#!/usr/bin/env bash BASE_URL="https://gogoplay4.com" CFG_DIR="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/aniwrapper" HISTORY_DB="$CFG_DIR/history.sqlite3" ROFI_CFG="$CFG_DIR/themes/aniwrapper.rasi" ROFI_THEME="aniwrapper.rasi" THEMES="alter|aniwrapper|dracula|doomone|fancy|material|monokai|nord|nord2|onedark" ANIWRAPPER_ICON_PATH="$CFG_DIR/icons/icon-64.png" MAISAN_ICON_PATH="$CFG_DIR/icons/MYsan.png" DPI=96 IS_ROFI=1 VERBOSE=0 SILENT=0 FIRST_EP_NUMBER=1 PLAYER_FN="mpv" # display error message and exit die() { ((SILENT != 1)) && printf "\033[1;31m%s\033[0m\n" "$*" >&2 exit 1 } # display an error message to stderr (in red) err() { ((SILENT != 1)) && printf "\033[1;31m%s\033[0m\n" "$*" >&2 } # display a log message if verbose mode is enabled lg() { ((VERBOSE == 1)) && printf "\033[1;35m%s\033[0m\n" "$*" >&2 } # display an informational message (first argument in green, second in magenta) inf() { printf "\033[1;35m%s \033[1;35m%s\033[0m\n" "$1" "$2" } # prompts the user with message in $1-2 ($1 in blue, $2 in magenta) and saves the input to the variables in $REPLY and $REPLY2 prompt() { printf "\033[1;35m%s\033[1;35m%s\033[1;34m\033[0m: " "$1" "$2" } # displays an even (cyan) line of a menu line with $2 as an indicator in [] and $1 as the option menu_line_even() { printf "\033[1;36m(\033[1;36m%s\033[1;36m) \033[1;36m%s\033[0m\n" "$2" "$1" } # displays an odd (yellow) line of a menu line with $2 as an indicator in [] and $1 as the option menu_line_odd() { printf "\033[1;33m(\033[1;33m%s\033[1;33m) \033[1;33m%s\033[0m\n" "$2" "$1" } # display alternating menu lines (even and odd) menu_line_alternate() { menu_line_parity=${menu_line_parity:-0} if [ "$menu_line_parity" -eq 0 ]; then menu_line_odd "$1" "$2" menu_line_parity=1 else menu_line_even "$1" "$2" menu_line_parity=0 fi } # displays a warning (red) line of a menu line with $2 as an indicator in [] and $1 as the option menu_line_strong() { printf "\033[1;34m[\033[1;33m%s\033[1;34m] \033[1;33m%s\033[0m\n" "$2" "$1" } # check if input is valid and assings value/range to episodes variable check_input() { if [[ -z "$ep_choice_start" ]] && [[ -z "$ep_choice_end" ]]; then die "No episode(s) selected" fi [ "$ep_choice_start" -eq "$ep_choice_start" ] 2> /dev/null || die "Invalid number entered: $ep_choice_start" episodes=$ep_choice_start if [ -n "$ep_choice_end" ]; then [ "$ep_choice_end" -eq "$ep_choice_end" ] 2> /dev/null || die "Invalid number entered: $ep_choice_end" episodes=$(seq "$ep_choice_start" "$ep_choice_end") fi } # get the download page url get_dpage_link() { anime_id=$1 ep_no=$2 curl -s "$BASE_URL/videos/${anime_id}${ep_no}" | sed -nE 's_^[[:space:]]*<iframe src="([^"]*)".*_\1_p' | sed 's/^/https:/g' } # download the episode # $1: dpage_link | $2: video_url | $3: anime_id | $4: episode | $5: download_dir download() { case "$2" in *mp4*) aria2c --summary-interval=0 -x 16 -s 16 --referer="$1" "$2" --dir="$5" -o "${4}" --download-result=hide ;; *) ffmpeg -loglevel error -stats -referer "$1" -i "$2" -c copy "$5/${4}" ;; esac } decrypt_link() { lg "BEGIN: decrypt_link()" > /dev/stderr secret_key='3633393736383832383733353539383139363339393838303830383230393037' iv='34373730343738393639343138323637' ajax_url="https://gogoplay4.com/encrypt-ajax.php" id=$(printf "%s" "$1" | sed -nE 's/.*id=(.*)&title.*/\1/p') ajax=$(printf '%s' "$id" | openssl enc -e -aes256 -K "$secret_key" -iv "$iv" | base64) data=$(curl -s -H "X-Requested-With:XMLHttpRequest" "$ajax_url" -d "id=$ajax" | sed -e 's/{"data":"//' -e 's/"}/\n/' -e 's/\\//g') printf '%s' "$data" | base64 -d | openssl enc -d -aes256 -K "$secret_key" -iv "$iv" | sed -e 's/\].