#!/usr/bin/env bash AGENT="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:99.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/99.0" BASE_URL="https://animixplay.to" CFG_DIR="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/aniwrapper" JOBFILE="${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/aniwrapper-jobs" TMPDIR="${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/aniwrapper-temp" HISTORY_DB="$CFG_DIR/history.sqlite3" ROFI_CFG="$CFG_DIR/themes/aniwrapper.rasi" ROFI_THEME="aniwrapper.rasi" THEMES="alter|aniwrapper|dracula|doomone|fancy|material|monokai|nord|nord2|onedark" ANIWRAPPER_ICON_PATH="$CFG_DIR/icons/icon-64.png" MAISAN_ICON_PATH="$CFG_DIR/icons/MYsan.png" DPI=96 IS_ROFI=1 VERBOSE=0 SILENT=0 FIRST_EP_NUMBER=1 PLAYER_FN="mpv" PID=0 # display error message and exit die() { ((!SILENT)) && printf "\033[1;31m%s\033[0m\n" "$*" >&2 exit 1 } # display a log message if verbose mode is enabled lg() { ((VERBOSE)) && printf "\033[1;35m%s\033[0m\n" "$*" >&2 } # display an informational message (first argument in green, second in magenta) inf() { printf "\33[2K\r\033[1;35m%s \033[1;35m%s\033[0m\n" "$1" "$2" } progress() { ((!SILENT)) && printf "\33[2K\r\033[1;34m%s\033[0m\n" "$1" >&2 } # sends a notification to notify-send if available, else prints to stdout notification() { ((SILENT)) && return 0 msg="$*" if command -v "notify-send" > /dev/null; then notify-send -i "$ANIWRAPPER_ICON_PATH" "$msg" else inf "$msg" fi } # generates a pre-styled span tag with the given msg generate_span() { msg="$*" span="$msg" printf "%s\n" "$span" } # check if input is valid and assings value/range to episodes variable check_input() { if [[ -z "$ep_choice_start" ]] && [[ -z "$ep_choice_end" ]]; then die "No episode(s) selected" fi [ "$ep_choice_start" -eq "$ep_choice_start" ] 2> /dev/null || die "Invalid number entered: $ep_choice_start" episodes=$ep_choice_start if [ -n "$ep_choice_end" ]; then [ "$ep_choice_end" -eq "$ep_choice_end" ] 2> /dev/null || die "Invalid number entered: $ep_choice_end" episodes=$(seq "$ep_choice_start" "$ep_choice_end") fi } # download the episode # $1: dpage_link | $2: video_url | $3: anime_id | $4: episode | $5: download_dir download() { case $2 in *m3u8*) ffmpeg -loglevel error -stats -referer "$1" -i "$2" -c copy "$5/$4.mp4" ;; *) axel -a -k -n 10 --header=Referer:"$1" "$2" -o "$5/$4.mp4" ;; esac } generate_link() { case $1 in 1) provider_name='Xstreamcdn' progress "Fetching $provider_name links.." fb_id=$(printf "%s" "$resp" | sed -n "s_.*fembed.*/v/__p") refr="https://fembed-hd.com/v/$fb_id" [ -z "$fb_id" ] && return 0 result_links="$(curl -A "$AGENT" -s -X POST "https://fembed-hd.com/api/source/$fb_id" -H "x-requested-with:XMLHttpRequest" | sed -e 's/\\//g' -e 's/.*data"://' | tr "}" "\n" | sed -nE 's/.*file":"(.*)","label":"(.*)","type.*/\2>\1/p')" ;; 2) provider_name='Animixplay' progress "Fetching $provider_name Direct link.." refr="$BASE_URL" [ -z "$id" ] && return 0 enc_id=$(printf "%s" "$id" | base64) ani_id=$(printf "%sLTXs3GrU8we9O%s" "$id" "$enc_id" | base64) result_links="$(curl -s "$BASE_URL/api/live${ani_id}" -A "$AGENT" -I | sed -nE 's_location: (.*)_\1_p' | cut -d"#" -f2 | base64 -d)" ;; *) provider_name='Gogoanime' progress "Fetching $provider_name Direct link.." refr="https://goload.pro" [ -z "$id" ] && return 0 secret_key=$(printf "%s" "$resp" | sed -n '2p' | tr -d "\n" | od -A n -t x1 | tr -d " |\n") iv=$(printf "%s" "$resp" | sed -n '3p' | tr -d "\n" | od -A n -t x1 | tr -d " |\n") second_key=$(printf "%s" "$resp" | sed -n '4p' | tr -d "\n" | od -A n -t x1 | tr -d " |\n") token=$(printf "%s" "$resp" | head -1 | base64 -d | openssl enc -d -aes256 -K "$secret_key" -iv "$iv" | sed -nE 's/.