import { AccountService } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/account/account.service'; import { CashDetails } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/account/interfaces/cash-details.interface'; import { OrderService } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/order/order.service'; import { CurrentRateService } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/portfolio/current-rate.service'; import { PortfolioOrder } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/portfolio/interfaces/portfolio-order.interface'; import { TimelineSpecification } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/portfolio/interfaces/timeline-specification.interface'; import { TransactionPoint } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/portfolio/interfaces/transaction-point.interface'; import { UserSettings } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/user/interfaces/user-settings.interface'; import { UserService } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/user/user.service'; import { AccountClusterRiskCurrentInvestment } from '@ghostfolio/api/models/rules/account-cluster-risk/current-investment'; import { AccountClusterRiskInitialInvestment } from '@ghostfolio/api/models/rules/account-cluster-risk/initial-investment'; import { AccountClusterRiskSingleAccount } from '@ghostfolio/api/models/rules/account-cluster-risk/single-account'; import { CurrencyClusterRiskBaseCurrencyCurrentInvestment } from '@ghostfolio/api/models/rules/currency-cluster-risk/base-currency-current-investment'; import { CurrencyClusterRiskBaseCurrencyInitialInvestment } from '@ghostfolio/api/models/rules/currency-cluster-risk/base-currency-initial-investment'; import { CurrencyClusterRiskCurrentInvestment } from '@ghostfolio/api/models/rules/currency-cluster-risk/current-investment'; import { CurrencyClusterRiskInitialInvestment } from '@ghostfolio/api/models/rules/currency-cluster-risk/initial-investment'; import { FeeRatioInitialInvestment } from '@ghostfolio/api/models/rules/fees/fee-ratio-initial-investment'; import { ConfigurationService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/configuration.service'; import { DataProviderService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/data-provider/data-provider.service'; import { ExchangeRateDataService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/exchange-rate-data.service'; import { ImpersonationService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/impersonation.service'; import { SymbolProfileService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/symbol-profile.service'; import { ASSET_SUB_CLASS_EMERGENCY_FUND, UNKNOWN_KEY } from '@ghostfolio/common/config'; import { DATE_FORMAT, parseDate } from '@ghostfolio/common/helper'; import { Accounts, EnhancedSymbolProfile, Filter, HistoricalDataItem, PortfolioDetails, PortfolioPerformanceResponse, PortfolioReport, PortfolioSummary, Position, TimelinePosition } from '@ghostfolio/common/interfaces'; import { InvestmentItem } from '@ghostfolio/common/interfaces/investment-item.interface'; import type { AccountWithValue, DateRange, GroupBy, Market, OrderWithAccount, RequestWithUser } from '@ghostfolio/common/types'; import { Inject, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { REQUEST } from '@nestjs/core'; import { AssetClass, DataSource, Prisma, Tag, Type as TypeOfOrder } from '@prisma/client'; import Big from 'big.js'; import { addDays, differenceInDays, endOfToday, format, isAfter, isBefore, max, parse, parseISO, set, setDayOfYear, startOfDay, subDays, subYears } from 'date-fns'; import { isEmpty, last, sortBy, uniq, uniqBy } from 'lodash'; import { HistoricalDataContainer, PortfolioPositionDetail } from './interfaces/portfolio-position-detail.interface'; import { PortfolioCalculator } from './portfolio-calculator'; import { RulesService } from './rules.service'; const developedMarkets = require('../../assets/countries/developed-markets.json'); const emergingMarkets = require('../../assets/countries/emerging-markets.json'); @Injectable() export class PortfolioService { private static readonly MAX_CHART_ITEMS = 250; private baseCurrency: string; public constructor( private readonly accountService: AccountService, private readonly configurationService: ConfigurationService, private readonly currentRateService: CurrentRateService, private readonly dataProviderService: DataProviderService, private readonly exchangeRateDataService: ExchangeRateDataService, private readonly impersonationService: ImpersonationService, private readonly orderService: OrderService, @Inject(REQUEST) private readonly request: RequestWithUser, private readonly rulesService: RulesService, private readonly symbolProfileService: SymbolProfileService, private readonly userService: UserService ) { this.baseCurrency = this.configurationService.get('BASE_CURRENCY'); } public async getAccounts( aUserId: string, aFilters?: Filter[] ): Promise { const where: Prisma.AccountWhereInput = { userId: aUserId }; if (aFilters?.