*/\]/' -e 's/\\//g' | grep -Eo 'https:\/\/[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=][a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&\/\/=]*' lg "END: decrypt_link()" > /dev/stderr } # chooses the link for the set quality get_video_quality() { dpage_url=$1 video_links=$(decrypt_link "$dpage_url") case $quality in best) video_link=$(printf '%s' "$video_links" | head -n 4 | tail -n 1) ;; worst) video_link=$(printf '%s' "$video_links" | head -n 1) ;; *) video_link=$(printf '%s' "$video_links" | grep -i "${quality}" | head -n 1) if [ -z "$video_link" ]; then err "Current video quality is not available (defaulting to best quality)" quality=best video_link=$(printf '%s' "$video_links" | head -n 4 | tail -n 1) fi ;; esac printf '%s' "$video_link" } # sets the video quality set_video_quality() { if ((IS_ROFI == 1)); then qualities="1. best|2. 1080p|3. 720p|4. 480p|5. 360p|6. worst" while IFS='|' read -ra quals; do for q in "${quals[@]}"; do if [[ "$(awk '{ print $NF }' <<< "$q")" == "$quality" ]]; then cur_quality="$((${q:0:1} - 1))" break fi done done <<< "$qualities" choice=$(rofi -dmenu -dpi "$DPI" -config "$ROFI_CFG" \ -theme-str 'listview {columns: 1;} window {width: 25%;}' \ -i -l 6 -no-custom -sep '|' -a "$cur_quality" -mesg "$(generate_span "Current quality: $quality")" \ -p "Choose quality:" -window-title 'aniwrapper' -selected-row "$cur_quality" <<< "$qualities") quality=$(awk '{ print $2 }' <<< "$choice") else qualities="best|1080p|720p|480p|360p|worst" prompt "Choose quality [$qualities]" read -r quality while [[ ! "$quality" =~ ($qualities) ]]; do lg "$quality not a valid quality" prompt "Choose quality [$qualities]" read -r quality done fi [ -z "$quality" ] && die "No quality selected" } get_dl_dir() { if ((IS_ROFI == 1)); then download_dir=$( rofi -dpi "$DPI" -dmenu -config "$ROFI_CFG" \ -theme-str 'listview {columns: 1;} window {width: 45%;}' \ -mesg "$(generate_span "Enter the path to the download directory, or leave blank to go with the default: $HOME/Videos/sauce/")" \ -l 1 -p "Enter download dir:" -window-title 'aniwrapper' ) else prompt "Enter download directory" read -r download_dir fi lg "Download dir: $download_dir" [ -z "$download_dir" ] && download_dir="$HOME/Videos/sauce/" if [ ! -d "$download_dir" ]; then mkdir -p "$download_dir" || die "Error creating directory: $download_dir" fi } dep_ch() { for dep; do if ! command -v "$dep" > /dev/null; then die "Program \"$dep\" not found. Please install it." fi done } # sends a notification to notify-send if available, else prints to stdout notification() { ((SILENT == 1)) && return 0 msg="$*" if command -v "notify-send" > /dev/null; then notify-send -i "$ANIWRAPPER_ICON_PATH" "$msg" else inf "$msg" fi } # generates a pre-styled span tag with the given msg generate_span() { msg="$*" span="<span foreground='#ecbe7b' style='italic' size='small'>$msg</span>" printf "%s\n" "$span" } # runs sql command on the history database run_stmt() { printf "%s\n" "$1" | sqlite3 -noheader -list "$HISTORY_DB" } # Return number of matches for anime/episode in db check_db() { case "$1" in directory) stmt="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM file_history WHERE directory = '$2';" ;; file) stmt="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM file_history WHERE directory = '$2' AND filename = '$3';" ;; search) stmt="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM search_history WHERE anime_name = '$2';" ;; watch | sync) stmt="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM watch_history WHERE anime_name = '$2' AND episode_number = '$3';" ;; anime) stmt="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM anime WHERE anime_name = '$2';" ;; esac res=$(run_stmt "$stmt") return "$res" } # return true (0) if $source_dt > $target_dt check_date() { source_dt="$1" target_dt="$2" if [[ "$source_dt" < "$target_dt" ]] || [[ "$source_dt" == "$target_dt" ]]; then return 1 else return 0 fi } # updates search/watch date for passed in anime update_date() { datetime=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') stmt="" case "$1" in directory) stmt="UPDATE file_history SET watch_date = '$datetime' WHERE directory = '$2' and filename = 'DIRECTORY';" ;; file) stmt="UPDATE file_history SET watch_date = '$datetime' WHERE directory = '$2' and filename = '$3';" ;; search) stmt="UPDATE search_history SET search_date = '$datetime' WHERE anime_name = '$2';" ;; sync) temp_dt="${3// /:}" [ -z "$temp_dt" ] && return 1 hist_dt=$(run_stmt "SELECT watch_date FROM watch_history WHERE anime_name='$2' AND episode_number='$3';") hist_dt="${hist_dt// /:}" if ! check_date "$hist_dt" "$temp_dt"; then lg "Passed in date is older or same than current date... doing nothing" return 1 fi stmt="UPDATE watch_history SET watch_date = '$temp_dt' WHERE anime_name = '$2' AND episode_number = $3;" ;; watch) stmt="UPDATE watch_history SET watch_date = '$datetime' WHERE anime_name = '$2' AND episode_number = $3;" ;; anime) return ;; esac lg "UPDATE STMT -> $stmt" run_stmt "$stmt" } # inserts into search/watch history db # check the anime_name/id insert_history() { datetime=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') lg "Checking if ($*) exists in db" if ! check_db "$@"; then lg "Match found... Updating row in history db..." update_date "$@" res=$? else lg "Row not found in DB... inserting" case "$1" in directory) stmt="INSERT INTO file_history(directory, filename, watch_date) VALUES('$2', 'DIRECTORY', '$datetime');" ;; file) stmt="INSERT INTO file_history(directory, filename, watch_date) VALUES('$2', '$3', '$datetime');" ;; search) stmt="INSERT INTO search_history(anime_name, search_date) VALUES('$2', '$datetime');" ;; watch) stmt="INSERT INTO watch_history(anime_name, episode_number, watch_date) VALUES('$2', '$3', '$datetime');" ;; sync) stmt="INSERT INTO watch_history(anime_name, episode_number, watch_date) VALUES('$2', '$3', '$4');" ;; anime) stmt="INSERT INTO anime(anime_name, start_episode, end_episode, data_date) VALUES('$2', $3, $4, '$datetime');" ;; esac lg "INSERT STATEMENT -> $stmt" run_stmt "$stmt" res=$? fi return $res } sync_search_history() { cnt=0 errs=0 while read -r line; do anime_name=$(awk -F '|' '{print $2}' <<< "$line") if sqlite3 -noheader "$HISTORY_DB" "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM search_history WHERE anime_name = '$anime_name'"; then search_date=$(awk -F '|' '{print $3}' <<< "$line") if ! sqlite3 "$HISTORY_DB" "INSERT INTO search_history(anime_name, search_date) VALUES('$anime_name', '$search_date')"; then ((++errs)) continue fi ((++cnt)) fi done < <(sqlite3 -list -noheader "$temp_db" "SELECT * FROM search_history") lg "$cnt rows inserted into search_history table" lg "$errs errors on insert" } sync_watch_history() { cnt=0 errs=0 while read -r line; do anime_name="${line/ //}" while read -r ep; do episode_num=$(awk -F '|' '{print $1}' <<< "$ep") watch_date=$(awk -F '|' '{print $NF}' <<< "$ep") if ! insert_history "sync" "$anime_name" "$episode_num" "$watch_date"; then ((++errs)) continue fi ((++cnt)) done < <(sqlite3 -list -noheader "$temp_db" "SELECT episode_number, watch_date FROM watch_history WHERE anime_name = '$anime_name'") done < <(sqlite3 -list -noheader "$temp_db" "SELECT anime_name FROM watch_history") lg "$cnt rows inserted into watch_history table" lg "$errs rows skipped on insert" } # opens the passed in file with $PLAYER_FN play_file() { lg "Checking if file is playable" if [[ "$1" =~ (\.mp4|\.mkv|\.ts|\.webm)$ ]]; then filename="${1##*/}" directory="${1%/*}" insert_history "file" "$directory" "$filename" notification "Playing $1" case "$PLAYER_FN" in mpv) nohup "$PLAYER_FN" --force-media-title="aniwrapper: play-from-file - $1" "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;; *) nohup "$PLAYER_FN" "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;; esac return $? else die "File: $1 is not playable... Quitting" fi } # gets the list of directories and playable files from the passed in directory # sets the $watched list to the list of watched files get_directory_data() { search_dir="$1" inputlist="" watched="" cnt=1 [ "$search_dir" = "/" ] && cnt=0 # account for no ../ on / for directory in "$1"/*; do directory="${directory##*/}" [ ! -d "$search_dir/$directory" ] && continue [ -z "$inputlist" ] && inputlist="$directory" || inputlist="$inputlist|$directory" if ! check_db "directory" "$search_dir/$directory"; then lg "$search_dir/$directory opened before... adding $cnt to list" 1> /dev/stderr [ -z "$watched" ] && watched="$cnt" || watched="$watched, $cnt" fi ((++cnt)) done shopt -s nullglob # set nullglob to avoid printing output if no files with extension exist shopt -s nocaseglob # case insensitive globbing for filename in "$search_dir"/*.{mp4,mkv,ts,mp3,webm}; do filename="${filename##*/}" [ -z "$inputlist" ] && inputlist="$filename" || inputlist="$inputlist|$filename" if ! check_db "file" "$search_dir" "$filename"; then lg "$filename watched before... adding $cnt to list" 1> /dev/stderr [ -z "$watched" ] && watched="$cnt" || watched="$watched, $cnt" fi ((++cnt)) done shopt -u nullglob shopt -u nocaseglob if [[ -n "$inputlist" && "$search_dir" != / ]]; then inputlist="../|$inputlist|Back|Quit" elif [[ -z "$inputlist" && "$search_dir" != / ]]; then inputlist="../|Back|Quit" elif [[ "$search_dir" = / ]]; then inputlist="$inputlist|Quit" else inputlist="Quit" fi lg "INPUT LIST: $inputlist" 1> /dev/stderr lg "WATCHED LIST: $watched" 1> /dev/stderr } # recursive function for finding path to video file given a starting directory find_media() { inp="$1" [ -z "$inp" ] && die "No directory" lg "BEGIN find_media() on $inp" 1> /dev/stderr # base case hit when a file is found if [ -f "$inp" ]; then printf "%s\n" "$inp" return 0 fi get_directory_data "$inp" selection="$(rofi -dpi "$DPI" -dmenu -no-custom -async-pre-read 33 -config "$ROFI_CFG" \ -l 15 -i -sep '|' -mesg "$(generate_span "Current directory: $inp")" -a "$watched" \ -p "Enter selection" -window-title 'aniwrapper' <<< "$inputlist")" [ -z "$selection" ] && return 1 case "$selection" in Back | ../) dotdotslash="${inp%/*}" [ -z "$dotdotslash" ] && dotdotslash="/" insert_history "directory" "$dotdotslash" find_media "$dotdotslash" ;; Quit) return 1 ;; *) if [ -d "$inp/$selection" ]; then insert_history "directory" "$inp/$selection" if [ "$inp" = "/" ]; then find_media "/$selection" else find_media "$inp/$selection" fi else find_media "$inp/$selection" fi ;; esac } # get the search query from user or from args get_search_query() { if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then