*&(token.*)/\1/p') ajax=$(printf '%s' "$id" | openssl enc -e -aes256 -K "$secret_key" -iv "$iv" -a) data=$(curl -A "$AGENT" -s -H "X-Requested-With:XMLHttpRequest" "https://goload.pro/encrypt-ajax.php?id=${ajax}&alias=${id}&${token}" | sed -e 's/{"data":"//' -e 's/"}/\n/' -e 's/\\//g') result_links="$(printf '%s' "$data" | base64 -d 2> /dev/null | openssl enc -d -aes256 -K "$second_key" -iv "$iv" 2> /dev/null | sed -e 's/\].*/\]/' -e 's/\\//g' | grep -Eo 'https:\/\/[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=][a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&\/\/=]*')" ;; esac printf '%s' "$video_url" } get_video_quality_mp4() { case $quality in best) video_url=$(printf '%s' "$1" | tail -n 1 | cut -d">" -f2) ;; worst) video_url=$(printf '%s' "$1" | head -n 1 | cut -d">" -f2) ;; *) video_url=$(printf '%s' "$1" | grep -i "${quality}p" | head -n 1 | cut -d">" -f2) if [ -z "$video_url" ]; then err "Current video quality is not available (defaulting to best quality)" video_url=$(printf '%s' "$1" | tail -n 1 | cut -d">" -f2) fi ;; esac printf '%s' "$video_url" } get_video_quality_m3u8() { printf '%s' "$1" | grep -qE "manifest.*m3u.*" && video_url=$1 && return 0 m3u8_links=$(curl -A "$AGENT" -s --referer "$dpage_link" "$1") case $quality in best) res_selector=$(printf "%s" "$m3u8_links" | sed -nE 's_.*RESOLUTION=.*x([^,]*),.*_\1_p' | sort -nr | head -1) ;; worst) res_selector=$(printf "%s" "$m3u8_links" | sed -nE 's_.*RESOLUTION=.*x([^,]*),.*_\1_p' | sort -nr | tail -1) ;; *) res_selector=$quality if ! (printf '%s' "$m3u8_links" | grep -q "$quality,"); then err "Current video quality is not available (defaulting to best quality)" res_selector=$(printf "%s" "$m3u8_links" | sed -nE 's_.*RESOLUTION=.*x([^,]*),.*_\1_p' | sort -nr | head -1) fi ;; esac video_url=$(printf '%s' "$m3u8_links" | sed -n "/$res_selector,/{n;p;}" | tr -d '\r') printf "%s" "$m3u8_links" | grep -q "http" || video_url="$(printf "%s" "$1" | sed 's|[^/]*$||')$video_url" || true } # chooses the link for the set quality get_video_link() { dpage_url="$1" id=$(printf "%s" "$dpage_url" | sed -nE 's/.*id=(.*)&title.*/\1/p') #multiple sed are used (regex seperated by ';') for extracting only required data from response of embed url resp="$(curl -A "$AGENT" -s "https://goload.pro/streaming.php?id=$id" | sed -nE 's/.*class="container-(.*)">/\1/p ; s/.*class="wrapper container-(.*)">/\1/p ; s/.*class=".*videocontent-(.*)">/\1/p ; s/.*data-value="(.*)">.*/\1/p ; s/.*data-status="1".*data-video="(.*)">.*/\1/p')" provider=1 [ -n "$select_provider" ] && provider="$select_provider" i=0 while [ "$i" -lt 3 ] && [ -z "$result_links" ]; do generate_link "$provider" provider=$((provider % 3 + 1)) : $((i += 1)) done if printf '%s' "$result_links" | grep -q "m3u8"; then get_video_quality_m3u8 "$result_links" else video_url=$(get_video_quality_mp4 "$result_links") fi unset result_links } dep_ch() { for dep; do if ! command -v "$dep" > /dev/null; then die "Program \"$dep\" not found. Please install it." fi done } # get anime name along with its id search_anime() { if [[ $# -gt 1 ]]; then # if multi-word query, concatenate into one string and replace spaces with '-' search="$*" search="${search// /-}" else # if one word, remove leading or trailing whitespace search="${1// /}" fi lg "Search Query: $search" curl -s "https://gogoanime.lu//search.html?keyword=$search" -L | sed -nE 's_^[[:space:]]*$_\1_p' } # only lets the user pass in case of a valid search process_search() { progress "Searching $query.." search_results=$(search_anime "$query") [ -z "$search_results" ] && die 'No search results found' lg "Search Results: $search_results" printf "%s\n" "$search_results" } episode_list() { select_ep_result=$(curl -A "$AGENT" -s "$BASE_URL/v1/$1" | sed -nE "s_.