This is a fork of Dink4n's ani-cli, which itself is a fork of pystardust's old-ani-cli
This fork is a wrapper around a modified version of ani-cli and uses rofi to gather information and control the program
In addition to rofi
, I've also changed the way saving history works by
integrating a local sqlite3 database with a table for
search and watch history
It is built around Dink4n's fork of ani-cli since at the time of creation, this is the version that has downloading working correctly
This tool scrapes the site gogoanime.
It is intended to be called from the wrapper script aniwrapper
however using the ani-cli script itself is also possible
Wrapper Script aniwrapper
# Launch Menu (Contains same options as below, but in a rofi menu)
ani-cli Script
# watch anime
ani-cli <query>
# download anime
ani-cli -d <download_directory>
# resume watching anime
ani-cli -H
# list searched anime
ani-cli -l
# play a playlist :soon:
ani-cli -p
Multiple episodes can be viewed/downloaded by giving the episode range like so
Choose episode [1-13]: 1 - 6
This would open/download episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6
- grep
- curl
- sed
- mpv
- skip-intro.lua (installed in
- ffmpeg
- rofi
- meh.rasi (installed in
- sqlite3