[0].id && aFilters?.[0].type === 'ACCOUNT') { = aFilters[0].id; } const [accounts, details] = await Promise.all([ this.accountService.accounts({ where, include: { Order: true, Platform: true }, orderBy: { name: 'asc' } }), this.getDetails(aUserId, aUserId, undefined, aFilters) ]); const userCurrency = this.request.user.Settings.currency; return => { let transactionCount = 0; for (const order of account.Order) { if (!order.isDraft) { transactionCount += 1; } } const valueInBaseCurrency = details.accounts[]?.current ?? 0; const result = { ...account, transactionCount, valueInBaseCurrency, balanceInBaseCurrency: this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( account.balance, account.currency, userCurrency ), value: this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( valueInBaseCurrency, userCurrency, account.currency ) }; delete result.Order; return result; }); } public async getAccountsWithAggregations( aUserId: string, aFilters?: Filter[] ): Promise { const accounts = await this.getAccounts(aUserId, aFilters); let totalBalanceInBaseCurrency = new Big(0); let totalValueInBaseCurrency = new Big(0); let transactionCount = 0; for (const account of accounts) { totalBalanceInBaseCurrency = account.balanceInBaseCurrency ); totalValueInBaseCurrency = account.valueInBaseCurrency ); transactionCount += account.transactionCount; } return { accounts, transactionCount, totalBalanceInBaseCurrency: totalBalanceInBaseCurrency.toNumber(), totalValueInBaseCurrency: totalValueInBaseCurrency.toNumber() }; } public async getInvestments( aImpersonationId: string, groupBy?: GroupBy ): Promise { const userId = await this.getUserId(aImpersonationId,; const { portfolioOrders, transactionPoints } = await this.getTransactionPoints({ userId, includeDrafts: true }); const portfolioCalculator = new PortfolioCalculator({ currency: this.request.user.Settings.currency, currentRateService: this.currentRateService, orders: portfolioOrders }); portfolioCalculator.setTransactionPoints(transactionPoints); if (transactionPoints.length === 0) { return []; } let investments: InvestmentItem[]; if (groupBy === 'month') { investments = portfolioCalculator.getInvestmentsByMonth().map((item) => { return { date:, investment: item.investment.toNumber() }; }); // Add investment of current month const dateOfCurrentMonth = format( set(new Date(), { date: 1 }), DATE_FORMAT ); const investmentOfCurrentMonth = investments.filter(({ date }) => { return date === dateOfCurrentMonth; }); if (investmentOfCurrentMonth.length <= 0) { investments.push({ date: dateOfCurrentMonth, investment: 0 }); } } else { investments = portfolioCalculator .getInvestments() .map(({ date, investment }) => { return { date, investment: investment.toNumber() }; }); // Add investment of today const investmentOfToday = investments.filter(({ date }) => { return date === format(new Date(), DATE_FORMAT); }); if (investmentOfToday.length <= 0) { const pastInvestments = investments.filter(({ date }) => { return isBefore(parseDate(date), new Date()); }); const lastInvestment = pastInvestments[pastInvestments.length - 1]; investments.push({ date: format(new Date(), DATE_FORMAT), investment: lastInvestment?.investment ?? 0 }); } } return sortBy(investments, (investment) => { return; }); } public async getChart( aImpersonationId: string, aDateRange: DateRange = 'max' ): Promise { const userId = await this.getUserId(aImpersonationId,; const { portfolioOrders, transactionPoints } = await this.getTransactionPoints({ userId }); const portfolioCalculator = new PortfolioCalculator({ currency: this.request.user.Settings.currency, currentRateService: this.currentRateService, orders: portfolioOrders }); portfolioCalculator.setTransactionPoints(transactionPoints); if (transactionPoints.length === 0) { return { isAllTimeHigh: false, isAllTimeLow: false, items: [] }; } let portfolioStart = parse( transactionPoints[0].date, DATE_FORMAT, new Date() ); // Get start date for the full portfolio because of because of the // min and max calculation portfolioStart = this.getStartDate('max', portfolioStart); const timelineSpecification: TimelineSpecification[] = [ { start: format(portfolioStart, DATE_FORMAT), accuracy: 'day' } ]; const timelineInfo = await portfolioCalculator.calculateTimeline( timelineSpecification, format(new Date(), DATE_FORMAT) ); const timeline = timelineInfo.timelinePeriods; const items = timeline .filter((timelineItem) => timelineItem !