import { LookupItem } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/symbol/interfaces/lookup-item.interface'; import { ConfigurationService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/configuration.service'; import { PrismaService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/prisma.service'; import { ghostfolioFearAndGreedIndexSymbol } from '@ghostfolio/common/config'; import { DATE_FORMAT, getToday, getYesterday, isRakutenRapidApiSymbol } from '@ghostfolio/common/helper'; import { Granularity } from '@ghostfolio/common/types'; import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { DataSource } from '@prisma/client'; import * as bent from 'bent'; import { format, subMonths, subWeeks, subYears } from 'date-fns'; import { DataProviderInterface } from '../../interfaces/data-provider.interface'; import { IDataProviderHistoricalResponse, IDataProviderResponse, MarketState } from '../../interfaces/interfaces'; @Injectable() export class RakutenRapidApiService implements DataProviderInterface { public static FEAR_AND_GREED_INDEX_NAME = 'Fear & Greed Index'; private prismaService: PrismaService; public constructor( private readonly configurationService: ConfigurationService ) {} public canHandle(symbol: string) { return ( isRakutenRapidApiSymbol(symbol) && !!this.configurationService.get('RAKUTEN_RAPID_API_KEY') ); } public async get( aSymbols: string[] ): Promise<{ [symbol: string]: IDataProviderResponse }> { if (aSymbols.length <= 0) { return {}; } try { const symbol = aSymbols[0]; if (symbol === ghostfolioFearAndGreedIndexSymbol) { const fgi = await this.getFearAndGreedIndex(); return { [ghostfolioFearAndGreedIndexSymbol]: { currency: undefined, dataSource: DataSource.RAKUTEN, marketPrice:, marketState:, name: RakutenRapidApiService.FEAR_AND_GREED_INDEX_NAME } }; } } catch (error) { console.error(error); } return {}; } public async getHistorical( aSymbols: string[], aGranularity: Granularity = 'day', from: Date, to: Date ): Promise<{ [symbol: string]: { [date: string]: IDataProviderHistoricalResponse }; }> { if (aSymbols.length <= 0) { return {}; } try { const symbol = aSymbols[0]; if (symbol === ghostfolioFearAndGreedIndexSymbol) { const fgi = await this.getFearAndGreedIndex(); try { // Rebuild historical data // TODO: can be removed after all data from the last year has been gathered // (introduced on 27.03.2021) await this.prismaService.marketData.create({ data: { symbol, date: subWeeks(getToday(), 1), marketPrice: fgi.oneWeekAgo.value } }); await this.prismaService.marketData.create({ data: { symbol, date: subMonths(getToday(), 1), marketPrice: fgi.oneMonthAgo.value } }); await this.prismaService.marketData.create({ data: { symbol, date: subYears(getToday(), 1), marketPrice: fgi.oneYearAgo.value } }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } catch {} return { [ghostfolioFearAndGreedIndexSymbol]: { [format(getYesterday(), DATE_FORMAT)]: { marketPrice: fgi.previousClose.value } } }; } } catch (error) {} return {}; } public async search(aSymbol: string): Promise<{ items: LookupItem[] }> { return { items: [] }; } public setPrisma(aPrismaService: PrismaService) { this.prismaService = aPrismaService; } private async getFearAndGreedIndex(): Promise<{ now: { value: number; valueText: string }; previousClose: { value: number; valueText: string }; oneWeekAgo: { value: number; valueText: string }; oneMonthAgo: { value: number; valueText: string }; oneYearAgo: { value: number; valueText: string }; }> { try { const get = bent( ``, 'GET', 'json', 200, { useQueryString: true, 'x-rapidapi-host': '', 'x-rapidapi-key': this.configurationService.get( 'RAKUTEN_RAPID_API_KEY' ) } ); const { fgi } = await get(); return fgi; } catch (error) { console.error(error); return undefined; } } }