import { LookupItem } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/symbol/interfaces/lookup-item.interface'; import { ConfigurationService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/configuration.service'; import { DataProviderInterface } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/data-provider/interfaces/data-provider.interface'; import { IDataProviderHistoricalResponse, IDataProviderResponse } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/interfaces/interfaces'; import { PrismaService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/prisma.service'; import { SymbolProfileService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/symbol-profile.service'; import { DATE_FORMAT, parseDate } from '@ghostfolio/common/helper'; import { Granularity } from '@ghostfolio/common/types'; import { Injectable, Logger } from '@nestjs/common'; import { DataSource, SymbolProfile } from '@prisma/client'; import { format } from 'date-fns'; import { GoogleSpreadsheet } from 'google-spreadsheet'; @Injectable() export class GoogleSheetsService implements DataProviderInterface { public constructor( private readonly configurationService: ConfigurationService, private readonly prismaService: PrismaService, private readonly symbolProfileService: SymbolProfileService ) {} public canHandle(symbol: string) { return true; } public async getAssetProfile( aSymbol: string ): Promise> { return { dataSource: this.getName() }; } public async getHistorical( aSymbol: string, aGranularity: Granularity = 'day', from: Date, to: Date ): Promise<{ [symbol: string]: { [date: string]: IDataProviderHistoricalResponse }; }> { try { const symbol = aSymbol; const sheet = await this.getSheet({ symbol, sheetId: this.configurationService.get('GOOGLE_SHEETS_ID') }); const rows = await sheet.getRows(); const historicalData: { [date: string]: IDataProviderHistoricalResponse; } = {}; rows .filter((row, index) => { return index >= 1; }) .forEach((row) => { const date = parseDate(row._rawData[0]); const close = parseFloat(row._rawData[1]); historicalData[format(date, DATE_FORMAT)] = { marketPrice: close }; }); return { [symbol]: historicalData }; } catch (error) { throw new Error( `Could not get historical market data for ${aSymbol} (${this.getName()}) from ${format( from, DATE_FORMAT )} to ${format(to, DATE_FORMAT)}: [${}] ${error.message}` ); } } public getName(): DataSource { return DataSource.GOOGLE_SHEETS; } public async getQuotes( aSymbols: string[] ): Promise<{ [symbol: string]: IDataProviderResponse }> { if (aSymbols.length <= 0) { return {}; } try { const response: { [symbol: string]: IDataProviderResponse } = {}; const symbolProfiles = await this.symbolProfileService.getSymbolProfilesBySymbols(aSymbols); const sheet = await this.getSheet({ sheetId: this.configurationService.get('GOOGLE_SHEETS_ID'), symbol: 'Overview' }); const rows = await sheet.getRows(); for (const row of rows) { const marketPrice = parseFloat(row['marketPrice']); const symbol = row['symbol']; if (aSymbols.includes(symbol)) { response[symbol] = { marketPrice, currency: symbolProfiles.find((symbolProfile) => { return symbolProfile.symbol === symbol; })?.currency, dataSource: this.getName(), marketState: 'delayed' }; } } return response; } catch (error) { Logger.error(error, 'GoogleSheetsService'); } return {}; } public async search(aQuery: string): Promise<{ items: LookupItem[] }> { const items = await this.prismaService.symbolProfile.findMany({ select: { currency: true, dataSource: true, name: true, symbol: true }, where: { OR: [ { dataSource: this.getName(), name: { mode: 'insensitive', startsWith: aQuery } }, { dataSource: this.getName(), symbol: { mode: 'insensitive', startsWith: aQuery } } ] } }); return { items }; } private async getSheet({ sheetId, symbol }: { sheetId: string; symbol: string; }) { const doc = new GoogleSpreadsheet(sheetId); await doc.useServiceAccountAuth({ client_email: this.configurationService.get('GOOGLE_SHEETS_ACCOUNT'), private_key: this.configurationService .get('GOOGLE_SHEETS_PRIVATE_KEY') .replace(/\\n/g, '\n') }); await doc.loadInfo(); const sheet = doc.sheetsByTitle[symbol]; await sheet.loadCells(); return sheet; } }