth, sub, subDays, subYears } from 'date-fns'; import { isEmpty } from 'lodash'; import * as roundTo from 'round-to'; import { HistoricalDataItem, PortfolioPositionDetail } from './interfaces/portfolio-position-detail.interface'; import { SymbolProfileService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/symbol-profile.service'; import { UNKNOWN_KEY } from '@ghostfolio/common/config'; import { EnhancedSymbolProfile } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/interfaces/symbol-profile.interface'; import { TransactionPoint } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/core/interfaces/transaction-point.interface'; import { InvestmentItem } from '@ghostfolio/common/interfaces/investment-item.interface'; @Injectable() export class PortfolioService { public constructor( private readonly accountService: AccountService, private readonly currentRateService: CurrentRateService, private readonly dataProviderService: DataProviderService, private readonly exchangeRateDataService: ExchangeRateDataService, private readonly impersonationService: ImpersonationService, private readonly orderService: OrderService, private readonly redisCacheService: RedisCacheService, @Inject(REQUEST) private readonly request: RequestWithUser, private readonly rulesService: RulesService, private readonly userService: UserService, private readonly symbolProfileService: SymbolProfileService ) {} public async createPortfolio(aUserId: string): Promise { let portfolio: Portfolio; const stringifiedPortfolio = await this.redisCacheService.get( `${aUserId}.portfolio` ); const user = await this.userService.user({ id: aUserId }); if (stringifiedPortfolio) { // Get portfolio from redis const { orders, portfolioItems }: { orders: IOrder[]; portfolioItems: PortfolioItem[] } = JSON.parse(stringifiedPortfolio); portfolio = new Portfolio( this.accountService, this.dataProviderService, this.exchangeRateDataService, this.rulesService ).createFromData({ orders, portfolioItems, user }); } else { // Get portfolio from database const orders = await this.getOrders(aUserId); portfolio = new Portfolio( this.accountService, this.dataProviderService, this.exchangeRateDataService, this.rulesService ); portfolio.setUser(user); await portfolio.setOrders(orders); // Cache data for the next time... const portfolioData = { orders: portfolio.getOrders(), portfolioItems: portfolio.getPortfolioItems() }; await this.redisCacheService.set( `${aUserId}.portfolio`, JSON.stringify(portfolioData) ); } // Enrich portfolio with current data await portfolio.addCurrentPortfolioItems(); // Enrich portfolio with future data await portfolio.addFuturePortfolioItems(); return portfolio; } public async getInvestments( aImpersonationId: string ): Promise { const userId = await this.getUserId(aImpersonationId); const portfolioCalculator = new PortfolioCalculator( this.currentRateService, this.request.user.Settings.currency ); const { transactionPoints } = await this.getTransactionPoints(userId); portfolioCalculator.setTransactionPoints(transactionPoints); if (transactionPoints.length === 0) { return []; } return portfolioCalculator.getInvestments().map((item) => { return { date:, investment: item.investment.toNumber() }; }); } public async getChart( aImpersonationId: string, aDateRange: DateRange = 'max' ): Promise { const userId = await this.getUserId(aImpersonationId); const portfolioCalculator = new PortfolioCalculator( this.currentRateService, this.request.user.Settings.currency ); const { transactionPoints } = await this.getTransactionPoints(userId); portfolioCalculator.setTransactionPoints(transactionPoints); if (transactionPoints.length === 0) { return []; } let portfolioStart = parse( transactionPoints[0].date, DATE_FORMAT, new Date() ); portfolioStart = this.getStartDate(aDateRange, portfolioStart); const timelineSpecification: TimelineSpecification[] = [ { start: format(portfolioStart, DATE_FORMAT), accuracy: 'day' } ]; const timeline = await portfolioCalculator.calculateTimeline( timelineSpecification, format(new Date(), DATE_FORMAT) ); return timeline .filter((timelineItem) => timelineItem !