query="${*// /-}" elif [ "$IS_ROFI" -eq 1 ]; then stmt="SELECT id || '. ' || anime_name FROM search_history ORDER BY search_date DESC;" msg="Choose from list of searched anime below, or enter a unique name of an anime to search for" query=$(rofi -dpi "$DPI" -dmenu -l 15 -p "Search Anime:" \ -mesg "$(generate_span "$msg")" \ -config "$ROFI_CFG" -window-title 'aniwrapper' < <(run_stmt "$stmt")) query="${query//[1-9]*\. /}" elif [ "$IS_ROFI" -eq 0 ]; then prompt "Search Anime" read -r query fi } # get anime name along with its id search_anime() { if [[ $# -gt 1 ]]; then # if multi-word query, concatenate into one string and replace spaces with '-' search="$*" search="${search// /-}" else # if one word, remove leading or trailing whitespace search="${1// /}" fi lg "Search Query: $search" curl -s "$BASE_URL/search.html" -G -d "keyword=$search" | sed -nE 's_^[[:space:]]*<a href="/videos/([^"]*)">_\1_p' } # only lets the user pass in case of a valid search process_search() { search_results=$(search_anime "$@") while [ -z "$search_results" ]; do extended_search_results=$(extended_search "$@") if [ -n "$extended_search_results" ]; then extended_search_results=$(printf '%s' "$extended_search_results" | head -n 1) search_results=$(search_anime "$extended_search_results") break fi err 'No search results found for '"$*"'' if [ "$IS_ROFI" -eq 1 ]; then stmt="SELECT id || '. ' || anime_name FROM search_history ORDER BY search_date DESC;" msg="Choose from list of searched anime below, or enter a unique name of an anime to search for" query=$(rofi -dpi "$DPI" -dmenu -l 15 -p "Search Anime:" \ -mesg "$(generate_span "$msg")" \ -config "$ROFI_CFG" -window-title 'aniwrapper' < <(run_stmt "$stmt")) query="${query//[1-9]*\. /}" else prompt "Search Anime" read -r query fi [ -z "$query" ] && return 1 search_results=$(search_anime "$query") done lg "Search Results: $search_results" printf '%s' "$search_results" } # searches on gogoanime (instead of gogoplay) because they index english titles extended_search() { indexing_url=$(curl -s -L -o /dev/null -w "%{url_effective}\n" https://gogoanime.cm) search=$(printf '%s' "$1" | tr ' ' '-') curl -s "$indexing_url//search.html" -G -d "keyword=$search" | sed -n -E 's_^[[:space:]]*<a href="/category/([^"]*)" title="([^"]*)".*_\1_p' } check_episode() { data=$(curl -s "$BASE_URL/videos/$1") if [ "$data" != "404" ]; then del=$(printf "%s" "$data" | grep -n "Latest Episodes" | cut -d ":" -f1) printf "%s" "$data" | sed "$del,$ d" | sed -nE "s_^[[:space:]]*<a href.*videos/${2}(.*)\">_\1_p" fi } search_eps() { anime_id=$1 lg "Searching for episodes of $anime_id" select_ep_result=$(check_episode "$anime_id-episode-1" "$anime_id" | sed -E 's/\-episode\-//') lg "Select Episode Result: $select_ep_result" FIRST_EP_NUMBER=$(printf "%s" "$select_ep_result" | tail -n 1) LAST_EP_NUMBER=$(printf "%s" "$select_ep_result" | head -n 1) lg "First episode: $FIRST_EP_NUMBER" lg "Last episode: $LAST_EP_NUMBER" } # Select anime from query results anime_selection() { search_results=$* if ((IS_ROFI == 1)); then menu="" searched="" cnt=0 while read -r anime_id; do anime_id=$(printf "%s" "$anime_id" | sed -E 's/\-episode\-.*//') [[ -z "$menu" ]] && menu="$((cnt + 1)). $anime_id" || menu="$menu|$((cnt + 1)). $anime_id" if ! check_db "search" "$anime_id"; then [[ -z "$searched" ]] && searched="$cnt" || searched="$searched, $cnt" fi ((++cnt)) done <<< "$search_results" menu="$menu|$((++cnt)). Search another anime|$((++cnt)). Quit" # get the anime from indexed list msg="$(generate_span "Query: $query")" selection="$(rofi -dpi "$DPI" -dmenu -no-custom \ -async-pre-read 33 -config "$ROFI_CFG" -l 15 -i -sep '|' \ -mesg "$msg" -a "$searched" -p "Enter selection" -window-title 'aniwrapper' <<< "$menu")" choice="${selection%%.