== null) .map((timelineItem) => ({ date:, value: timelineItem.netPerformance.toNumber() })); let lastItem = null; if (timeline.length > 0) { lastItem = timeline[timeline.length - 1]; } let isAllTimeHigh = timelineInfo.maxNetPerformance?.eq( lastItem?.netPerformance ?? 0 ); let isAllTimeLow = timelineInfo.minNetPerformance?.eq( lastItem?.netPerformance ?? 0 ); if (isAllTimeHigh && isAllTimeLow) { isAllTimeHigh = false; isAllTimeLow = false; } portfolioStart = startOfDay( this.getStartDate( aDateRange, parse(transactionPoints[0].date, DATE_FORMAT, new Date()) ) ); return { isAllTimeHigh, isAllTimeLow, items: items.filter((item) => { // Filter items of date range return !isAfter(portfolioStart, parseDate(; }) }; } public async getChartV2( aImpersonationId: string, aDateRange: DateRange = 'max' ): Promise { const userId = await this.getUserId(aImpersonationId,; const { portfolioOrders, transactionPoints } = await this.getTransactionPoints({ userId }); const portfolioCalculator = new PortfolioCalculator({ currency: this.request.user.Settings.currency, currentRateService: this.currentRateService, orders: portfolioOrders }); portfolioCalculator.setTransactionPoints(transactionPoints); if (transactionPoints.length === 0) { return { isAllTimeHigh: false, isAllTimeLow: false, items: [] }; } const endDate = new Date(); const portfolioStart = parseDate(transactionPoints[0].date); const startDate = this.getStartDate(aDateRange, portfolioStart); const daysInMarket = differenceInDays(new Date(), startDate); const step = Math.round( daysInMarket / Math.min(daysInMarket, PortfolioService.MAX_CHART_ITEMS) ); const items: HistoricalDataItem[] = []; let currentEndDate = startDate; while (isBefore(currentEndDate, endDate)) { const currentPositions = await portfolioCalculator.getCurrentPositions( startDate, currentEndDate ); items.push({ date: format(currentEndDate, DATE_FORMAT), value: currentPositions.netPerformancePercentage.toNumber() * 100 }); currentEndDate = addDays(currentEndDate, step); } const today = new Date(); if (last(items)?.date !== format(today, DATE_FORMAT)) { // Add today const { netPerformancePercentage } = await portfolioCalculator.getCurrentPositions(startDate, today); items.push({ date: format(today, DATE_FORMAT), value: netPerformancePercentage.toNumber() * 100 }); } return { isAllTimeHigh: false, isAllTimeLow: false, items: items }; } public async getDetails( aImpersonationId: string, aUserId: string, aDateRange: DateRange = 'max', aFilters?: Filter[] ): Promise { const userId = await this.getUserId(aImpersonationId, aUserId); const user = await this.userService.user({ id: userId }); const emergencyFund = new Big( (user.Settings?.settings as UserSettings)?.emergencyFund ?? 0 ); const userCurrency = user.Settings?.currency ?? this.request.user?.Settings?.currency ?? this.baseCurrency; const { orders, portfolioOrders, transactionPoints } = await this.getTransactionPoints({ userId, filters: aFilters }); const portfolioCalculator = new PortfolioCalculator({ currency: userCurrency, currentRateService: this.currentRateService, orders: portfolioOrders }); portfolioCalculator.setTransactionPoints(transactionPoints); const portfolioStart = parseDate( transactionPoints[0]?.date ?? format(new Date(), DATE_FORMAT) ); const startDate = this.getStartDate(aDateRange, portfolioStart); const currentPositions = await portfolioCalculator.getCurrentPositions( startDate ); const cashDetails = await this.accountService.getCashDetails({ userId, currency: userCurrency, filters: aFilters }); const holdings: PortfolioDetails['holdings'] = {}; const totalInvestment = cashDetails.balanceInBaseCurrency ); const totalValue = cashDetails.balanceInBaseCurrency ); const dataGatheringItems = => { return { dataSource: position.dataSource, symbol: position.symbol }; }); const symbols = (position) => position.symbol ); const [dataProviderResponses, symbolProfiles] = await Promise.all([ this.dataProviderService.getQuotes(dataGatheringItems), this.symbolProfileService.getSymbolProfilesBySymbols(symbols) ]); const symbolProfileMap: { [symbol: string]: EnhancedSymbolProfile } = {}; for (const symbolProfile of symbolProfiles) { symbolProfileMap[symbolProfile.symbol] = symbolProfile; } const portfolioItemsNow: { [symbol: string]: TimelinePosition } = {}; for (const position of currentPositions.positions) { portfolioItemsNow[position.symbol] = position; } for (const item of currentPositions.positions) { if (item.quantity.lte(0)) { // Ignore positions without any quantity continue; } const value = item.quantity.mul(item.marketPrice ?? 