== null) .map((timelineItem) => ({ date:, marketPrice: timelineItem.value, value: timelineItem.grossPerformance.toNumber() })); } public async getOverview( aImpersonationId: string ): Promise { const userId = await this.getUserId(aImpersonationId); const currency = this.request.user.Settings.currency; const { balance } = await this.accountService.getCashDetails( userId, currency ); const orders = await this.getOrders(userId); const fees = this.getFees(orders); const totalBuy = this.getTotalByType(orders, currency, TypeOfOrder.BUY); const totalSell = this.getTotalByType(orders, currency, TypeOfOrder.SELL); return { committedFunds: totalBuy - totalSell, fees, cash: balance, ordersCount: orders.length, totalBuy: totalBuy, totalSell: totalSell }; } public async getDetails( aImpersonationId: string, aDateRange: DateRange = 'max' ): Promise<{ [symbol: string]: PortfolioPosition }> { const userId = await this.getUserId(aImpersonationId); const userCurrency = this.request.user.Settings.currency; const portfolioCalculator = new PortfolioCalculator( this.currentRateService, userCurrency ); const { transactionPoints, orders } = await this.getTransactionPoints( userId ); if (transactionPoints?.length <= 0) { return {}; } portfolioCalculator.setTransactionPoints(transactionPoints); const portfolioStart = parseDate(transactionPoints[0].date); const startDate = this.getStartDate(aDateRange, portfolioStart); const currentPositions = await portfolioCalculator.getCurrentPositions( startDate ); if (currentPositions.hasErrors) { throw new Error('Missing information'); } const result: { [symbol: string]: PortfolioPosition } = {}; const totalValue = currentPositions.currentValue; const symbols = (position) => position.symbol ); const [dataProviderResponses, symbolProfiles] = await Promise.all([ this.dataProviderService.get(symbols), this.symbolProfileService.getSymbolProfiles(symbols) ]); const symbolProfileMap: { [symbol: string]: EnhancedSymbolProfile } = {}; for (const symbolProfile of symbolProfiles) { symbolProfileMap[symbolProfile.symbol] = symbolProfile; } const portfolioItemsNow: { [symbol: string]: TimelinePosition } = {}; for (const position of currentPositions.positions) { portfolioItemsNow[position.symbol] = position; } const accounts = this.getAccounts(orders, portfolioItemsNow, userCurrency); for (const item of currentPositions.positions) { const value = item.quantity.mul(item.marketPrice); const symbolProfile = symbolProfileMap[item.symbol]; const dataProviderResponse = dataProviderResponses[item.symbol]; result[item.symbol] = { accounts, allocationCurrent: value.div(totalValue).toNumber(), allocationInvestment: item.investment .div(currentPositions.totalInvestment) .toNumber(), countries: symbolProfile.countries, currency: item.currency, exchange:, grossPerformance: item.grossPerformance.toNumber(), grossPerformancePercent: item.grossPerformancePercentage.toNumber(), investment: item.investment.toNumber(), marketPrice: item.marketPrice, marketState: dataProviderResponse.marketState, name:, quantity: item.quantity.toNumber(), sectors: symbolProfile.sectors, symbol: item.symbol, transactionCount: item.transactionCount, type: dataProviderResponse.type, value: value.toNumber() }; } return result; } public async getPosition( aImpersonationId: string, aSymbol: string ): Promise { const userId = await this.getUserId(aImpersonationId); const portfolioCalculator = new PortfolioCalculator( this.currentRateService, this.request.user.Settings.currency ); const { transactionPoints, orders } = await this.getTransactionPoints( userId ); if (transactionPoints?.length <= 0) { return { averagePrice: undefined, currency: undefined, firstBuyDate: undefined, grossPerformance: undefined, grossPerformancePercent: undefined, historicalData: [], investment: undefined, marketPrice: undefined, maxPrice: undefined, minPrice: undefined, quantity: undefined, symbol: aSymbol, transactionCount: undefined }; } portfolioCalculator.setTransactionPoints(transactionPoints); const portfolioStart = parseDate(transactionPoints[0].date); const currentPositions = await portfolioCalculator.getCurrentPositions( portfolioStart ); const position = currentPositions.positions.find( (item) => item.symbol === aSymbol ); if (position) { const { averagePrice, currency, firstBuyDate, investment, marketPrice, quantity, transactionCount } = position; const historicalData = await this.dataProviderService.getHistorical( [aSymbol], 'day', parseISO(firstBuyDate), new Date() ); const historicalDataArray: HistoricalDataItem[] = []; let maxPrice = marketPrice; let minPrice = marketPrice; if (historicalData[aSymbol]) { let j = -1; for (const [date, { marketPrice }] of Object.entries( historicalData[aSymbol] )) { while ( j + 1 < transactionPoints.length && !isAfter(parseDate(transactionPoints[j + 1].date), parseDate(date)) ) { j++; } let currentAveragePrice = 0; const currentSymbol = transactionPoints[j].items.find( (item) => item.symbol === aSymbol ); if (currentSymbol) { currentAveragePrice = currentSymbol.investment .div(currentSymbol.quantity) .toNumber(); } historicalDataArray.push({ date, averagePrice: currentAveragePrice, value: marketPrice }); maxPrice = Math.max(marketPrice ?? 