import { benchmarks, currencyPairs } from '@ghostfolio/common/config'; import { DATE_FORMAT, getUtc, isGhostfolioScraperApiSymbol, resetHours } from '@ghostfolio/common/helper'; import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { DataSource } from '@prisma/client'; import { differenceInHours, endOfToday, format, getDate, getMonth, getYear, isBefore, subDays } from 'date-fns'; import { ConfigurationService } from './configuration.service'; import { DataProviderService } from './data-provider.service'; import { GhostfolioScraperApiService } from './data-provider/ghostfolio-scraper-api/ghostfolio-scraper-api.service'; import { IDataGatheringItem } from './interfaces/interfaces'; import { PrismaService } from './prisma.service'; @Injectable() export class DataGatheringService { public constructor( private readonly configurationService: ConfigurationService, private readonly dataProviderService: DataProviderService, private readonly ghostfolioScraperApi: GhostfolioScraperApiService, private readonly prismaService: PrismaService ) {} public async gather7Days() { const isDataGatheringNeeded = await this.isDataGatheringNeeded(); if (isDataGatheringNeeded) { console.log('7d data gathering has been started.'); console.time('7d-data-gathering'); await{ data: { key: 'LOCKED_DATA_GATHERING', value: new Date().toISOString() } }); const symbols = await this.getSymbols7D(); try { await this.gatherSymbols(symbols); await{ create: { key: 'LAST_DATA_GATHERING', value: new Date().toISOString() }, update: { value: new Date().toISOString() }, where: { key: 'LAST_DATA_GATHERING' } }); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } await{ where: { key: 'LOCKED_DATA_GATHERING' } }); console.log('7d data gathering has been completed.'); console.timeEnd('7d-data-gathering'); } } public async gatherMax() { const isDataGatheringLocked = await{ where: { key: 'LOCKED_DATA_GATHERING' } }); if (!isDataGatheringLocked) { console.log('Max data gathering has been started.'); console.time('max-data-gathering'); await{ data: { key: 'LOCKED_DATA_GATHERING', value: new Date().toISOString() } }); const symbols = await this.getSymbolsMax(); try { await this.gatherSymbols(symbols); await{ create: { key: 'LAST_DATA_GATHERING', value: new Date().toISOString() }, update: { value: new Date().toISOString() }, where: { key: 'LAST_DATA_GATHERING' } }); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } await{ where: { key: 'LOCKED_DATA_GATHERING' } }); console.log('Max data gathering has been completed.'); console.timeEnd('max-data-gathering'); } } public async gatherProfileData(aSymbols?: string[]) { console.log('Profile data gathering has been started.'); console.time('profile-data-gathering'); let symbols = aSymbols; if (!symbols) { const dataGatheringItems = await this.getSymbolsProfileData(); symbols = => { return dataGatheringItem.symbol; }); } const currentData = await this.dataProviderService.get(symbols); for (const [ symbol, { assetClass, currency, dataSource, name } ] of Object.entries(currentData)) { try { await this.prismaService.symbolProfile.upsert({ create: { assetClass, currency, dataSource, name, symbol }, update: { assetClass, currency, name }, where: { dataSource_symbol: { dataSource, symbol } } }); } catch (error) { console.error(`${symbol}: ${error?.meta?.cause}`); } } console.log('Profile data gathering has been completed.'); console.timeEnd('profile-data-gathering'); } public async gatherSymbols(aSymbolsWithStartDate: IDataGatheringItem[]) { let hasError = false; for (const { dataSource, date, symbol } of aSymbolsWithStartDate) { try { const historicalData = await this.dataProviderService.getHistoricalRaw( [{ dataSource, symbol }], date, new Date() ); let currentDate = date; let lastMarketPrice: number; while ( isBefore( currentDate, new Date( Date.UTC( getYear(new Date()), getMonth(new Date()), getDate(new Date()), 0 ) ) ) ) { if ( historicalData[symbol]?.[format(currentDate, DATE_FORMAT)] ?.marketPrice ) { lastMarketPrice = historicalData[symbol]?.