#!/usr/bin/env bash # Setup script to move the rofi theme files to the correct location # As well as set up the history database ###################### # DO NOT RUN AS ROOT # ###################### VERBOSE=0 lg() { if [[ "$VERBOSE" -eq 1 ]]; then printf "%s\n" "$*" fi } if [[ $# -ge 1 ]]; then if [[ "$1" == "-v" || "$1" == "--verbose" ]]; then VERBOSE=1 lg "VERBOSE lgGING ENABLED" fi fi DB="history.sqlite3" DIR="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/aniwrapper" MPV_DIR="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/mpv" lg "CONFIG DIR:" "$DIR" lg "MPV DIR:" "$MPV_DIR" # executes aniwrapper setup # 1. create the aniwrapper directory in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME # 2. create history databases in $DIR # 3. move theme files to $DIR/themes/ # 4. move skip-intro.lua into mpv/scripts folder # 5. move the aniwrapper icon to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/aniwrapper/ directory run_setup() { lg "INSTALL DIR: $DIR" if [[ ! -d "$DIR" ]]; then lg "Creating directory $DIR" mkdir -p "$DIR" lg "Directory created" fi lg "CREATING HISTORY DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS" sqlite3 "$DIR/$DB" < sql/history.sql lg "FINISHED CREATING DB" lg "INSTALLING UI FILES TO $DIR/lib/ani-cli" mkdir -p "$DIR/lib/ani-cli" cp -r lib/ani-cli/* "$DIR/lib/ani-cli/" lg "FINISHED INSTALLING UI FILES" # lg "themes directory does not exist in filesystem... Creating and moving themes" mkdir -p "$DIR/themes" cp themes/* "$DIR/themes/" lg "Theme files moved..." lg "Creating mpv/scripts/ directory if it doesn't exist..." mkdir -p "$MPV_DIR/scripts/" if [[ ! -f "$MPV_DIR/scripts/skip-intro.lua" ]]; then lg "Moving skip-intro.lua into mpv scripts directory..." cp lua/skip-intro.lua "$MPV_DIR/scripts/" lg "Moved skip-intro.lua into scripts directory..." else lg "skip-intro.lua already exists in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mpv/scripts/... skipping" fi if [[ ! -d "$DIR/icons" ]]; then lg "Creating icons directory" mkdir -p "$DIR/icons" fi cp .assets/icons/* "$DIR/icons/" lg "Installed icons in config directory..." } if run_setup; then lg "Setup Complete...." else printf "%s\n" "There was an error during setup" exit 1 fi