0); const symbolProfile = symbolProfileMap[item.symbol]; const dataProviderResponse = dataProviderResponses[item.symbol]; const markets: { [key in Market]: number } = { developedMarkets: 0, emergingMarkets: 0, otherMarkets: 0 }; for (const country of symbolProfile.countries) { if (developedMarkets.includes(country.code)) { markets.developedMarkets = new Big(markets.developedMarkets) .plus(country.weight) .toNumber(); } else if (emergingMarkets.includes(country.code)) { markets.emergingMarkets = new Big(markets.emergingMarkets) .plus(country.weight) .toNumber(); } else { markets.otherMarkets = new Big(markets.otherMarkets) .plus(country.weight) .toNumber(); } } holdings[item.symbol] = { markets, allocationCurrent: totalValue.eq(0) ? 0 : value.div(totalValue).toNumber(), allocationInvestment: item.investment.div(totalInvestment).toNumber(), assetClass: symbolProfile.assetClass, assetSubClass: symbolProfile.assetSubClass, countries: symbolProfile.countries, currency: item.currency, dataSource: symbolProfile.dataSource, grossPerformance: item.grossPerformance?.toNumber() ?? 0, grossPerformancePercent: item.grossPerformancePercentage?.toNumber() ?? 0, investment: item.investment.toNumber(), marketPrice: item.marketPrice, marketState: dataProviderResponse?.marketState ?? 'delayed', name:, netPerformance: item.netPerformance?.toNumber() ?? 0, netPerformancePercent: item.netPerformancePercentage?.toNumber() ?? 0, quantity: item.quantity.toNumber(), sectors: symbolProfile.sectors, symbol: item.symbol, transactionCount: item.transactionCount, url: symbolProfile.url, value: value.toNumber() }; } if ( aFilters?.length === 0 || (aFilters?.length === 1 && aFilters[0].type === 'ASSET_CLASS' && aFilters[0].id === 'CASH') ) { const cashPositions = await this.getCashPositions({ cashDetails, emergencyFund, userCurrency, investment: totalInvestment, value: totalValue }); for (const symbol of Object.keys(cashPositions)) { holdings[symbol] = cashPositions[symbol]; } } const accounts = await this.getValueOfAccounts({ orders, portfolioItemsNow, userCurrency, userId, filters: aFilters }); return { accounts, holdings, hasErrors: currentPositions.hasErrors }; } public async getPosition( aDataSource: DataSource, aImpersonationId: string, aSymbol: string ): Promise { const userCurrency = this.request.user.Settings.currency; const userId = await this.getUserId(aImpersonationId,; const orders = ( await this.orderService.getOrders({ userCurrency, userId }) ).filter(({ SymbolProfile }) => { return ( SymbolProfile.dataSource === aDataSource && SymbolProfile.symbol === aSymbol ); }); let tags: Tag[] = []; if (orders.length <= 0) { return { tags, averagePrice: undefined, firstBuyDate: undefined, grossPerformance: undefined, grossPerformancePercent: undefined, historicalData: [], investment: undefined, marketPrice: undefined, maxPrice: undefined, minPrice: undefined, netPerformance: undefined, netPerformancePercent: undefined, orders: [], quantity: undefined, SymbolProfile: undefined, transactionCount: undefined, value: undefined }; } const positionCurrency = orders[0].SymbolProfile.currency; const [SymbolProfile] = await this.symbolProfileService.getSymbolProfilesBySymbols([aSymbol]); const portfolioOrders: PortfolioOrder[] = orders .filter((order) => { tags = tags.concat(order.tags); return order.type === 'BUY' || order.type === 'SELL'; }) .map((order) => ({ currency: order.SymbolProfile.currency, dataSource: order.SymbolProfile.dataSource, date: format(, DATE_FORMAT), fee: new Big(order.fee), name: order.SymbolProfile?.name, quantity: new Big(order.quantity), symbol: order.SymbolProfile.symbol, type: order.type, unitPrice: new Big(order.unitPrice) })); tags = uniqBy(tags, 'id'); const portfolioCalculator = new PortfolioCalculator({ currency: positionCurrency, currentRateService: this.currentRateService, orders: portfolioOrders }); portfolioCalculator.computeTransactionPoints(); const transactionPoints = portfolioCalculator.getTransactionPoints(); const portfolioStart = parseDate(transactionPoints[0].date); const currentPositions = await portfolioCalculator.getCurrentPositions( portfolioStart ); const position = currentPositions.positions.find( (item) => item.symbol === aSymbol ); if (position) { const { averagePrice, currency, dataSource, firstBuyDate, marketPrice, quantity, transactionCount } = position; // Convert investment, gross and net performance to currency of user const investment = this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( position.investment?.toNumber(), currency, userCurrency ); const grossPerformance = this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( position.grossPerformance?.toNumber(), currency, userCurrency ); const netPerformance = this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( position.netPerformance?.toNumber(), currency, userCurrency ); const historicalData = await this.dataProviderService.getHistorical( [{ dataSource, symbol: aSymbol }], 'day', parseISO(firstBuyDate), new Date() ); const historicalDataArray: HistoricalDataItem[] = []; let maxPrice = Math.max(orders[0].unitPrice, marketPrice); let minPrice = Math.min(orders[0].unitPrice, marketPrice); if (!historicalData?.