*epslistplace.*>(.*)_\1_p" | tr "," "\n" | sed -e '/extra/d' -e '/PV/d' | sed -nE 's_".*":"(.*)".*_\1_p') FIRST_EP_NUMBER=1 [ -z "$select_ep_result" ] && LAST_EP_NUMBER=0 || LAST_EP_NUMBER=$(printf "%s\n" "$select_ep_result" | wc -l) lg "First Ep #: $FIRST_EP_NUMBER | Last Ep #: $LAST_EP_NUMBER" } open_episode() { anime_id="$1" episode="$2" ddir="$3" tput clear progress "Loading episode $episode of $anime_id" insert_history "watch" "$anime_id" "$episode" dpage_link=$(printf "%s" "$select_ep_result" | sed -n "${episode}p") lg "dpage_link: $dpage_link" if [[ -z "$dpage_link" ]]; then die "Could not get download page link" else get_video_link "$dpage_link" fi lg "Video url: $video_url" [ -z "$video_url" ] && die "Video URL not found" [ ! "$PID" = "0" ] && kill "$PID" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$is_download" -eq 0 ]; then lg "PLAYING: $video_url with player: $PLAYER_FN" case "$PLAYER_FN" in mpv) nohup "$PLAYER_FN" "$video_url" --referrer="$refr" --force-media-title="aniwrapper: $anime_id E$(printf "%03d" "$episode")" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;; vlc) nohup "$PLAYER_FN" --play-and-exit --http-referrer="$refr" "$video_url" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;; *) nohup "$PLAYER_FN" "$video_url" > /dev/null 2>&1 & # try to open with just the video url ;; esac PID=$! if command -v "notify-send" > /dev/null; then ((!SILENT)) && notify-send -i "$ANIWRAPPER_ICON_PATH" "Playing $anime_id - Episode $episode" else ((!SILENT)) && inf "Playing $anime_id - Episode $episode" fi if ((is_autoplay)); then lg "Waiting for video to finish playing..." wait "$PID" if ((episode + 1 <= LAST_EP_NUMBER)) && continue_watching; then open_episode "$anime_id" "$((episode + 1))" "$ddir" else exit 0 fi fi else lg "Downloading episode $episode ..." dl_dir="${ddir// /}/$anime_id" episode=$(printf "%03d" "$episode") # add 0 padding to the episode name { mkdir -p "$dl_dir" || die "Could not create directory" if command -v "notify-send" > /dev/null; then if download "$refr" "$video_url" "$anime_id" "$episode" "$dl_dir"; then ((!SILENT)) && notify-send -i "$ANIWRAPPER_ICON_PATH" "Download complete for ${anime_id//-/ } - Episode: $episode" else ((!SILENT)) && notify-send -i "$MAISAN_ICON_PATH" "Download failed for ${anime_id//-/ } - Episode: $episode. Please retry or check your internet connection" fi else if download "$refr" "$video_url" "$anime_id" "$episode" "$dl_dir"; then ((!SILENT)) && inf "Download complete for" "${anime_id//-/ } - Episode $episode" else ((!SILENT)) && inf "Download failed for" "${anime_id//-/ } - Episode $episode, please retry or check your internet connection" fi fi } fi } stream() { lg "Running stream()" if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then get_search_query else get_search_query "$*" fi anime_id="$query" [ -z "$anime_id" ] && die "No anime selected or queried" searched=0 lg "Checking if anime: $anime_id has been searched before..." if ! check_db "search" "$anime_id"; then lg "$anime_id has been searched before" selection_id="$anime_id" insert_history "search" "$anime_id" & episode_list "$anime_id" else search_results=$(process_search $query) # want word