*}" # remmove everything from . to end lg "CHOICE: $choice" if ((choice == cnt)); then die "Quitting" elif ((choice == --cnt)); then stream return $? fi else count=1 while read -r anime_id; do anime_id=$(printf "%s" "$anime_id" | sed -E 's/\-episode\-.*//') menu_line_alternate "$anime_id" "$count" : count=$((count += 1)) done <<< "$search_results" prompt "Enter choice" read -r choice fi # Check if input is a number [[ "$choice" -eq "$choice" ]] 2> /dev/null || die "Invalid number entered" count=1 while read -r anime_id; do if [[ "$count" -eq "$choice" ]]; then anime_id=$(printf "%s" "$anime_id" | sed -E 's/\-episode\-.*//') selection_id=$anime_id break fi count=$((count + 1)) done <<< "$search_results" [[ -z "$selection_id" ]] && die "Invalid number entered" insert_history "search" "$selection_id" & lg "Selection: $selection_id" search_eps "$anime_id" return 0 } # select episode from query results episode_selection() { ep_choice_start=1 if ((IS_ROFI == 1)); then lg "Anime ID: $anime_id" stmt="SELECT episode_number FROM watch_history WHERE anime_name = '$anime_id';" # Get Watch History for $anime_id as comma separated list watch_history="" while read -r i; do [[ -z "$watch_history" ]] && watch_history="$((--i))" || watch_history="$watch_history, $((--i))" done < <(run_stmt "$stmt") lg "Episode watch history -> $watch_history" # get user choice and set the start and end msg1="Anime Name: $anime_id" msg2="Range of episodes can be provided as: START_EPISODE - END_EPISODE" [[ "$is_download" -eq 1 ]] && msg=$(printf "%s\n%s" "$(generate_span "$msg1")" "$(generate_span "$msg2")") || msg=$(printf "%s\n" "$(generate_span "$msg1")") choice=$( seq "$FIRST_EP_NUMBER" "$LAST_EP_NUMBER" | rofi -dpi "$DPI" -dmenu -l 12 \ -theme-str 'window {width: 45%;}' \ -a "$watch_history" \ -p "Select Episode [$FIRST_EP_NUMBER, $LAST_EP_NUMBER]:" \ -mesg "$msg" -window-title 'aniwrapper' \ -config "$ROFI_CFG" ) ep_choice_start=$(printf '%s\n' "${choice}" | awk '{print $1}') ep_choice_end=$(printf '%s\n' "${choice}" | awk '{print $NF}') lg "START: $ep_choice_start | END: $ep_choice_end" elif [ -n "$LAST_EP_NUMBER" ]; then [[ "$is_download" -eq 1 ]] && inf "Range of episodes can be specified:" "start_number end_number" inf "Anime:" "$anime_id" prompt "Choose episode " "[$FIRST_EP_NUMBER-$LAST_EP_NUMBER]" read -r ep_choice_start ep_choice_end [[ -z "$ep_choice_end" ]] && ep_choice_end="$ep_choice_start" fi if (((ep_choice_start <= 0 || ep_choice_start > LAST_EP_NUMBER) || ep_choice_end < ep_choice_start || ep_choice_end > LAST_EP_NUMBER)); then die "Invalid episode/range entered: ep_start -> $ep_choice_start | ep_end -> $ep_choice_end" fi } open_episode() { anime_id=$1 episode=$2 ddir="$3" # Don't update watch history if downloading episode insert_history "watch" "$anime_id" "$episode" lg "Getting data for episode $episode" dpage_link=$(get_dpage_link "$anime_id-episode-" "$episode") if [[ -z "$dpage_link" ]]; then die "Could not get download page link" else video_url=$(get_video_quality "$dpage_link") fi lg "Download link: $dpage_link" lg "Video url: $video_url" if [ "$is_download" -eq 0 ]; then kill "$PID" > /dev/null 2>&1 case "$PLAYER_FN" in mpv) nohup "$PLAYER_FN" --referrer="$dpage_link" "$video_url" --force-media-title="aniwrapper: $anime_id E$(printf "%03d" "$episode")" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;; vlc) nohup "$PLAYER_FN" --play-and-exit --http-referrer="$dpage_link" "$video_url" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;; *) nohup "$PLAYER_FN" "$video_url" > /dev/null 2>&1 & # try to open with just the video url ;; esac PID=$! if command -v "notify-send" > /dev/null; then ((SILENT != 1)) && notify-send -i "$ANIWRAPPER_ICON_PATH" "Playing $anime_id - Episode $episode" else ((SILENT != 1)) && inf "Playing $anime_id - Episode $episode" fi else lg "Downloading episode $episode ..." dl_dir="${ddir// /}/$anime_id" episode=$(printf "%03d" "$episode") # add 0 padding to the episode name { mkdir -p "$dl_dir" || die "Could not create directory" if command -v "notify-send" > /dev/null; then if download "$dpage_link" "$video_url" "$anime_id" "$episode.mp4" "$dl_dir"; then ((SILENT != 1)) && notify-send -i "$ANIWRAPPER_ICON_PATH" "Download complete for ${anime_id//-/ } - Episode: $episode" else ((SILENT != 1)) && notify-send -i "$MAISAN_ICON_PATH" "Download failed for ${anime_id//-/ } - Episode: $episode. Please retry or check your internet connection" fi else if download "$dpage_link" "$video_url" "$anime_id" "$episode.mp4" "$dl_dir"; then ((SILENT != 1)) && inf "Download complete for" "${anime_id//-/ } - Episode $episode" else ((SILENT != 1)) && inf "Download failed for" "${anime_id//-/ } - Episode $episode, please retry or check your internet connection" fi fi } fi } stream() { lg "Running stream()" if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then get_search_query else get_search_query "$*" fi anime_id="${query// /}" [ -z "$anime_id" ] && die "No anime selected or queried" searched=0 lg "Checking if anime: $anime_id has been searched before..." if check_db "search" "$anime_id"; then lg "$anime_id has been searched before" search_results=$(process_search $query) # want word splitting to account for both input cases [ -z "$search_results" ] && die if ! anime_selection "$search_results"; then die "No anime selection found" fi else selection_id="$anime_id" insert_history "search" "$anime_id" & search_eps "$anime_id" fi episode_selection } parse_args() { scrape=query quality=best is_download=0 download_dir="." is_resume=0 while getopts 'd:Hsvq:cf:t:T:CQ:D:Sp:r' OPT; do case "$OPT" in d) is_download=1 download_dir="$OPTARG" lg "DOWNLOAD DIR: $download_dir" ;; r) is_resume=1 ;; H) scrape=history ;; s) scrape=sync ;; v) VERBOSE=1 ;; q) quality="$OPTARG" lg "passed in quality: $quality" ;; c) IS_ROFI=0 ;; f) scrape="file" play_dir="$OPTARG" [ "$play_dir" != "/" ] && play_dir="$(sed -E 's/\/$//' <<< "$play_dir")" # remove trailing slash... unless searching / for some reason ;; t) theme="$OPTARG" case "$theme" in aniwrapper | default) ROFI_THEME=aniwrapper.rasi ;; *) if [[ "$theme" =~ ($THEMES) ]]; then ROFI_THEME="aniwrapper-$theme.rasi" else die "Invalid theme: $theme. Please choose from: $THEMES" fi ;; esac lg "Setting theme for ani-cli -> $ROFI_THEME" ROFI_CFG="$CFG_DIR/themes/$ROFI_THEME" lg "ROFI_CFG: $ROFI_CFG" ;; T) ROFI_CFG="$OPTARG" [ ! -f "$ROFI_CFG" ] && die "$ROFI_CFG does not exist" lg "CUSTOM ROFI_CFG: $ROFI_CFG" ;; C) lg "Connecting to history database -> $CFG_DIR/history.sqlite3" sqlite3 "$CFG_DIR/history.sqlite3" exit $? ;; Q) query="$OPTARG" lg "DATABASE QUERY: $query" sqlite3 -line "$CFG_DIR/history.sqlite3" "$query" exit $? ;; D) DPI="$OPTARG" ;; S) SILENT=1 ;; p) PLAYER_FN="$OPTARG" if ! command -v "$PLAYER_FN" > /dev/null; then die "ERROR: $PLAYER_FN does not exist" fi ;; *) inf "Invalid