[aSymbol]?.[firstBuyDate]) { // Add historical entry for buy date, if no historical data available historicalDataArray.push({ averagePrice: orders[0].unitPrice, date: firstBuyDate, value: orders[0].unitPrice }); } if (historicalData[aSymbol]) { let j = -1; for (const [date, { marketPrice }] of Object.entries( historicalData[aSymbol] )) { while ( j + 1 < transactionPoints.length && !isAfter(parseDate(transactionPoints[j + 1].date), parseDate(date)) ) { j++; } let currentAveragePrice = 0; const currentSymbol = transactionPoints[j].items.find( (item) => item.symbol === aSymbol ); if (currentSymbol) { currentAveragePrice = currentSymbol.quantity.eq(0) ? 0 : currentSymbol.investment.div(currentSymbol.quantity).toNumber(); } historicalDataArray.push({ date, averagePrice: currentAveragePrice, value: marketPrice }); maxPrice = Math.max(marketPrice ?? 0, maxPrice); minPrice = Math.min(marketPrice ?? Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, minPrice); } } return { firstBuyDate, grossPerformance, investment, marketPrice, maxPrice, minPrice, netPerformance, orders, SymbolProfile, tags, transactionCount, averagePrice: averagePrice.toNumber(), grossPerformancePercent: position.grossPerformancePercentage?.toNumber(), historicalData: historicalDataArray, netPerformancePercent: position.netPerformancePercentage?.toNumber(), quantity: quantity.toNumber(), value: this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( quantity.mul(marketPrice ?? 0).toNumber(), currency, userCurrency ) }; } else { const currentData = await this.dataProviderService.getQuotes([ { dataSource: DataSource.YAHOO, symbol: aSymbol } ]); const marketPrice = currentData[aSymbol]?.marketPrice; let historicalData = await this.dataProviderService.getHistorical( [{ dataSource: DataSource.YAHOO, symbol: aSymbol }], 'day', portfolioStart, new Date() ); if (isEmpty(historicalData)) { historicalData = await this.dataProviderService.getHistoricalRaw( [{ dataSource: DataSource.YAHOO, symbol: aSymbol }], portfolioStart, new Date() ); } const historicalDataArray: HistoricalDataItem[] = []; let maxPrice = marketPrice; let minPrice = marketPrice; for (const [date, { marketPrice }] of Object.entries( historicalData[aSymbol] )) { historicalDataArray.push({ date, value: marketPrice }); maxPrice = Math.max(marketPrice ?? 0, maxPrice); minPrice = Math.min(marketPrice ?? Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, minPrice); } return { marketPrice, maxPrice, minPrice, orders, SymbolProfile, tags, averagePrice: 0, firstBuyDate: undefined, grossPerformance: undefined, grossPerformancePercent: undefined, historicalData: historicalDataArray, investment: 0, netPerformance: undefined, netPerformancePercent: undefined, quantity: 0, transactionCount: undefined, value: 0 }; } } public async getPositions( aImpersonationId: string, aDateRange: DateRange = 'max' ): Promise<{ hasErrors: boolean; positions: Position[] }> { const userId = await this.getUserId(aImpersonationId,; const { portfolioOrders, transactionPoints } = await this.getTransactionPoints({ userId }); const portfolioCalculator = new PortfolioCalculator({ currency: this.request.user.Settings.currency, currentRateService: this.currentRateService, orders: portfolioOrders }); if (transactionPoints?.length <= 0) { return { hasErrors: false, positions: [] }; } portfolioCalculator.setTransactionPoints(transactionPoints); const portfolioStart = parseDate(transactionPoints[0].date); const startDate = this.getStartDate(aDateRange, portfolioStart); const currentPositions = await portfolioCalculator.getCurrentPositions( startDate ); const positions = currentPositions.positions.filter( (item) => !item.quantity.eq(0) ); const dataGatheringItem = => { return { dataSource: position.dataSource, symbol: position.symbol }; }); const symbols = => position.symbol); const [dataProviderResponses, symbolProfiles] = await Promise.all([ this.dataProviderService.getQuotes(dataGatheringItem), this.symbolProfileService.getSymbolProfilesBySymbols(symbols) ]); const symbolProfileMap: { [symbol: string]: EnhancedSymbolProfile } = {}; for (const symbolProfile of symbolProfiles) { symbolProfileMap[symbolProfile.symbol] = symbolProfile; } return { hasErrors: currentPositions.hasErrors, positions: => { return { ...position, assetClass: symbolProfileMap[position.symbol].assetClass, averagePrice: new Big(position.averagePrice).toNumber(), grossPerformance: position.grossPerformance?.toNumber() ?? null, grossPerformancePercentage: position.grossPerformancePercentage?.toNumber() ?? null, investment: new Big(position.investment).toNumber(), marketState: dataProviderResponses[position.symbol]?.marketState ?? 