[format(currentDate, DATE_FORMAT)] ?.marketPrice; } try { await this.prismaService.marketData.create({ data: { symbol, date: currentDate, marketPrice: lastMarketPrice } }); } catch {} // Count month one up for iteration currentDate = new Date( Date.UTC( getYear(currentDate), getMonth(currentDate), getDate(currentDate) + 1, 0 ) ); } } catch (error) { hasError = true; console.error(error); } } if (hasError) { throw ''; } } public async getCustomSymbolsToGather( startDate?: Date ): Promise { const scraperConfigurations = await this.ghostfolioScraperApi.getScraperConfigurations(); return => { return { dataSource: DataSource.GHOSTFOLIO, date: startDate, symbol: scraperConfiguration.symbol }; }); } public async getIsInProgress() { return await{ where: { key: 'LOCKED_DATA_GATHERING' } }); } public async getLastDataGathering() { const lastDataGathering = await{ where: { key: 'LAST_DATA_GATHERING' } }); if (lastDataGathering?.value) { return new Date(lastDataGathering.value); } return undefined; } public async reset() { console.log('Data gathering has been reset.'); await{ where: { OR: [{ key: 'LAST_DATA_GATHERING' }, { key: 'LOCKED_DATA_GATHERING' }] } }); } private getBenchmarksToGather(startDate: Date): IDataGatheringItem[] { const benchmarksToGather ={ dataSource, symbol }) => { return { dataSource, symbol, date: startDate }; }); if (this.configurationService.get('ENABLE_FEATURE_FEAR_AND_GREED_INDEX')) { benchmarksToGather.push({ dataSource: DataSource.RAKUTEN, date: startDate, symbol: 'GF.FEAR_AND_GREED_INDEX' }); } return benchmarksToGather; } private async getSymbols7D(): Promise { const startDate = subDays(resetHours(new Date()), 7); const distinctOrders = await this.prismaService.order.findMany({ distinct: ['symbol'], orderBy: [{ symbol: 'asc' }], select: { dataSource: true, symbol: true }, where: { date: { lt: endOfToday() // no draft } } }); const distinctOrdersWithDate: IDataGatheringItem[] = distinctOrders .filter((distinctOrder) => { return !isGhostfolioScraperApiSymbol(distinctOrder.symbol); }) .map((distinctOrder) => { return { ...distinctOrder, date: startDate }; }); const currencyPairsToGather = ({ dataSource, symbol }) => { return { dataSource, symbol, date: startDate }; } ); const customSymbolsToGather = await this.ghostfolioScraperApi.getCustomSymbolsToGather(startDate); return [ ...this.getBenchmarksToGather(startDate), ...customSymbolsToGather, ...currencyPairsToGather, ...distinctOrdersWithDate ]; } private async getSymbolsMax(): Promise { const startDate = new Date(getUtc('2015-01-01')); const customSymbolsToGather = await this.ghostfolioScraperApi.getCustomSymbolsToGather(startDate); const currencyPairsToGather = ({ dataSource, symbol }) => { return { dataSource, symbol, date: startDate }; } ); const distinctOrders = await this.prismaService.order.findMany({ distinct: ['symbol'], orderBy: [{ date: 'asc' }], select: { dataSource: true, date: true, symbol: true }, where: { date: { lt: endOfToday() // no draft } } }); return [ ...this.getBenchmarksToGather(startDate), ...customSymbolsToGather, ...currencyPairsToGather, ...distinctOrders ]; } private async getSymbolsProfileData(): Promise { const startDate = subDays(resetHours(new Date()), 7); const distinctOrders = await this.prismaService.order.findMany({ distinct: ['symbol'], orderBy: [{ symbol: 'asc' }], select: { dataSource: true, symbol: true } }); return [...this.getBenchmarksToGather(startDate), ...distinctOrders].filter( (distinctOrder) => { return ( distinctOrder.dataSource !== DataSource.GHOSTFOLIO && distinctOrder.dataSource !== DataSource.RAKUTEN ); } ); } private async isDataGatheringNeeded() { const lastDataGathering = await this.getLastDataGathering(); const isDataGatheringLocked = await{ where: { key: 'LOCKED_DATA_GATHERING' } }); const diffInHours = differenceInHours(new Date(), lastDataGathering); return (diffInHours >= 1 || !lastDataGathering) && !isDataGatheringLocked; } }