splitting to account for both input cases [ -z "$search_results" ] && die if ! anime_selection "$search_results"; then die "No anime selection found" fi fi if (((FIRST_EP_NUMBER == LAST_EP_NUMBER && (FIRST_EP_NUMBER == 0 || FIRST_EP_NUMBER == 1)))); then ep_choice_start=1 else episode_selection fi } parse_args() { download_dir="." scrape=query quality=best is_download=0 is_resume=0 is_autoplay=0 while getopts 'ad:Hsvq:cf:t:T:CQ:D:Sp:P:rR' OPT; do case "$OPT" in a) is_autoplay=1 ;; d) is_download=1 download_dir="$OPTARG" lg "DOWNLOAD DIR: $download_dir" ;; r) is_resume=1 ;; R) scrape=recent ;; H) scrape=history ;; s) scrape=sync ;; v) VERBOSE=1 ;; q) quality="$OPTARG" lg "passed in quality: $quality" ;; c) IS_ROFI=0 ;; f) scrape="file" play_dir="$OPTARG" [ "$play_dir" != "/" ] && play_dir="$(sed -E 's/\/$//' <<< "$play_dir")" # remove trailing slash... unless searching / for some reason . "$CFG_DIR/lib/ani-cli/UI-play" || die "UI-play file not found" lg "play UI loaded" ;; t) theme="$OPTARG" case "$theme" in aniwrapper | default) ROFI_THEME=aniwrapper.rasi ;; *) if [[ "$theme" =~ ($THEMES) ]]; then ROFI_THEME="aniwrapper-$theme.rasi" else die "Invalid theme: $theme. Please choose from: $THEMES" fi ;; esac lg "Setting theme for ani-cli -> $ROFI_THEME" ROFI_CFG="$CFG_DIR/themes/$ROFI_THEME" lg "ROFI_CFG: $ROFI_CFG" ;; T) ROFI_CFG="$OPTARG" [ ! -f "$ROFI_CFG" ] && die "$ROFI_CFG does not exist" lg "CUSTOM ROFI_CFG: $ROFI_CFG" ;; C) lg "Connecting to history database -> $CFG_DIR/history.sqlite3" sqlite3 "$CFG_DIR/history.sqlite3" exit $? ;; Q) query="$OPTARG" lg "DATABASE QUERY: $query" sqlite3 -line "$CFG_DIR/history.sqlite3" "$query" exit $? ;; D) DPI="$OPTARG" ;; S) SILENT=1 ;; p) PLAYER_FN="$OPTARG" if ! command -v "$PLAYER_FN" > /dev/null; then die "ERROR: $PLAYER_FN does not exist" fi ;; P) select_provider="$OPTARG" provider_begin=1 provider_end=3 ((select_provider < provider_begin || select_provider > provider_end)) && die "Invalid provider: $select_provider" ;; *) inf "Invalid option" exit 1 ;; esac done } show_menu() { if ((!SILENT)); then episode=${ep_choice_end:-$ep_choice_start} choice='' while :; do inf "Currently playing $selection_id episode" "${episode// /}/$LAST_EP_NUMBER" ((episode != LAST_EP_NUMBER)) && menu_line_alternate "next episode" "n" ((episode != FIRST_EP_NUMBER)) && menu_line_alternate "previous episode" "p" ((FIRST_EP_NUMBER != LAST_EP_NUMBER)) && menu_line_alternate "select episode" "s" menu_line_alternate "replay current episode" "r" menu_line_alternate "search for another anime" "a" menu_line_alternate "download current episode" "d" menu_line_alternate "download current episode (with quality selection)" "D" menu_line_alternate "select video quality (current: $quality)" "Q" menu_line_strong "exit" "q" prompt "Enter choice" read -r choice case $choice in n) episode=$((episode + 1)) ;; p) episode=$((episode - 1)) ;; s) episode_selection episode=$ep_choice_start ;; r) episode=$((episode)) ;; a) stream [ -z "$ep_choice_start" ] && die "No episode selected" episode=$ep_choice_start lg "New selection: $selection_id - $episode" ;; Q) set_video_quality episode=$((episode)) ;; d) get_dl_dir is_download=1 ;; D) get_dl_dir set_video_quality is_download=1 ;; q) break ;; *) die "invalid choice" ;; esac open_episode "$selection_id" "$episode" "$download_dir" done fi } main() { case $scrape in query) stmt="SELECT anime_name FROM watch_history ORDER BY watch_date DESC LIMIT 1;" ((is_resume)) && anime="$(run_stmt "$stmt")" || anime="$*" if [ -z "$anime" ]; then stream else stream "$anime" fi ;; history) stmt="SELECT anime_name FROM search_history ORDER BY search_date DESC" search_results="$(run_stmt "$stmt")" [ -z "$search_results" ] && die "History is empty" if ! anime_selection "${search_results[@]}"; then die "No anime selected" fi lg "SELECTION: $selection_id" stmt="SELECT episode_number FROM watch_history WHERE anime_name = '$selection_id' ORDER BY watch_date DESC LIMIT 1;" ep_choice_start=$(run_stmt "$stmt") lg "Most recently watched episode: $ep_choice_start" ;; sync) prompt "Enter username for remote user" read -r username prompt "Enter host for remote user" read -r host connection_str="$username@$host" prompt "Enter port to connect to remote host with or leave blank for default (22)" read -r port [ -z "$port" ] && PORT=22 || PORT="$port" prompt "Enter path to private key (leave blank if unsure or not needed)" read -r key_path lg "Syncing database with: $connection_str on port $PORT" temp_db="/tmp/aniwrapper_tmp_history.sqlite3" if [[ -z "$key_path" ]]; then if ! scp -P "$PORT" "$connection_str:$HISTORY_DB" "$temp_db"; then die "Error getting database file from remote host" fi else if ! scp -P "$PORT" -i "$key_path" "$connection_str:$HISTORY_DB" "$temp_db"; then die "Error getting database file from remote host" fi fi sync_search_history && sync_watch_history exit $? ;; file) lg "STARTING DIR: $play_dir" [ ! -d "$play_dir" ] && die "$play_dir does not exist" insert_history "directory" "$play_dir" video_path="$(find_media "$play_dir")" retcode="$?" if [ "$retcode" -ne 0 ]; then die elif [ -z "$video_path" ]; then die "Something went wrong getting path... path is empty" fi lg "VIDEO PATH: $video_path" play_file "$video_path" exit $? ;; recent) # get list of recently added anime from $BASE_URL lg "Getting list of recently added anime" recently_updated="$(curl -A "$AGENT" -s "$BASE_URL" | grep -oE '/v1/([^"]*)' | sed -E 's/\/v1\///')" while read -r updated_episode; do anime_name="${updated_episode%%/*}" lg "ANIME NAME: $anime_name" if ! check_db "search" "$anime_name"; then stmt="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM watch_history WHERE anime_name = '$anime_name' AND episode_number = '${updated_episode##*/ep}';" lg "QUERY: $stmt" if [[ "$(run_stmt "$stmt")" -ne 0 ]]; then lg "$updated_episode watched before... adding to watched list" [[ -z "$watched" ]] && watched="$cnt" || watched="$watched, $cnt" fi fi ((++cnt)) done <<< "$recently_updated" selection="$(rofi -dpi "$DPI" -dmenu -no-custom -config "$ROFI_CFG" \ -l 15 -a "$watched" -i -p "Enter selection" -async-pre-read 30 \ -window-title 'aniwrapper' <<< "$recently_updated")" if [ -z "$selection" ]; then die "No selection made" fi lg "SELECTION: $selection" # get everything before -episode- selection_id="${selection%%/*}" # get everything after -episode- ep_choice_start="${selection##*/ep}" episode_list "$selection_id" ;; esac check_input for ep in $episodes; do open_episode "$selection_id" "$ep" "$download_dir" sleep 2 done if ((is_download)); then lg "Finished downloading episodes: $episodes for $selection_id... exiting" exit 0 elif ((!is_autoplay)); then show_menu fi } progress "Checking dependencies..." dep_ch "$PLAYER_FN" "curl" "sed" "grep" "sqlite3" "rofi" "git" "axel" "openssl" "ffmpeg" parse_args "$@" shift $((OPTIND - 1)) lg "db library loaded" if ((IS_ROFI)); then . "$CFG_DIR/lib/ani-cli/UI-ROFI" || die "No UI file" lg "rofi UI loaded" else . "$CFG_DIR/lib/ani-cli/UI" || die "No UI file" lg "command-line UI loaded" fi . "$CFG_DIR/lib/ani-cli/db" || die "Error loading db library" main "$@"