'delayed', name: symbolProfileMap[position.symbol].name, netPerformance: position.netPerformance?.toNumber() ?? null, netPerformancePercentage: position.netPerformancePercentage?.toNumber() ?? null, quantity: new Big(position.quantity).toNumber() }; }) }; } public async getPerformance( aImpersonationId: string, aDateRange: DateRange = 'max' ): Promise { const userId = await this.getUserId(aImpersonationId,; const { portfolioOrders, transactionPoints } = await this.getTransactionPoints({ userId }); const portfolioCalculator = new PortfolioCalculator({ currency: this.request.user.Settings.currency, currentRateService: this.currentRateService, orders: portfolioOrders }); if (transactionPoints?.length <= 0) { return { hasErrors: false, performance: { currentGrossPerformance: 0, currentGrossPerformancePercent: 0, currentNetPerformance: 0, currentNetPerformancePercent: 0, currentValue: 0 } }; } portfolioCalculator.setTransactionPoints(transactionPoints); const portfolioStart = parseDate(transactionPoints[0].date); const startDate = this.getStartDate(aDateRange, portfolioStart); const currentPositions = await portfolioCalculator.getCurrentPositions( startDate ); const hasErrors = currentPositions.hasErrors; const currentValue = currentPositions.currentValue.toNumber(); const currentGrossPerformance = currentPositions.grossPerformance; let currentGrossPerformancePercent = currentPositions.grossPerformancePercentage; const currentNetPerformance = currentPositions.netPerformance; let currentNetPerformancePercent = currentPositions.netPerformancePercentage; if (currentGrossPerformance.mul(currentGrossPerformancePercent).lt(0)) { // If algebraic sign is different, harmonize it currentGrossPerformancePercent = currentGrossPerformancePercent.mul(-1); } if (currentNetPerformance.mul(currentNetPerformancePercent).lt(0)) { // If algebraic sign is different, harmonize it currentNetPerformancePercent = currentNetPerformancePercent.mul(-1); } return { errors: currentPositions.errors, hasErrors: currentPositions.hasErrors || hasErrors, performance: { currentValue, currentGrossPerformance: currentGrossPerformance.toNumber(), currentGrossPerformancePercent: currentGrossPerformancePercent.toNumber(), currentNetPerformance: currentNetPerformance.toNumber(), currentNetPerformancePercent: currentNetPerformancePercent.toNumber() } }; } public async getReport(impersonationId: string): Promise { const currency = this.request.user.Settings.currency; const userId = await this.getUserId(impersonationId,; const { orders, portfolioOrders, transactionPoints } = await this.getTransactionPoints({ userId }); if (isEmpty(orders)) { return { rules: {} }; } const portfolioCalculator = new PortfolioCalculator({ currency, currentRateService: this.currentRateService, orders: portfolioOrders }); portfolioCalculator.setTransactionPoints(transactionPoints); const portfolioStart = parseDate(transactionPoints[0].date); const currentPositions = await portfolioCalculator.getCurrentPositions( portfolioStart ); const portfolioItemsNow: { [symbol: string]: TimelinePosition } = {}; for (const position of currentPositions.positions) { portfolioItemsNow[position.symbol] = position; } const accounts = await this.getValueOfAccounts({ orders, portfolioItemsNow, userId, userCurrency: currency }); return { rules: { accountClusterRisk: await this.rulesService.evaluate( [ new AccountClusterRiskInitialInvestment( this.exchangeRateDataService, accounts ), new AccountClusterRiskCurrentInvestment( this.exchangeRateDataService, accounts ), new AccountClusterRiskSingleAccount( this.exchangeRateDataService, accounts ) ], { baseCurrency: currency } ), currencyClusterRisk: await this.rulesService.evaluate( [ new CurrencyClusterRiskBaseCurrencyInitialInvestment( this.exchangeRateDataService, currentPositions ), new CurrencyClusterRiskBaseCurrencyCurrentInvestment( this.exchangeRateDataService, currentPositions ), new CurrencyClusterRiskInitialInvestment( this.exchangeRateDataService, currentPositions ), new CurrencyClusterRiskCurrentInvestment( this.exchangeRateDataService, currentPositions ) ], { baseCurrency: currency } ), fees: await this.rulesService.evaluate( [ new FeeRatioInitialInvestment( this.exchangeRateDataService, currentPositions.totalInvestment.toNumber(), this.getFees(orders).toNumber() ) ], { baseCurrency: currency } ) } }; } public async getSummary(aImpersonationId: string): Promise { const userCurrency = this.request.user.Settings.currency; const userId = await this.getUserId(aImpersonationId,; const user = await this.userService.user({ id: userId }); const performanceInformation = await this.getPerformance(aImpersonationId); const { balanceInBaseCurrency } = await this.accountService.getCashDetails({ userId, currency: userCurrency }); const orders = await this.orderService.getOrders({ userCurrency, userId }); const dividend = this.getDividend(orders).toNumber(); const emergencyFund = new Big( (user.Settings?.settings as UserSettings)?.emergencyFund ?? 