import { ExchangeRateDataService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/exchange-rate-data.service'; import { PrismaService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/prisma.service'; import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { Account, Order, Platform, Prisma } from '@prisma/client'; import Big from 'big.js'; import { CashDetails } from './interfaces/cash-details.interface'; @Injectable() export class AccountService { public constructor( private readonly exchangeRateDataService: ExchangeRateDataService, private readonly prismaService: PrismaService ) {} public async account( accountWhereUniqueInput: Prisma.AccountWhereUniqueInput ): Promise { return this.prismaService.account.findUnique({ where: accountWhereUniqueInput }); } public async accountWithOrders( accountWhereUniqueInput: Prisma.AccountWhereUniqueInput, accountInclude: Prisma.AccountInclude ): Promise< Account & { Order?: Order[]; } > { return this.prismaService.account.findUnique({ include: accountInclude, where: accountWhereUniqueInput }); } public async accounts(params: { include?: Prisma.AccountInclude; skip?: number; take?: number; cursor?: Prisma.AccountWhereUniqueInput; where?: Prisma.AccountWhereInput; orderBy?: Prisma.AccountOrderByWithRelationInput; }): Promise< (Account & { Order?: Order[]; Platform?: Platform; })[] > { const { include, skip, take, cursor, where, orderBy } = params; return this.prismaService.account.findMany({ cursor, include, orderBy, skip, take, where }); } public async createAccount( data: Prisma.AccountCreateInput, aUserId: string ): Promise { return this.prismaService.account.create({ data }); } public async deleteAccount( where: Prisma.AccountWhereUniqueInput, aUserId: string ): Promise { return this.prismaService.account.delete({ where }); } public async getAccounts(aUserId: string) { const accounts = await this.accounts({ include: { Order: true, Platform: true }, orderBy: { name: 'asc' }, where: { userId: aUserId } }); return => { let transactionCount = 0; for (const order of account.Order) { if (!order.isDraft) { transactionCount += 1; } } const result = { ...account, transactionCount }; delete result.Order; return result; }); } public async getCashDetails( aUserId: string, aCurrency: string ): Promise { let totalCashBalanceInBaseCurrency = new Big(0); const accounts = await this.accounts({ where: { userId: aUserId } }); for (const account of accounts) { totalCashBalanceInBaseCurrency = this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( account.balance, account.currency, aCurrency ) ); } return { accounts, balanceInBaseCurrency: totalCashBalanceInBaseCurrency.toNumber() }; } public async updateAccount( params: { where: Prisma.AccountWhereUniqueInput; data: Prisma.AccountUpdateInput; }, aUserId: string ): Promise { const { data, where } = params; return this.prismaService.account.update({ data, where }); } }