0, maxPrice); minPrice = Math.min(marketPrice ?? Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, minPrice); } } return { averagePrice: averagePrice.toNumber(), currency, firstBuyDate, investment: investment.toNumber(), marketPrice, maxPrice, minPrice, quantity: quantity.toNumber(), transactionCount, grossPerformance: position.grossPerformance.toNumber(), grossPerformancePercent: position.grossPerformancePercentage.toNumber(), historicalData: historicalDataArray, symbol: aSymbol }; } else { const currentData = await this.dataProviderService.get([aSymbol]); let historicalData = await this.dataProviderService.getHistorical( [aSymbol], 'day', portfolioStart, new Date() ); if (isEmpty(historicalData)) { historicalData = await this.dataProviderService.getHistoricalRaw( [{ dataSource: DataSource.YAHOO, symbol: aSymbol }], portfolioStart, new Date() ); } const historicalDataArray: HistoricalDataItem[] = []; for (const [date, { marketPrice }] of Object.entries( historicalData[aSymbol] ).reverse()) { historicalDataArray.push({ date, value: marketPrice }); } return { averagePrice: undefined, currency: currentData[aSymbol]?.currency, firstBuyDate: undefined, grossPerformance: undefined, grossPerformancePercent: undefined, historicalData: historicalDataArray, investment: undefined, marketPrice: currentData[aSymbol]?.marketPrice, maxPrice: undefined, minPrice: undefined, quantity: undefined, symbol: aSymbol, transactionCount: undefined }; } } public async getPositions( aImpersonationId: string, aDateRange: DateRange = 'max' ): Promise<{ hasErrors: boolean; positions: Position[] }> { const userId = await this.getUserId(aImpersonationId); const portfolioCalculator = new PortfolioCalculator( this.currentRateService, this.request.user.Settings.currency ); const { transactionPoints } = await this.getTransactionPoints(userId); if (transactionPoints?.length <= 0) { return { hasErrors: false, positions: [] }; } portfolioCalculator.setTransactionPoints(transactionPoints); const portfolioStart = parseDate(transactionPoints[0].date); const startDate = this.getStartDate(aDateRange, portfolioStart); const currentPositions = await portfolioCalculator.getCurrentPositions( startDate ); return { hasErrors: currentPositions.hasErrors, positions: => { return { ...position, averagePrice: new Big(position.averagePrice).toNumber(), grossPerformance: position.grossPerformance?.toNumber() ?? null, grossPerformancePercentage: position.grossPerformancePercentage?.toNumber() ?? null, investment: new Big(position.investment).toNumber(), name:, quantity: new Big(position.quantity).toNumber(), type: Type.Unknown, // TODO url: '' // TODO }; }) }; } public async getPerformance( aImpersonationId: string, aDateRange: DateRange = 'max' ): Promise<{ hasErrors: boolean; performance: PortfolioPerformance }> { const impersonationUserId = await this.impersonationService.validateImpersonationId( aImpersonationId, ); const userId = impersonationUserId ||; const portfolioCalculator = new PortfolioCalculator( this.currentRateService, this.request.user.Settings.currency ); const { transactionPoints } = await this.getTransactionPoints(userId); if (transactionPoints?.length <= 0) { return { hasErrors: false, performance: { currentGrossPerformance: 0, currentGrossPerformancePercent: 0, currentNetPerformance: 0, currentNetPerformancePercent: 0, currentValue: 0 } }; } portfolioCalculator.setTransactionPoints(transactionPoints); const portfolioStart = parseDate(transactionPoints[0].date); const startDate = this.getStartDate(aDateRange, portfolioStart); const currentPositions = await portfolioCalculator.getCurrentPositions( startDate ); const hasErrors = currentPositions.hasErrors; const currentValue = currentPositions.currentValue.toNumber(); const currentGrossPerformance = currentPositions.grossPerformance.toNumber(); const currentGrossPerformancePercent = currentPositions.grossPerformancePercentage.toNumber(); return { hasErrors: currentPositions.hasErrors || hasErrors, performance: { currentGrossPerformance, currentGrossPerformancePercent, // TODO: the next two should include fees currentNetPerformance: currentGrossPerformance, currentNetPerformancePercent: currentGrossPerformancePercent, currentValue: currentValue } }; } public getFees(orders: OrderWithAccount[], date = new Date(0)) { return orders .filter((order) => { // Filter out all orders before given date return isBefore(date, new Date(; }) .map((order) => { return this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( order.fee, order.currency, this.request.user.Settings.currency ); }) .reduce((previous, current) => previous + current, 0); } private getStartDate(aDateRange: DateRange, portfolioStart: Date) { switch (aDateRange) { case '1d': portfolioStart = max([portfolioStart, subDays(new Date(), 1)]); break; case 'ytd': portfolioStart = max([portfolioStart, setDayOfYear(new Date(), 1)]); break; case '1y': portfolioStart = max([portfolioStart, subYears(new Date(), 1)]); break; case '5y': portfolioStart = max([portfolioStart, subYears(new Date(), 5)]); break; } return portfolioStart; } private async getTransactionPoints(userId: string): Promise<{ transactionPoints: TransactionPoint[]; orders: OrderWithAccount[]; }> { const orders = await this.getOrders(userId); if (orders.length <= 0) { return { transactionPoints: [], orders: [] }; } const portfolioOrders: PortfolioOrder[] = => ({ currency: order.currency, date: format(, DATE_FORMAT), name: order.SymbolProfile?.name, quantity: new Big(order.quantity), symbol: order.symbol, type: order.type, unitPrice: new Big(order.unitPrice) })); const portfolioCalculator = new PortfolioCalculator( this.currentRateService, this.request.user.Settings.currency ); portfolioCalculator.computeTransactionPoints(portfolioOrders); return { transactionPoints: portfolioCalculator.getTransactionPoints(), orders }; } private convertDateRangeToDate(aDateRange: DateRange, aMinDate: Date) { let currentDate = new Date(); const normalizedMinDate = getDate(aMinDate) === 1 ? aMinDate : add(setDate(aMinDate, 1), { months: 1 }); const year = getYear(currentDate); const month = getMonth(currentDate); const day = getDate(currentDate); currentDate = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day, 0)); switch (aDateRange) { case '1d': return sub(currentDate, { days: 1 }); case 'ytd': currentDate = setDate(currentDate, 1); currentDate = setMonth(currentDate, 0); return isAfter(currentDate, normalizedMinDate) ? currentDate : undefined; case '1y': currentDate = setDate(currentDate, 1); currentDate = sub(currentDate, { years: 1 }); return isAfter(currentDate, normalizedMinDate) ? currentDate : undefined; case '5y': currentDate = setDate(currentDate, 1); currentDate = sub(currentDate, { years: 5 }); return isAfter(currentDate, normalizedMinDate) ? currentDate : undefined; default: // Gets handled as all data return undefined; } } private getAccounts( orders: OrderWithAccount[], portfolioItemsNow: { [p: string]: TimelinePosition }, userCurrency ) { const accounts: PortfolioPosition['accounts'] = {}; for (const order of orders) { let currentValueOfSymbol = this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( order.quantity * portfolioItemsNow[order.symbol].marketPrice, order.currency, userCurrency ); let originalValueOfSymbol = this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( order.quantity * order.unitPrice, order.currency, userCurrency ); if (order.type === 'SELL') { currentValueOfSymbol *= -1; originalValueOfSymbol *= -1; } if (accounts[order.Account?.name || UNKNOWN_KEY]?.current) { accounts[order.Account?.name || UNKNOWN_KEY].current += currentValueOfSymbol; accounts[order.Account?.name || UNKNOWN_KEY].original += originalValueOfSymbol; } else { accounts[order.Account?.name || UNKNOWN_KEY] = { current: currentValueOfSymbol, original: originalValueOfSymbol }; } } return accounts; } private getOrders(aUserId: string) { return this.orderService.orders({ include: { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention Account: true, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention SymbolProfile: true }, orderBy: { date: 'asc' }, where: { userId: aUserId } }); } private async getUserId(aImpersonationId: string) { const impersonationUserId = await this.impersonationService.validateImpersonationId( aImpersonationId, ); return impersonationUserId ||; } private getTotalByType( orders: OrderWithAccount[], currency: Currency, type: TypeOfOrder ) { return orders .filter( (order) => !isAfter(, endOfToday()) && order.type === type ) .map((order) => { return this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( order.quantity * order.unitPrice, order.currency, currency ); }) .reduce((previous, current) => previous + current, 0); } }