0 ); const fees = this.getFees(orders).toNumber(); const firstOrderDate = orders[0]?.date; const items = this.getItems(orders).toNumber(); const totalBuy = this.getTotalByType(orders, userCurrency, 'BUY'); const totalSell = this.getTotalByType(orders, userCurrency, 'SELL'); const cash = new Big(balanceInBaseCurrency).minus(emergencyFund).toNumber(); const committedFunds = new Big(totalBuy).minus(totalSell); const netWorth = new Big(balanceInBaseCurrency) .plus(performanceInformation.performance.currentValue) .plus(items) .toNumber(); const daysInMarket = differenceInDays(new Date(), firstOrderDate); const annualizedPerformancePercent = new PortfolioCalculator({ currency: userCurrency, currentRateService: this.currentRateService, orders: [] }) .getAnnualizedPerformancePercent({ daysInMarket, netPerformancePercent: new Big( performanceInformation.performance.currentNetPerformancePercent ) }) ?.toNumber(); return { ...performanceInformation.performance, annualizedPerformancePercent, cash, dividend, fees, firstOrderDate, items, netWorth, totalBuy, totalSell, committedFunds: committedFunds.toNumber(), emergencyFund: emergencyFund.toNumber(), ordersCount: orders.filter((order) => { return order.type === 'BUY' || order.type === 'SELL'; }).length }; } private async getCashPositions({ cashDetails, emergencyFund, investment, userCurrency, value }: { cashDetails: CashDetails; emergencyFund: Big; investment: Big; value: Big; userCurrency: string; }) { const cashPositions: PortfolioDetails['holdings'] = {}; for (const account of cashDetails.accounts) { const convertedBalance = this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( account.balance, account.currency, userCurrency ); if (convertedBalance === 0) { continue; } if (cashPositions[account.currency]) { cashPositions[account.currency].investment += convertedBalance; cashPositions[account.currency].value += convertedBalance; } else { cashPositions[account.currency] = { allocationCurrent: 0, allocationInvestment: 0, assetClass: AssetClass.CASH, assetSubClass: AssetClass.CASH, countries: [], currency: account.currency, dataSource: undefined, grossPerformance: 0, grossPerformancePercent: 0, investment: convertedBalance, marketPrice: 0, marketState: 'open', name: account.currency, netPerformance: 0, netPerformancePercent: 0, quantity: 0, sectors: [], symbol: account.currency, transactionCount: 0, value: convertedBalance }; } } if ( { cashPositions[ASSET_SUB_CLASS_EMERGENCY_FUND] = { ...cashPositions[userCurrency], assetSubClass: ASSET_SUB_CLASS_EMERGENCY_FUND, investment: emergencyFund.toNumber(), name: ASSET_SUB_CLASS_EMERGENCY_FUND, symbol: ASSET_SUB_CLASS_EMERGENCY_FUND, value: emergencyFund.toNumber() }; cashPositions[userCurrency].investment = new Big( cashPositions[userCurrency].investment ) .minus(emergencyFund) .toNumber(); cashPositions[userCurrency].value = new Big( cashPositions[userCurrency].value ) .minus(emergencyFund) .toNumber(); } for (const symbol of Object.keys(cashPositions)) { // Calculate allocations for each currency cashPositions[symbol].allocationCurrent = new Big( cashPositions[symbol].value ) .div(value) .toNumber(); cashPositions[symbol].allocationInvestment = new Big( cashPositions[symbol].investment ) .div(investment) .toNumber(); } return cashPositions; } private getDividend(orders: OrderWithAccount[], date = new Date(0)) { return orders .filter((order) => { // Filter out all orders before given date and type dividend return ( isBefore(date, new Date( && order.type === TypeOfOrder.DIVIDEND ); }) .map((order) => { return this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( new Big(order.quantity).mul(order.unitPrice).toNumber(), order.SymbolProfile.currency, this.request.user.Settings.currency ); }) .reduce( (previous, current) => new Big(previous).plus(current), new Big(0) ); } private getFees(orders: OrderWithAccount[], date = new Date(0)) { return orders .filter((order) => { // Filter out all orders before given date return isBefore(date, new Date(; }) .map((order) => { return this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( order.fee, order.SymbolProfile.currency, this.request.user.Settings.currency ); }) .reduce( (previous, current) => new Big(previous).plus(current), new Big(0) ); } private getItems(orders: OrderWithAccount[], date = new Date(0)) { return orders .filter((order) => { // Filter out all orders before given date and type item return ( isBefore(date, new Date( && order.type === TypeOfOrder.ITEM ); }) .map((order) => { return this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( new