#!/usr/bin/env bash set -Eeo pipefail ############# # Globals # ############# CMD="/usr/bin/ani-cli" CFG_DIR="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/aniwrapper" CFG_FILE="$CFG_DIR/themes/aniwrapper.rasi" DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD="$HOME/Videos/sauce" ROFI_THEME="aniwrapper.rasi" THEMES="alter|aniwrapper|dracula|doomone|fancy|material|monokai|nord|nord2|onedark" QUALITIES="1. best|2. 1080p|3. 720p|4. 480p|5. 360p|6. worst" SUPPORTED_PLAYERS="mpv|vlc" QUALITY=best PLAYER_FN=mpv DPI=96 IS_AUTOPLAY=0 GET_QUALITY=0 IS_CUSTOM_THEME=0 IS_DOWNLOAD=0 IS_PLAY_FROM_FILE=0 IS_ROFI=1 IS_SYNC=0 IS_ALTERNATE_PLAYER=0 VERBOSE=0 SILENT=0 quit="8. Quit" options="1. Stream|2. Download|3. Continue|4. Recently Updated|5. Play from File|6. Sync History|7. Choose Theme|$quit" theme=default help_text() { while IFS= read -r line; do printf "%s\n" "$line" done <<< " Usage: aniwrapper [-adhpqSv] [-t | -T ] [] aniwrapper -f [-t | -T ] [-pSv] []\ aniwrapper -c [-dhpqSv] [] aniwrapper -Q aniwrapper -C Options: -a enable autoplay -c enable command-line mode (rofi disabled) -C connect to history database -d download episode in command-line mode -f (no trailing slash) specify starting directory for play for file mode -h show this help text -p enable player selection menu -q enable quality selection -Q query the history database -r start script in episode selection using the most recently watched anime -v verbose output -S silent mode (suppress output to stdout) [cannot be used with -v] -t change rofi theme -T specify custom rofi theme " } lg() { if ((VERBOSE)); then inf "$*" fi } # display an informational message (first argument in green, second in magenta) inf() { printf "\033[1;32m%s \033[1;35m%s\033[0m\n" "$1" "$2" } # prompts the user with message in $1-2 ($1 in blue, $2 in magenta) and saves the input to the variables in $REPLY and $REPLY2 prompt() { printf "\033[1;34m%s\033[1;35m%s\033[1;34m: \033[0m" "$1" "$2" } die() { printf "%s\n" "$*" exit 1 } quit() { ((SILENT != 1)) && lg 'Quitting...' exit 0 } run() { if ((!IS_PLAY_FROM_FILE && !IS_SYNC && GET_QUALITY)); then get_quality fi if ((IS_CUSTOM_THEME)); then args+=(-T"$CFG_FILE") elif ((!IS_CUSTOM_THEME)); then args+=(-t"$theme") fi $CMD "${args[@]}" -D"$DPI" "$@" } get_quality() { if ((IS_ROFI)); then selection=$(rofi -dpi "$DPI" -dmenu -config "$CFG_FILE" \ -l 6 -selected-row 0 -a 0 -window-title 'aniwrapper' \ -theme-str 'listview {columns: 1;} window {width: 25%;}' \ -p "Choose video quality:" \ -sep '|' -no-custom <<< "$QUALITIES") QUALITY=$(awk '{print $2}' <<< "$selection") else qualities="best|1080p|720p|480p|360p|worst" prompt "Choose quality " "[$qualities]" read -r QUALITY while [[ ! "$QUALITY" =~ ($qualities) ]]; do lg "$QUALITY not a valid quality -> [$qualities]" prompt "Choose quality " "[$qualities]" read -r QUALITY done fi lg "selected quality: $QUALITY" } # return the index in $THEMES of $ROFI_THEME get_theme_idx() { themeslist="aniwrapper-alter.rasi|aniwrapper.rasi|aniwrapper-dracula.rasi|aniwrapper-doomone.rasi|aniwrapper-fancy.rasi|aniwrapper-material.rasi|aniwrapper-monokai.rasi|aniwrapper-nord.rasi|aniwrapper-nord2.rasi|aniwrapper-onedark.rasi" idx=0 while IFS='|' read -ra themes; do for t in "${themes[@]}"; do if [[ "$t" == "$ROFI_THEME" ]]; then lg "theme -> $t | theme index -> $idx" > /dev/stderr printf "%s\n" "$idx" break fi ((++idx)) done done <<< "$themeslist" } # generates a span mesg for rofi given # input: message: str generate_span() { msg="$*" span="$msg" printf "%s\n" "$span" } set_theme() { new_theme="$1" case "$new_theme" in aniwrapper) ROFI_THEME=aniwrapper.rasi ;; *) ROFI_THEME="aniwrapper-$new_theme.rasi" ;; esac lg "Chosen theme -> $ROFI_THEME" CFG_FILE="$CFG_DIR/themes/$ROFI_THEME" } parse_args() { while getopts 'acCdD:f:hpqQ:rSt:T:v' OPT; do case "$OPT" in a) IS_AUTOPLAY=1 ;; c) IS_ROFI=0 lg "Command-line (ani-cli) mode set" ;; C) lg "Connecting to history database -> $CFG_DIR/history.sqlite3" sqlite3 "$CFG_DIR/history.sqlite3" exit $? ;; d) IS_DOWNLOAD=1 lg "Download flag set..." ;; D) DPI="$OPTARG" ;; f) IS_PLAY_FROM_FILE=1 play_path="$OPTARG" lg "Play from file flag set... skipping main menu" lg "PLAY_PATH: $play_path" ;; h) help_text exit 0 ;; p) IS_ALTERNATE_PLAYER=1 ;; q) GET_QUALITY=1 lg "Quality prompt enabled" ;; Q) query="$OPTARG" lg "DATABASE QUERY: $query" sqlite3 -line "$CFG_DIR/history.sqlite3" "$query" exit $? ;; r) IS_RESUME=1 lg "Selecting previously watched anime" ;; S) SILENT=1 ;; t) theme="$OPTARG" set_theme "$theme" ;; T) CFG_FILE="$OPTARG" [ ! -f "$CFG_FILE" ] && die "config file $CFG_FILE does not exist" IS_CUSTOM_THEME=1 ;; v) VERBOSE=1 ;; *) help_text exit 1 ;; esac done } get_player() { msg1="Choose from the supported players, or supply your own player command (full functionality not guaranteed)" msg2="if using an unsupported player, it must be able to play URLs for streaming from the internet" if ((IS_ROFI)); then PLAYER_FN=$( awk '{print $NF}' < <(rofi -dmenu -config "$CFG_FILE" -DPI "$DPI" \ -l 4 -theme-str 'listview {columns: 1;} window {width: 40%;}' \ -p "Enter video player:" -window-title 'aniwrapper' \ -mesg "$(printf "%s\n%s\n" "$(generate_span "$msg1")" "$(generate_span "$msg2")")" \ -a 0 -sep '|' <<< "$SUPPORTED_PLAYERS") ) else printf "%s\n%s\n" "$msg1" "$msg2" printf "%s\n" "SUPPORTED PLAYERS:" while IFS='|' read -ra players; do printf "%s\n" "${players[@]}" done <<< "$SUPPORTED_PLAYERS" prompt "Enter player" read -r PLAYER_FN fi [ -z "$PLAYER_FN" ] && PLAYER_FN=mpv if ! command -v "$PLAYER_FN" > /dev/null; then die "ERROR: $PLAYER_FN does not exist" fi } # Check passed in flags and set cli arguments check_flags() { if ((VERBOSE && SILENT)); then die "verbose and silent options cannot be used together" fi if ((IS_DOWNLOAD && IS_AUTOPLAY)); then die "autoplay and download options cannot be used together" fi if ((IS_DOWNLOAD && IS_PLAY_FROM_FILE)); then die "download and play from file options cannot be used together" fi if ((!IS_DOWNLOAD && IS_ALTERNATE_PLAYER)); then get_player lg "SELECTED PLAYER FN -> $PLAYER_FN" fi args=() if ((IS_AUTOPLAY)); then args+=(-a) fi if ((!IS_ROFI)); then args+=(-c) prompt "Enter download directory" read -r dl_dir lg "Download dir: $dl_dir" if [ ! -d "$dl_dir" ]; then mkdir -p "$dl_dir" || die "Error creating directory: $dl_dir" fi args+=(-d"$dl_dir") fi if ((IS_DOWNLOAD)); then args+=(-d "$DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD") fi if ((IS_PLAY_FROM_FILE)); then args+=(-f"$play_path") fi if ((IS_ALTERNATE_PLAYER)); then args+=(-p "$PLAYER_FN") fi if ((IS_RESUME)); then args+=(-r) fi if ((SILENT)); then args+=(-S) fi if ((IS_VERBOSE)); then args+=(-v) fi lg "ARGS: ${args[*]}" if ((IS_AUTOPLAY || IS_DOWNLOAD || !IS_ROFI || IS_RESUME || IS_PLAY_FROM_FILE)); then run "${args[@]}" "$@" exit $? fi } get_dl_dir() { dl_dir=$( rofi -dpi "$DPI" -dmenu -config "$CFG_FILE" \ -theme-str 'listview {columns: 1;} window {width: 45%;}' \ -mesg "$(generate_span "Enter the path to the download directory, or