option" exit 1 ;; esac done } main() { case $scrape in query) stmt="SELECT anime_name FROM watch_history ORDER BY watch_date DESC LIMIT 1;" ((is_resume == 1)) && anime="$(run_stmt "$stmt")" || anime="$*" if [ -z "$anime" ]; then stream else stream "$anime" fi ;; history) stmt="SELECT anime_name FROM search_history ORDER BY search_date DESC" search_results="$(run_stmt "$stmt")" [ -z "$search_results" ] && die "History is empty" if ! anime_selection "${search_results[@]}"; then die "No anime selected" fi lg "SELECTION: $selection_id" stmt="SELECT episode_number FROM watch_history WHERE anime_name = '$selection_id' ORDER BY watch_date DESC LIMIT 1;" ep_choice_start=$(run_stmt "$stmt") lg "Most recently watched episode: $ep_choice_start" ;; sync) prompt "Enter username for remote user" read -r username prompt "Enter host for remote user" read -r host connection_str="$username@$host" prompt "Enter port to connect to remote host with or leave blank for default (22)" read -r port [ -z "$port" ] && PORT=22 || PORT="$port" prompt "Enter path to private key (leave blank if unsure or not needed)" read -r key_path lg "Syncing database with: $connection_str on port $PORT" temp_db="/tmp/aniwrapper_tmp_history.sqlite3" if [[ -z "$key_path" ]]; then if ! scp -P "$PORT" "$connection_str:$HISTORY_DB" "$temp_db"; then die "Error getting database file from remote host" fi else if ! scp -P "$PORT" -i "$key_path" "$connection_str:$HISTORY_DB" "$temp_db"; then die "Error getting database file from remote host" fi fi sync_search_history && sync_watch_history exit $? ;; file) lg "STARTING DIR: $play_dir" [ ! -d "$play_dir" ] && die "$play_dir does not exist" insert_history "directory" "$play_dir" video_path="$(find_media "$play_dir")" retcode="$?" if [ "$retcode" -ne 0 ]; then die "QUITTING" elif [ -z "$video_path" ]; then die "Something went wrong getting path... path is empty" fi lg "VIDEO PATH: $video_path" play_file "$video_path" exit $? ;; esac check_input for ep in $episodes; do open_episode "$selection_id" "$ep" "$download_dir" done if [[ "$is_download" -eq 1 ]]; then lg "Finished downloading episodes: $episodes for $selection_id... exiting" exit 0 fi if ((SILENT != 1)); then episode=${ep_choice_end:-$ep_choice_start} choice='' while :; do inf "Currently playing $selection_id episode" "${episode// /}/$LAST_EP_NUMBER" ((episode != LAST_EP_NUMBER)) && menu_line_alternate "next episode" "n" ((episode != FIRST_EP_NUMBER)) && menu_line_alternate "previous episode" "p" ((FIRST_EP_NUMBER != LAST_EP_NUMBER)) && menu_line_alternate "select episode" "s" menu_line_alternate "replay current episode" "r" menu_line_alternate "search for another anime" "a" menu_line_alternate "download current episode" "d" menu_line_alternate "download current episode (with quality selection)" "D" menu_line_alternate "select video quality (current: $quality)" "Q" menu_line_strong "exit" "q" prompt "Enter choice" read -r choice case $choice in n) episode=$((episode + 1)) ;; p) episode=$((episode - 1)) ;; s) episode_selection episode=$ep_choice_start ;; r) episode=$((episode)) ;; a) stream episode=$ep_choice_start lg "NEW EPISODE: $selection_id - $episode" ;; Q) set_video_quality episode=$((episode)) ;; d) get_dl_dir is_download=1 break ;; D) get_dl_dir set_video_quality is_download=1 break ;; q) break ;; *) die "invalid choice" ;; esac open_episode "$selection_id" "$episode" "$download_dir" done fi } dep_ch "$PLAYER_FN" "curl" "sed" "grep" "sqlite3" "rofi" "git" "aria2c" "openssl" "ffmpeg" parse_args "$@" shift $((OPTIND - 1)) main "$@"