Big(order.quantity).mul(order.unitPrice).toNumber(), order.SymbolProfile.currency, this.request.user.Settings.currency ); }) .reduce( (previous, current) => new Big(previous).plus(current), new Big(0) ); } private getStartDate(aDateRange: DateRange, portfolioStart: Date) { switch (aDateRange) { case '1d': portfolioStart = max([portfolioStart, subDays(new Date(), 1)]); break; case 'ytd': portfolioStart = max([portfolioStart, setDayOfYear(new Date(), 1)]); break; case '1y': portfolioStart = max([portfolioStart, subYears(new Date(), 1)]); break; case '5y': portfolioStart = max([portfolioStart, subYears(new Date(), 5)]); break; } return portfolioStart; } private async getTransactionPoints({ filters, includeDrafts = false, userId }: { filters?: Filter[]; includeDrafts?: boolean; userId: string; }): Promise<{ transactionPoints: TransactionPoint[]; orders: OrderWithAccount[]; portfolioOrders: PortfolioOrder[]; }> { const userCurrency = this.request.user?.Settings?.currency ?? this.baseCurrency; const orders = await this.orderService.getOrders({ filters, includeDrafts, userCurrency, userId, types: ['BUY', 'SELL'] }); if (orders.length <= 0) { return { transactionPoints: [], orders: [], portfolioOrders: [] }; } const portfolioOrders: PortfolioOrder[] = => ({ currency: order.SymbolProfile.currency, dataSource: order.SymbolProfile.dataSource, date: format(, DATE_FORMAT), fee: new Big( this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( order.fee, order.SymbolProfile.currency, userCurrency ) ), name: order.SymbolProfile?.name, quantity: new Big(order.quantity), symbol: order.SymbolProfile.symbol, type: order.type, unitPrice: new Big( this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( order.unitPrice, order.SymbolProfile.currency, userCurrency ) ) })); const portfolioCalculator = new PortfolioCalculator({ currency: userCurrency, currentRateService: this.currentRateService, orders: portfolioOrders }); portfolioCalculator.computeTransactionPoints(); return { orders, portfolioOrders, transactionPoints: portfolioCalculator.getTransactionPoints() }; } private async getValueOfAccounts({ filters = [], orders, portfolioItemsNow, userCurrency, userId }: { filters?: Filter[]; orders: OrderWithAccount[]; portfolioItemsNow: { [p: string]: TimelinePosition }; userCurrency: string; userId: string; }) { const accounts: PortfolioDetails['accounts'] = {}; let currentAccounts = []; if (filters.length === 0) { currentAccounts = await this.accountService.getAccounts(userId); } else if (filters.length === 1 && filters[0].type === 'ACCOUNT') { currentAccounts = await this.accountService.accounts({ where: { id: filters[0].id } }); } else { const accountIds = uniq({ accountId }) => { return accountId; }) ); currentAccounts = await this.accountService.accounts({ where: { id: { in: accountIds } } }); } for (const account of currentAccounts) { const ordersByAccount = orders.filter(({ accountId }) => { return accountId ===; }); accounts[] = { balance: account.balance, currency: account.currency, current: this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( account.balance, account.currency, userCurrency ), name:, original: this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( account.balance, account.currency, userCurrency ) }; for (const order of ordersByAccount) { let currentValueOfSymbolInBaseCurrency = order.quantity * portfolioItemsNow[order.SymbolProfile.symbol].marketPrice; let originalValueOfSymbolInBaseCurrency = this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( order.quantity * order.unitPrice, order.SymbolProfile.currency, userCurrency ); if (order.type === 'SELL') { currentValueOfSymbolInBaseCurrency *= -1; originalValueOfSymbolInBaseCurrency *= -1; } if (accounts[order.Account?.id || UNKNOWN_KEY]?.current) { accounts[order.Account?.id || UNKNOWN_KEY].current += currentValueOfSymbolInBaseCurrency; accounts[order.Account?.id || UNKNOWN_KEY].original += originalValueOfSymbolInBaseCurrency; } else { accounts[order.Account?.id || UNKNOWN_KEY] = { balance: 0, currency: order.Account?.currency, current: currentValueOfSymbolInBaseCurrency, name:, original: originalValueOfSymbolInBaseCurrency }; } } } return accounts; } private async getUserId(aImpersonationId: string, aUserId: string) { const impersonationUserId = await this.impersonationService.validateImpersonationId( aImpersonationId, aUserId ); return impersonationUserId || aUserId; } private getTotalByType( orders: OrderWithAccount[], currency: string, type: TypeOfOrder ) { return orders .filter( (order) => !isAfter(, endOfToday()) && order.type === type ) .map((order) => { return this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( order.quantity * order.unitPrice, order.SymbolProfile.currency, currency ); }) .reduce((previous, current) => previous + current, 0); } }