leave blank to go with the default: $HOME/Videos/sauce/")" \ -l 1 -p "Enter download dir:" -window-title 'aniwrapper' ) # if dl_dir is none set to current directory [ "$dl_dir" == "" ] && dl_dir="$DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD" if [ ! -d "$dl_dir" ]; then mkdir -p "$dl_dir" || die "Error creating directory: $dl_dir" fi } main() { ((!SILENT)) && lg "CONFIG DIR: $CFG_DIR" ((!SILENT)) && lg "ROFI CFG: $CFG_FILE" choice=$(echo "${options[@]}" | rofi -dpi "$DPI" -dmenu -no-custom -sep '|' \ -theme-str 'listview {columns: 2;} window {width: 45%;}' \ -config "$CFG_FILE" -l 4 -i -p "Aniwrapper" -window-title 'aniwrapper') [ "$choice" == "$quit" ] && quit selection=$(printf "%s\n" "$choice" | awk '{ print $1 }') case "$selection" in 1.) lg "Streaming mode" run ;; 2.) lg "Download anime" get_dl_dir && run -d "$dl_dir" ;; 3.) lg "Continue watching" run -H ;; 4.) lg "Showing recently updated anime" run -R ;; 5.) lg "Play from file selected" IS_PLAY_FROM_FILE=1 span=$(printf '%s\n%s\n' "$(generate_span "Provide a path to a valid directory, or choose from the list below")" "$(generate_span "The program will begin searching for media files from the supplied directory")") play_dir=$( rofi -dpi "$DPI" -dmenu -config "$CFG_FILE" \ -i -l 12 -mesg "$span" -p "Enter path to starting directory:" \ -async-pre-read 24 -matching 'fuzzy' -window-title 'aniwrapper' \ -sort -sorting-method fzf \ < <(sqlite3 -noheader -list "$CFG_DIR/history.sqlite3" <<< "SELECT directory FROM file_history WHERE filename = 'DIRECTORY' ORDER BY WATCH_DATE DESC;") ) # trim trailing whitespace play_dir="${play_dir%% }" lg "Play dir: $play_dir" if [ -z "$play_dir" ]; then mkdir -p "$DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD" || die "error creating default download directory" run -f"$DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD" else run -f"$play_dir" fi exit $? ;; 6.) lg "Sync history database" IS_SYNC=1 roficmd="rofi -dpi $DPI -dmenu -config $CFG_FILE -l 0 -p" username=$($roficmd "Enter the username of the remote user:" -theme-str 'window {width: 45%;}') [ -z "$username" ] && die "No username provided... exiting" host=$($roficmd "Enter the host for the remote machine (eg" -theme-str 'window {width: 45%;}') [ -z "$host" ] && die "No host provided... exiting" port=$($roficmd "Enter in the ssh port for remote machine or leave blank for default [22]:" -theme-str 'window {width: 45%;}') [ -z "$port" ] && port=22 keypath=$($roficmd "Enter path to private key (leave blank if not needed or if unsure):" -theme-str 'window {width: 45%;}') if ! printf "%s\n%s\n%d\n%s\n" "$username" "$host" "$port" "$keypath" | run -s; then lg "Aniwrapper was unable to sync the databases..." exit 1 else lg "Databases synced successfully" quit fi ;; 7.) [ -z "$THEMES" ] && die "No themes provided... exiting" theme_idx="$(get_theme_idx)" lg "Theme index: $theme_idx" lg "NUM THEMES: $NUM_THEMES" choice=$(rofi -dmenu -config "$CFG_FILE" -dpi "$DPI" -window-title 'aniwrapper' \ -theme-str 'listview {columns: 2;} window {width: 45%;}' \ -no-custom -l 5 -i -p "Choose theme: " -sep '|' \ -a "$theme_idx" -selected-row "$theme_idx" <<< "$THEMES") theme=$(awk '{ print $1 }' <<< "$choice") set_theme "$theme" main ;; 8.) quit ;; *) help_text ;; esac } parse_args "$@" shift $((OPTIND - 1)) if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then check_flags "$*" if ((!IS_DOWNLOAD)); then run "$*" elif ((IS_DOWNLOAD)); then get_dl_dir && run -d "$dl_dir" "$*" fi else check_flags main fi